General Discussion

General DiscussionTo whoever watches TNC against Signature Trust

To whoever watches TNC against Signature Trust in General Discussion

    What was this glimpse and why did it work this way? What's the intuition behind this bug? Why was a gyro who bought back and tped on his t3 glimpsed into the middle of the map?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      There are 4 types of dispel and they are as follows: normal, strong, spell immunity, death. Debuffs interact differently with them and you can find those tables on dotapedia. Particularly answering to your question, there are some notorious debuffs which cannot be dispelled even by death, glimpse being one of them. When you die and instantly resurrect (can also be done with charged bloodstone), glimpse still affects you. If the blue lightning ball has not reached destination point, you will be moved


        nah, u misssunderstood me
        gyro died, bought back ~20 seconds later and tped to his own t3. immediatly after that he was glimpsed by disruptor, and he went to the middle of the map for some reason.


          The middle of the map is 0,0 I believe. Quite a few bugs end up with things appearing there. There was a ward one recently.


            just reborn things ^_^


              well same tends to happen when u cast remote mine as techies, get interrupted (mini stunned) during cast, cast it anywaay, and no matter where u casted the mine it will spawn in the middle


                I don't know what happened there, but from my guess the events were like this:

                1)gyro was in the middle of the map
                2)gyro died 1 second later
                3)gyro buybacked and immediately tped
                4)gyro got glimpsed to the middle of the map

                basically, glimpse counts only the time when you're alive (you aren't on the map when you're dead)
                so between points 1 and 4 was 4 second time when gyro lived - not counting the time spent dead

                it's similar to weaver's timelapse
                try to dive to fountain to get bursted in less than 5 (i think?) seconds, then you can either wait to respawn or buyback and immediately timelapse. You'll appear in front of enemy fountain.


                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  as far as i remember, when i revived and imnmediately tped to lane, glimpse used to send me back to base even tho less than 4 secs passed since i revived.


                    i remember watching some video back in 6.83 where Era on troll warlord got killed twice in a row like that on mid

                    he was fighting on the enemy side of the river, died, then respawned and tped immediately and the glimpse sent him to the enemy side of the river again

                    though i can't find era playing troll anywhere (on datdota at least) so it might be someone else or i just had one of those dreams that look real :horse:


                      "as far as i remember, when i revived and imnmediately tped to lane, glimpse used to send me back to base even tho less than 4 secs passed since i revived."

                      nope it doesnt work that way, more than 4 seconds must have passed

                      a popular troll tactic back before the fountain became high ground was to sneak a disruptor into the enemy fountain smoked up or w/e, put a ward inside and glimpse the enemy carry when he respawns while the team camps his death location

                      your hero unit stays at the death position until you respawn (the model is literally there, with a modified Z-axis position - this is obvious when you respawn (sometimes the hero model flashes at the death place) or when a hero dies near the Dire ancient before the game ends, with the corpse being revealed by the gaping hole)


                        the more u live, the more u know :D