General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you think it's weird they slightly nerfed Ursa in 6.85?

Do you think it's weird they slightly nerfed Ursa in 6.85? in General Discussion

    Since this hero is only 36th in matchmaking popularity and pros don't ever play it why was it even nerfed? Ursas rework was beneficial imo, but he hasn't received a single straight up buff since 6.81 (3 patches of nerfs though)

    Maybe icefrog accepted this hero can never be viable for pro level?


      Everything u said doesn't make any sense.
      The hero was very strong, to start with, and deserved some nerfs.
      Though his ultimate cd was reduced, which should be considered as a buff.

      Riguma Borusu

        Because his pub winrate went through the roof all too studdenly, he was like 56%.


          "Because his pub winrate went through the roof all too studdenly, he was like 56%."
          The other top winrate heroes all got buffed though. Omni, Spectre, Abaddon etc.

          < blank >

            Weird is only that they made the Ball Lightning vision smaller from Storm and slow his Movement Speed. Then this patch nerf him once more directly and if this isn't enough they also nerfed PT, Bottle HP regen and Bloodstone

            Livin' Real Good

              Because they have to think of the lower levels of play, pro's aren't everything when it comes to this game, the character was monster, he stomps pubs, even now, always had, he's very beginner friendly, and at the same time, most beginners get destroyed by him, and get discouraged from Dota, then quit, and Valve doesn't want that. It's sad to say that even in 3.7K MMR most shit players STILL can't deal with the hero due to their bad map awareness. Too many times I have team mates who stand out in the open farming a creep wave, then have me saying " You should back, you're ursa food " then i get a " STFU, you know nothing " then Ursa blinks, Earthshock's, then dead. >.> Same with Riki...

              Yeah, Storm seems to have gotten nerfed the hardest, even more then Leshrac, but then again, only the lightning was Leshrac's problem.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Not to sound like a jerk but when you win 65% of your games on storm spirit most played and your 2nd most played you win like 42%.

                Don't you feel like something needed nerfed on the hero?

                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                    He kept stomping my 1k mar games


                      The hero is garbage. It's amazing that they nerf him. Once he's down to a 5 second BKB he can do nothing in fights.


                        i think he was buffed overall rather than nerfed

                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                            why so? hes ok esp in pub meta where you dont have 2/good supports