General Discussion

General DiscussionHow not to blame my teammates

How not to blame my teammates in General Discussion
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    On my last game iwas playing kunkka and when i died they keep fighting and died because i was overleveled they respawned and engaged enemy team without me and resulted loss. How do i be the leader of my team. How do i get them to listen me? Help DotaBuff PRO players

    Riguma Borusu

      5stack 4head

      Giff me Wingman

        Usually just tell them what to do, it works 80% of the time. If you should have people who don't listen, then point out why they suck and then they will also listen.


          Lol not true @My team, I've had worse luck coaching my teams as in normal you've got some of the worst players, toxic, don't want to listen or take advice even when genuinely nice about it they may rage DC or start feeding no joke.

          I have a 75% WR currently this patch and i'm only climbing as of lately, up 650mmr from my lowest point but still behind from my highest(long break and didn't nmm to get use to dotes again). My advice is whatever role YOU play, you need to have the highest impact, not only that you NEED to know how to close the game with that role and hero. Focus only on your play and not your teammates, if you have only a 50% WR at your skill level you are not worthy of climbing yet so improve on your play.

          Edit: I mean to say coach individual play, if someone is playing their hero wrong. You can try to get your team on the same page as you on objectives but people hate advice or coaching of their hero and will just rage feed so don't do that.

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            why whould anyone not blame his teammates when you can blame them?
            why would you even play dota if you dont blame ur team?

            No giggities?

              Smurfing yet still stuck in normal skill bracket.

              Complains about teammates



              Giff me Wingman

                @Miasma, then u're clearly not doing it right. Esepcially in ur bracket people are more willing to listen.

                Report me PLS

                  Thanks for all of your advices but they dont usually listen to me when i point out their problem but when they do it again it irrates me and i just Ctrl+Alt ping them.


                    "On my last game iwas playing kunkka" thats already a reason to blame yourself for the loss

                    Report me PLS

                      All random

                      Report me PLS

                        Or was i playing low priority because my friend got reported before he played with me?


                          hm hm hmhmhmmhmhmh mhmhmhmhmhmh hmhmmhmhhmmhmhmhmhmhmh
                          so you complain about teammates, in low prio game?


                            I will chalk it up to bad luck but every time I've tried to help a person adjust their playstyle or help them understand what they are doing wrong it usually backlashes and I end up with a rage dc or feeder. I'm just going to keep playing my game, I'm doing something right.

                            Report me PLS

                              so i'll have to mute them if they dont know what they are doing and try to win by myself (by ratting) is that a solution?

                              Giff me Wingman

                                @Miasma, here is the issue.

                                Most people who want to help them understand usually say something outrageous. I'm pretty sure u're also giving advice which is not even remotely useful.


                                  if you are at let's say 2000 mmr, and 4 other guys sit at the same level, why would they listen to you? if you belong to the same bracket, your decision-making skills are roughly same.


                                    @Triplesteal that's exactly my point, they won't and if they are having a bad game you might as well say adios to the W if you had a chance as they might rage out or feed due to you singling them out.

                                    I had a game not too long ago where I played solo support Lina and my storm spirit for some reason would zip in way before team was ready or in position to fight so he literally just died. I told him to wait for team to get in position and not to fight anymore until he got his orchid farmed because they had a disruptor who kept glimpsing into his silence, the storm ended up saying "I feed now" and he kept feeding when the game was won at draft we just had to not lose early.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Gotta love this normal bracket kid teaching people how to leave the normal bracket


                                        You can't get random pubs to listen to you and learn. You can't do it because there is no time for a relationship to develop. Either you will have a team of people who already do coordinate and cooperate well, who already do listen and watch what the team is doing, who already do understand the game... or you won't. People will not change mid-game.

                                        I have played thousands of games of hard support, doing everything to make others succeed - even carrying around extra regen to heal them, giving them tp scrolls, etc. Generous, positive people respond well to such treatment, but lots of people just use the extra help to feed stupidly anyway. I've even played a number of games where I random a hero, then buy bottle and give the mid solo a free bottle... but they still feed and fail all game anyway. No amount of support could make them win.

                                        If you want to lead a pub game of random people there is only one way to do it - that is to dominate the game yourself. If you go and outplay and get kills, then people might follow you hoping to participate in your successs. But they might take the opportunity to farm, or to fountain dive, or to hide and hope for ks. They will make those choices based on who they are not what you did or said.

                                        You can have a negative effect however, because it does not take long to piss off random gamers online. If you insult people you will likely throw them off their game, distract them, perhaps even cause them to intentionally throw the game. So really the best you can do is just avoid causing other people to tilt. If you want to actually lead a team you will have to have a team of people you know and play with more regularly.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Sampson so mad cos bad, guarantee I could smurf higher than you but no reason to smurf. I'm not teaching heroes to the guy, i'm not telling him advanced game tactics so my information has just been straight forward that it didn't matter what skill level I am. But I'll be in high bracket tonight possibly and very high next week so thanks for your concern.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            If you want to blame your team it's easy to do and often quite justified. There are 5 people on the team and usually about 80% of the reasons you lose a game are other people failing. On the flip side 80% of the reasons you win a game are other people succeeding.

                                            But if you want to improve your dota skills, then you should never blame your team no matter how obviously the loss was their fault. Instead only look at what you could do better. You may have to watch the replay carefully to find things you could do better, but remmeber there are players far better than you who could have won the game in almost every case. What would they have done to win it? Could you have also won the game or were you just outskilled?

                                            Miracle's team feeds and gets outplayed all game long. But he wins anyway.
                                            He could win your game too.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            lm ao



                                                It's hard to teach people anything if they're not prepared to learn anything new so just go with the flow i guess. If the game goes full retard, just build Dagon on whatever you play xD

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Having a 80% winrate(in a small sample size) in 2k doesn't mean ur a 4k player it means ur another random shit 2k player on a win streak


                                                    We'll see man, all in good time right? The reason I know it's not a streak is because my 'smurf' I made around a year and a half ago that I made to get away from playing with new dota players(friends) all the time is 3.9k. I just don't want to main that account because all of my CS, Darkfall friends are on this account and switching is way too much work with all the hats.

                                                    I'm also at a 59% if you filter 'this month' & 'US West', so I was climbing before that as well just not as hard.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      "Usually just tell them what to do, it works 80% of the time. If you should have people who don't listen, then point out why they suck and then they will also listen."

                                                      I'd say this is true closer to 2/3 of the time, but the key is that you must speak calmly, you must have credibility to the player you are coaching (meaning you should win lane, have a high KDA, save that player from his mistakes, or otherwise demonstrate fast reflexes), and preferably you must speak in his language. Thankfully, I can speak Chiense, Spanish, and English and can read basic Russian, but most people can't do that.

                                                      Otherwise, one must exercise judgement. Is your teammate totally stupid or just reckless? If he's the former, let him die. If he's the latter, buy the necessary items to protect, support, keep pace with that teammate, or prepare to use him as a distraction for split push. Even if you are playing above your own personal tolerance for risk, you are playing to keep your team's morale intact. Also, the constant pressure of your team's reckless plays forces your opponent to respond perfectly (and few people can do that).

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        If your 'main' mmr is incorrect then your smurf mmr will be incorrect too because they are both within the same system. In reality your main mmr is correct and your smurf mmr is overshot due to the smurf detection doing its job.


                                                          That account wasnt made in the ranked matchmaking days, it was made to get away from having to play with friends that were new to Dota and I did not like always teaching them because they didn't take things as serious as I do in Dota, especially since I was newer to dota myself and only excelled at mechanical ability from being good in other games. So with over 500 games played I'm not sure it is incorrect but either way, it's whatever.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            If what you say is true there are other 4k + players trapped at 2k which makes your 4k account meaningless because the system keeps all the good players down. Kappa


                                                              No I took a large break from Dota, on this account you can see that apart from my recent activity there is only like 20 games from 2013-2015. This account calibrated at around 3.2k, guessing from where I played with newbs and was new myself I couldn't carry hard enough so the calibration was justified.

                                                              I'm focusing this account and you'd be dumb to not see I'm not stuck as a 59% WR out of over 120 games is not a small sample size, the recent 75% WR could be a winning streak or it could be I've just adjusted my playstyle enough to climb due to out thinking my opponent enough now at this bracket. Also I am 3180 mmr tnx Sampson come again.

                                                              Edit: which also makes the time table for my other account over 2 years ago, wasn't going into specifics before because shit doesn't matter anyways.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I wud be 6k but valve fucking hates me and forces me to 4k kappapride


                                                                  Troll moar Kappa 4Head EleGiggle

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I'm not trolling I'm laughing at your delusional normal bracket ass


                                                                      Ok Pumpkin :)


                                                                        Mate I was playing on my friends account today ( he's 2k mmr) had turkis qop mid against rubick, 11 minutes in the game rubick was level 9 while qop was 6, the qop had bottle/magic wand/brown boots at 9 minutes, the qop got absolutely annihilated mid.
                                                                        God I love 2k bracket.


                                                                          Sometimes the choice of words matter as well. Like if you could have survived should your ally use his/her ability earlier, don't go "motherfcking shithead pop your duel earlier noob reported", but suggest him/her to do better the next time such situation arise. We all know the different reaction time among players is a major factor in determining their success, which could be in terms of skill brackets.

                                                                          If your teammate decides to play the trashtalking game and you feel he/she should stop it and try to focus on the game more, kindly suggest them to quit the trashtalking. Sometimes beginning with acknowledging their success is essential if they started trashtalk after gaining some advantage (lel).

                                                                          If all else fail, mute all of your teammates and go afk. There are games that can't be won.

                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                            can we all just get along and blame it on the alcohol? :]

                                                                            hey OP, just saw relentless here say the correct thing.

                                                                            "You just have to dominate your games"

                                                                            Thats it man, find those heroes!


                                                                              miasMa is 3.2k, Low Prio guy is 4k.. blaahh it's all the same, it's all scrub-tier.

                                                                              I've smurfed and play 4k opponents on another account. I play mostly normal skill on this account. There are retards everywhere, I haven't even noticed a difference. I wouldn't say one of you is noticeably better than the other.

                                                                              As Bad Intentions would say - This can be settled with a 1v1 mid miasMa VS King of Low Prio. glhf stream boys.


                                                                                stop sucking

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                                                                                  URBANO BELDAD JR.

                                                                                    If you need coaching , you can add me on doto. Note: only if you're serious tho and yes its free of charge.


                                                                                      "why would you even play dota if you dont blame ur team?"

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Like jiraya said above!

                                                                                        This can be settled with a 1v1 mid miasMa VS King of Low Prio.


                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          this retard said he will be 4k+ by next week. 1v1s are for fucking trash players but I might actually waste my time if he gets even close to 4k

                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            Oh damnnn there ya go samp :D looks like a challenge accepted :D yo miasMa, u gotta respond to dat mannn :D


                                                                                              I'm down, any rules for the 1v1?


                                                                                                rules of 1v1 = 1.suck a dudes dick for 5 minutes, 2.drink some orange juice, 3.go play 1v1

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  the rules are u hit 4k by next week and I will grace you with a 1v1 if not you can run your dumbass somewhere else

                                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                                    Oh shiettt now its downn :D lets keep this thread open, there shud be a time and lobby for us to witnesss this match up! :D


                                                                                                      Seems like you're trying to dodge 4Head No worries. I'm not busy this weekend so I can spam dotes and I meant by the end of next week not by next week because I work a shit load.

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