General Discussion

General DiscussionMy fellow meepo players...(question about build)

My fellow meepo players...(question about build) in General Discussion

    The way I see Meepo played by pretty much everybody is Power treads first. When i first started playing him I tried it a few times, and couldnt get the feel for it.

    How I prefer to play him is by picking up BoTs first, then goingfor blink and aghs and the luxury items. I find that the ability to tp anywhere helps me much more. Global ganking power, faster movement speed, powerful split pushing...all by the 8 minute mark.

    So if you like treads...why? the stats and the attack speed bonus are minimal. what is it about treads that make them a recommended item?

    Giff me Wingman

      the stats and the attack speed bonus are minimal. what is it about treads that make them a recommended item?

      - Make lobby, lvlup to 25, go attack roshan with Boots of travel, take the time on how long it takes to kill him.
      - Make Lobby, lvlup to 25, go attack roshan with Power Threads on Agility, take the time on how long it takes to kill him.
      - Apologize for being trash and making idiotic statements without even testing
      - Worship me for being filthy meepo spammer.


        Well point is that people often dont know how to shut down meepo. If they shut u down while u are farming up your travels, it may end as a disaster. PT is cheaper and gives pretty much everything u need to come online asap. U will see the difference when u reach Very High Skill bracket on ranked. Killing is easier with PT in early game since your reach lvl 3.

        U have high WR with him, but no games on Very High Skill Bracket on ranked. That pretty much says all.

        Travels into blink is extremely situational - u should not go for this build as a pos 1 meepo if u dont have any other carry in team. If you're pos 2 meepo feel free to buy anything u want. But as a pos 1 for me it goes like this:

        Starting items:
        Brown boots + healing salve

        1) Free farm and team dont need me - i rush scepter and have it by the minute 11-12. Very important to stack camps with second meepo. Then group up in twos and farm jungle. By the minute 16-17 u should have treads, scepter, blink dagger and then it depends whether go skadi or schyte of vise.

        2) Free farm but your team is losing. With brown boots as 1st item u should finish PT by the minute 3 !! Then rush blink to comeback. Very risky.

        3) Average farm, average game - PT by the minute 4, then scepter by 15 min and blink by 20

        4) You are getting your ass kicked ? Well that should not happen cos u should pick meepo as the last one guy to avoid being counterpicked.

        BoT IMO is a late game story. Meepo has a time window to win the game. U need big firepower asap. So the most cost-effective items.


          You go Travel when u have advantage or u feel like the game is going to be ez. But for safer route i guess PT is a better choice, and why would u buy blink 1st rather than Aghs? with aghs u farm like a mad man. ty, me nub no h8 pls.

          Giff me Wingman

            How the hell do you need 5mins to farm a blink, dafaq. Looking at ur meepo games, u rly suck at farming with that hero.

            BoT is only good if you are behind and need to rat ur way out, either that or you need a team u can work with. Also Blink first can lead you to snowball out of control, it's nto bad, but it also requires a team.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Well i get that they're cheaper. But if i go mid (as i usually do) i get travels fast i send one meepo back to base while the main one farms. if im close to death i send the other one in.

              if i pull off ganks the right way i get my boots of travels at around the 6.5-7 minute mark. if im safelane meepo my farm is safer ('cuz of the jungle), but i end up getting the boots at the 7-8 minute mark regardless. then with my global farming/pushing/ganking power is made stronger, and i snowball.

              @my team
              like i said, treads give you a tiny advantage. but boots shouldnt be the only thing that defines how hard you hit, and the utility you get from BoT trumps the minor right-click power you get in the early game (when you have 2-3 meepos anyway, so it doesnt matter). in the early game poof and earthbind is enough to kill most supports or agi carries. minor right-click and stat bonuses are nice, but i think the boots are better.

              @ lex

              for me it's:

              1) farm in my lane: whether im mid or safe, im farming. if im mid i use runes to gank for more farm. if i'm safelane i jungle like a beast. boots of travel early on, typically around 7-8 minutes (my personal best was 5 minutes)

              2) GAAAAAAAAANK! If i see a lane where i can do something, i tp there. pull off a few kills, get a few creep waves nuked, and get blink at around 13-14 minutes. scepter at 20-23

              3) mid-late game. farm up scythe by joining fights or jungling. eventually pick up ac, then either e-blade heart skadi or a double item (2 hearts for insane tankiness. 2 e-blades for massive right-click)

              i push whenever i can, i have my meepos split up into groups and wipe the jungle when things are calm. i ward somtimes when my team sucks.

              maybe its my playstyle. i personally like being everywhere and being involved with everything. it lets me get to 25 faast, and the kills are nice. treads just never appealed, since playing with treads is vastly different.


                so basically you go BoT into blink? so at 5k networth u still have 0 items giving u attributes on meepo? u gotta love living dangerously, fellow.


                  well its not that bad when you play meepo. before aghs attributes only REALLY help meepo prime, and the extreme amount of mobility is too good to pass up.

                  it gives me so much potential. i become a ganker/carry/disabler/initiator/pusher/nuker with a huge escape. without the boots of travel i can push or escape or gank as well, and without blink my initiation and gank power are a little weakened.

                  plus by the time i have blink i usually have at least 3 or 4 kills. if im behind on farm i jungle until things calm down.

                  idk. it's always worked for me. i'm not ruling out any items at all, im just confused by the power treads.


                    "anything works in normal skill" is an old meme, but I guess it is viable here.
                    if your enemies were any good, it would not work. going for dagger before aghs is extremely risky, and given that you purchase BoT first, blink is also delayed. such an itembuild is never optimal imo.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    on our way.

                      The only viable builds are:

                      1) Treads --> Blink
                      2) Treads --> Scepter --> Blink
                      3) BoT --> Scepter


                        @triple well i dont go for blink before aghs every time. it usually depends on who im against. ive played some scrimages against proper teams, and it tends to work. everyone always ends up turning to "well you're normal skill" when theyre out of stuff to say. with proper map awareness on my end, good teammates, and me being where i need to be, i fail to see how this build wouldnt be viable.

                        the order of the items ends up mattering very little, and in reality i could go either way. the treads vs BoT was what i was focusing on

                        also "my 245 meepo games in normal skill trumps the 2 meepo games you played almost a year ago" works...if we're going to make this about that

                        @dream why bother to even post at all if you're not going to elaborate?

                        BoT/scepter/blink is what eventually happens. if i get blink first and i use it to get some easy kills, i get the full thing at the 20-23 minute mark. if i go scepter first, i have to do quite a bit more to set up kills before and after the scepter purchase, and therefore i end up getting the full thing at 20-23 minutes anyway. the order of the items doesnt matter, and saying "only this is viable" is stupid.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          it is not that im outta things to say, dude, neither I try to offend you.
                          just in higher brackets (i mean above 5k) ppl never do it cz it never works.
                          besides mentioned, u cant make use of early BoTs due to lack of farm potential - you got just 2-3 meepos with poor stats, and there is at least 1 more core which needs farm on at least one lane, and then there is at least one offlane (kek) which is controlled by the enemy team and u cant farm there, etc.


                            i asked him to post because he is 6.3k :s

                            basically if you go travels blink, the problem is that you will only have 2 meepos at that time and you cant kill people fast enough (additionally since you dont have the stats of treads). you also cant fight well since you dont have the hp boost from treads. when you have 2/3 meepos and travel : cant take fight due to lack of stats. cant pick off fast enough before tp reaction due to lack of dps and meepos. split push weaker than aghs aft bot

                            also travels first is more split push and focuses on farming the jungle , which the aghs build complements.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              i used to go travels first all the time. (also mid)
                              to the point i was stubborn to ever change my build and always go for travels no matter what. you snowball the fastest with them, but there's a downside as well.

                              and treads boost your dps by a lot. you can tell the difference even with 2 meepos. you use all the attributes from treads, and aghs boosts them twice.

                              dagger before aghs only if you really want to kill certain heroes with it (qop, brood, am) otherwise its not worth it.

                              roshing with travels also takes forever.


                                i can use boots of travels fine from the mid lane. i tp wherever there's help needed. i pressure everywhere. i get into a fight, then tp home and go straight to another lane before the enemy

                                once again, the blink is slightly less important, since i can go either way. i was focusing on the treads vs travels.

                                and i typically dont rosh until later on anyway. i used to back when vlads was a little more powerful and rosh didnt slam the ground like an infant

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  when it goes well you're fine, when it goes bad having naked travels makes you unable to fight in most cases.

                                  for comparison purposes you have meepo with bot and bottle, and meepo with bottle treads and point booster.

                                  hp difference is huge that early on.


                                    also you can rosh with meepo as soon as you get aghs.


                                      i guess that makes sense. i've built treads in 2 games recently, and they didnt go well. ill just need to adjust my playstyle i guess. thanks

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        Manta is good for Meepo xd

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          "@my team
                                          like i said, treads give you a tiny advantage. but boots shouldnt be the only thing that defines how hard you hit, and the utility you get from BoT trumps the minor right-click power you get in the early game (when you have 2-3 meepos anyway, so it doesnt matter). in the early game poof and earthbind is enough to kill most supports or agi carries. minor right-click and stat bonuses are nice, but i think the boots are better."

                                          Like i said, go fucking test it urself. The difference in DPS is insane, but since you are 1k trash you refuse to test it out and make false assumptions. way to go trashcan.


                                            ^My team..your team
                                            I feel quite offended.

                                            My last 8 games:

                                            568 gpm - win
                                            733 - win
                                            755 - win
                                            764- win
                                            623 - win
                                            534- lost
                                            780 - win
                                            624 - win

                                            And yes it takes for me something like 4-5 minutes to farm blink dagger from having approximately 100 gold. I dont understand your irony whether its fast or not, but i dont give a damn. IMO its ok.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              pls blunt sama... have mercy


                                                so many dogshit meepo players arguing about who is less skilled

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Why is this dogshit timber player posting shit?




                                                      waku waku

                                                        don't bully triple-senpai

                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          can i bully u instead?


                                                            im wondering, if u fight, are u going to use ur anime pillows and call e.o. "BAKA"?

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              I happen to like anime, I'm not a Weaboo tho. I don't start talking japanese to people, nor do i have some weird collection or scary ass pillows.


                                                                just the fact that u argue in a non-sarcastic way bout that shows how close you are to become a real weaboo ^_^

                                                                "i dont start talking japanese to people" - so u actually know it? thats cool, its a nice language to learn imo. its useful and demanded all over the world nowadays.

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  I can't speak fokken japanese. If i would learn an other language, that would be russian, just to be able to tell my russian comrads why they suck.


                                                                    37 minutes 154 LH. Alright, ill do my meepo on Sunday

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Dude, you do realize that he has 900 solo mmr right?