General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter spectre late game?

How to counter spectre late game? in General Discussion

    Theres a lot of heroes who can 1vs1 spec, but that doesnt make them counters.
    Spectre lategame cannot be initiated and she will jump to the hero she want in every TF, countering her dispersion was never the problem


      Shadow demon and Ember spirit = hugeeeee counters to a farmed spectre..

      Shadow demon can take off specters passive that makes her very tanky ANDD amplify all damage done to her by ALL TyPES OF DAMAGE AND ALL YOuR TEAMMATES BY 50%..

      and Ember can destroy all her illusions..

      the best part about Ember is if spectre chooses to go after u, he will lose a lot of his health fighting u ,then u will just escape with remnant.. then ur team can kill her possibly..

      Also.. If she chooses to go after u.. you can dodge her first 1-2 hits with sleight of fist which can prob do like 1/3rd 1/4th of her HP depending what items he built.

      A GOOD spectre player vs emebr will get Radiance > Butterfly , manta is useless vs ember cause he kills illusions.

      At that point ember is prob fucked. Unless he gets MKB. Which is 6k gold and kind of delays his other cores Daedelus and battle fury..

      It's very complicated..



      SPECTRE GOES TO FIGHT AND IS JUST STUNNED THE WHOLE TIME.. Only prob is spectre can get illusions so slardar cant target the right ones.. unless he uses slam and uses that to figure out which one is real.. But if spectre uses ult then slardar will have a tough time doing that :l

      Man i know your question is "how to counter farmed spectre" but that is not a very smart question man.

      Spectre can get diff item builds depending on his enemy heroes.. any GOOD player will do so..

      So even if you have an idea of countering it that spectre playing might just out play you.. it's like asking how to stop an antimage with abysal blade manta bkb vlads bfury daedelus.. like.. you just don't .. you lose..

      it's like asking how you beat a 6 slotted sven .. you kinda just don't lol..

      Aside from being a team-fight/pushing game, dota is still very much a FARM game.. if some heroes get certain amount of farm than the game is won/lost.

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        @Sphere Box

        Spectre don't like to fight illusion heroes, because Desolate wont proc. What a good Spectre player does is: ignore the fuckin fat carry and kill the supports to turn the fight into 5x3 before it begins. =)

        I had some real problems playing against Ember, he completely ignores your dagger slow and stuff, kiting you hard. And then he get Divines which is a PITA.


          ^ You are very right. I being a spectre player know that.

          @Free thought: You can easily stop an AM with that build. Counters : Void , BS, PA, even medusa if she can ult and he stops. I , being a player who suck at AM, atleast knows how to counter him :)

          Viable solutions:

          1- Doom Ult
          2- Dusa Ult :)
          3 - Necro ult but not viable if he is targeted by her
          4 - Silver edge LC ult with blademail (need to try this)

          5- Shadow demon: Yes he can die in her ult but he also counters her very well if he can survive her ult. BTW manta doesn't stop any of shadow demons purges right? Shadow demon is an awesome player to have in team against carry like void, spectre. Totally forgot about him.

          6- Maybe Ember but chances of ember getting that farmed is v v low


            i thought you almost always get manta after radiance because of the huge increase in rate of farm, making pressure and stealing jungle creeps


              @1609 I think this is because of the ultra-greedy pl of your team that go BOT+radiance. He should never go radiance that game. PL without diffusal has much less damage.

              Penjahat Kelamin

                heroes with high attack speed + lifesteal and bkb. troll is highly recommended. aside from that, slark is also pretty good at hit and run strat. it is very difficult for spec to kill off slark, if the slark also has the same farm and skill level. but that's just my 4.3k opinion though


                  Pick bara, huskar, and lifestealer. She is nowhere to farm, lol


                    Windrunner works wonders against spectre. With agha and Daedalus you kill her within shakle duration. Also get a silver edge/blink and gank her constantly until she sticks to her team and can't farm anymore.


                      i play a game where spectre was fully farmed and i was fully farmed too , i was sven , i put that kid in the fucking dumster with two hits

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                      6 hp-a

                        ^ Exactly. Generally speaking Windrunner can kill ANYTHING in late game just by shackling them + rapid fire. Assuming it's a pretty farmed Wind, a MKB will most likely be one of her items so that pretty much is a guaranteed kill if she doesn't get disabled. Slark imo is also solid with his whole hit and run tactic.



                          A decent farmed WR kills spectre ezily. Sb, aghs, daedalus. Just wait near a pushed lane for spectre to appear and go invis, secure stun and fire away.

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                            saving private RTZ


                              ember farms way faster than spectre, and can actually get kills early-midgame.


                                disabling heroes.. lion shaman bane... or get scythe of vyse. or get a wind carry blink>shackle>focus- fcuk her pssuy right in the as

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                                    ever heard of the item called "blink dagger"? and lion is not gonna right click down a specter after hex.. your carry slark can do that. and Smoke of deceit to escape specter ult is a good way to lure her in danger or escape.. or get diffusal.. destroy her image before she use reality... it has zero cooldown now.


                                      and this guy is clearly talking about late game so i'll say wind ... she can destroy any moving thing in late matter how farmed that thing is.. DPS>9000!!
                                      If you are good with wind know what to do.. "wait for the right moment..use blink>shackle..." she don't even need the whole shackle duration with right items in late game to kill anyone.


                                        spectre eats blink dagger reliant supports, especially those which lack strong aoe, so yes spectre owns shaman and bane especially.
                                        lion not so much if he saves his drain for your haunt illusion, but shaman cant afford to save his hex so you should always be one step ahead of him.


                                          and spectre is a counter to wind, not the other way round.


                                            if you are a support and spectre is really your problem... then diffusal is not a luxury item..she dosent have much mobility apart from her dagger.. if you purge her haunt she cant reach the suport to make it 5 v 3 ..simple as that. and if you say full farmed wind cant go 1 v 1 with spectre. you haven't seen a carry wind. they are gonna nerf the shackle time soon i think.


                                              @thepitato farmer
                                              you got a lil bit more confidence in ur words than u should given that some of the points u mentioned are epic bullshit, and u r normal skill.
                                              u cant afford diffusals on supports unless its 50 min+, and at that point u r already fucked.
                                              blink is not the best item against spectre, just cz reasons.
                                              wr is not a better late than spectre, even tho shes a very decent rightclicker - dota is a team game, non 1v1 fight.

                                              Sexo Meister

                                                the best way is just to crush her early game, get that tusk+SB going or even better put an undying and ogre/cm in that lane and just run over them, force her to skip radi if possible

                                                but if late game comes and she has her cores, get either necro or doom to delete her from the game.

                                                shadow demon and morp works wonders too just by recreating a less powerful spectre (and sd's ulti with aghs just make spec useless)

                                                LC with SE and BM works but that is if she has that damage and hp to tank and break spec apart, if no its an extra 18 damage for spec.

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                                                par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                                  i'm really disappointed spec desolate damage is no longer pure


                                                    @par73 You meant Dispersion, right?

                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                        Best late game counter to Spectre is minus armor strats like Venge/SF/Dazzle. She has low starting armor and poor AGI growth for a carry. She's really item dependent to stay alive in fights so burst her down.

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                                                            this thread still alive after 2 weeks.. come on guys, i don't want people knowing how to counter my spectre

                                                            leave her :p

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