General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the current build/ itemization on Medusa?

What is the current build/ itemization on Medusa? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    So I've never actually played dusa before and I want to try and learn. What is current skill build and itemization on her? I realize like in all things in dota it depends on a lot of things, but Im just wondering if there is a typical build.

    I also find that when i get way better info when I ask on here, as opposed to looking it up on youtube or something.

    thanks in advance


      i like the madness build and getting a divine later

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        i rush divine slahsers way

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        yung griphook

          not really the answers i was hoping for

          Riguma Borusu

            6 Divines


              phase aquila yasha wand and optional mango, then go skadi. farm jungle in between creep waves, ask team to stack ancients.

              previous skill build was 4-0-4-1 and stats, ult rank 2/3 at level 15/16 cos ur only gonna be farming before that and you don't have enough damage where the +10/20% extra physical damage matters (in most situations) until you're 16 where you'll have skadi and probably be working towards another item.

              after that it's divine + bkb if needed. if not other decent items are hex (mana = HP, and also gives % regen), bfly or mkb given how popular solar is.

              probably get snake after 16 rather than skipping it until 22-25. you can get it early on depending on your lane but if you're just afk farming you'd skip it like you would previously i think.

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                i used to skip snake altogether but prob will get it now due to snake buff and bloodstone nerfs
                and rapier rush was not a joke suggestion, a 20 min rapier is no joke and wins many games easily, especially against AM

                also snake is legit for clearing stacks if you're jungling radiant, dire jungle i think no snake is still the way to go

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                casual gamer

                  phase aquila wand yasha/mael (insert blink after if ur retarded like me) skadi/manta then go bfly

                  you can get bfly before skadi if ur confident in ur ability to live thru fights

                  u might need bkb some games? if you get bkb items like blink mom and rapier become more attractive

                  just get wand every game and ull be fine probably


                    Firstly don't skip snake. Its amazing if used right. It can force both enemy heroes out of lane from about lvl 3 snake onwards if you bounce it off the right number of creeps and then hit both heroes. Its also good for clearing jungle camps. I personally go 1-4-1-1 by level 7. Casual point in Shield at lvl 2 in case you get ganked. Casual point in Split shot at 4 so you can farm camps between waves better. After that I max out shield first if i need to be in fights and tank, or i max split shot if i can pretty much AFK jungle. You can skip lvl 2 stone gaze if you dont have any good mid game right clickers on your team. Get it around 14-15 then.

                    Stone Gaze should be used to escape gank attempts. (You should Theoretically never get killed because you can pop ult and run). If your team needs help defending a tower, stone gaze is a great counter-initiating ability.

                    For Items, i go Aquila > brown boots > Perseverance > Maelstrom > Linkens > Skadi. You wont have much damage early on, but you will be almost unkillable and capable if farming fast. The Perseverance means you generally wont need to go to base, the maelstrom just speeds up farm and then linkens makes you much harder to gank. Skadi is pretty much the best item for medusa, makes you unbelievably tanky and stops people running away from you.

                    After that the items depend on the game. MKB is important if they have Evasion, butterfly is just a good pickup in general, Finishing the Mjollnir is a decent idea and Rapier is definitely an option. Mainly Medusa wants stats then lots of damage and attack speed. Armour, flat HP and magic resistance isn't so important

                    I dont really like manta unless theres a debuff i really need to get rid of. BKB is only if you're literally chain-stunned for an entire fight.

                    Took me a long time to get any good on Medusa but this is the build that works for me.


                      Aquila !!MagicWand!! Treads(agi) Yasha Skadi (skadi pre 25 minute with this is gg most often, enemy shouldnt kill u without manaburn EVER)

                      after that it opens up a bit. manta is good, butterfly is good, MKB can be neccessary
                      lategame get moonshard and devine. but thats luxury. dusas powerspike is when she finishes skadi. she doesnt get any weaker for the rest of the game and is prolly 1 of the hardest carrys in the game.


                        6 divines and 6 divines in stash to buyback and rejoin the fight

                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                          My build is as follow:

                          • Treads/Aquila -> MoM -> Demon edge -> Bloodstone -> Butterfly -> Rapier/Moon shard.

                          • If needed get a BKB in between Demon edge & Butterfly.

                          • Replace MoM with Satanic or Daedalus after you ate a Moon shard and is 7 slotted.

                          • For skillbuild I max shield first followed by split shot then 1 point in ult and max stats. Reason for this is because I got MoM to farm, putting additional points into ult or snake doesn't help with that.


                          • Manta/Mjollnir is 100% trash on Dusa so never ever get it. Linkens is extremely situational, and if you need it never get it as your first item.

                          • Skadi is meh, only get it if you really need to tank up more. This should replace your MoM when you're 7 slotted.

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                            snake is pretty decent for anti push (yes like 95% of my games are 0 snake)

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                              My skill build (experimental):
                              - Skill build: 1 to Mana Shield, max Snake, then max Split Shot, then max Mana Shield.
                              - Item build: Bottle, Power Treads, Drums, Radiance, Skady, 2xButterfly (or 1Butterfly 1 MKB), DR

                              Medusa needs to be mid for this build.


                                6 boots of speed. You will run faster than WR, Lycan and spiritbreaker combined ;)


                                  i like phase aquila wand sr bloodstone mjonir

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    bloodstone 0.o


                                      - Medusa is unique in that she benefits from all attribute gains i.e. any item built from Ultimate Orb is usually good on her.
                                      - Dont level split shot too early as it will push lane, and the damage reduction makes your right click pretty useless. I level it at 10 usually.
                                      - Skadi is usually your first big item. Dont get Linkens first because you will be stuck with no damage, especially with split shot.
                                      - Snake is pretty good in the laning phase, and can pick up an early kill or two against idiots. Its also great in the jungle.