General Discussion

General DiscussionMeta predictions

Meta predictions in General Discussion
lm ao

    PAGE 2!!!!
    i w8ed 4 diz m8


      Number 12 enchantress?


        guys... TINKER is imba again! we're fucked

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        the realm's delight

          was obvious

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Ogre magi got buffed which tbh if this hero was ranged would be played a ton more anyways so funny to me.

            Icefrog let's give ogre another +1 armor....sure why not.

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Also in before more lion Aghs and Magnus combos.


                hope spec doesnt become fotm that would be upsetting


                  @allison spec top pick=> tinker Biblethump


                    Death Prophet will make it to top tier again. Sleepers include Mirana, Drow Ranger and Elder Titan. That Mirana agi growth was actually pretty huge, puts her close to the top (behind Morph?) for highest agi gain.

                    6 hp-a

                      I wouldn't be surprised if the new meta focuses on longer games, more oriented on hard carries (and generally more item/farm dependent picks as well as being level dependent). We might see Invo return a bit more, since I rarely see him in this meta...he simply falls off or gets destroyed on mid by Lina or Lesh, and as far as hard carries go, we might see a bit more of Medusa. Tinker as well as far as mid goes, since no one is willing to risk playing him vs something like Lina lol

                      Lesh and Lina need nerfs, Lina especially...

                      the realm's delight

                        ya fuck spectre :)


                          This is easy to answer. You can look at pick rate since yesterdays patch and see the top 3 picked.
                          But, I will list what I think the meta will end up being after a month or so. And I will probably be right.
                          Ogre, Invoker, and Legion

                          Ogre because of stuns and tower buff
                          Invoker because all tryhard mids want to be good with him
                          Legion because it was already borderline meta before, now shes even stronger.
                          Thanks icefrog. All we will hear every game is the duel music and the cheering audience.


                            What is worse:
                            People on your team who suck with Pudge but keep picking him.
                            Legion in every game blink-dueling your softest team mates.
                            People picking invoker to mid on your team, and fail hard because they cant play invoker.
                            Terrorblade illusions rofl stomping every lane every game.
                            Windranger's 45 minute shackle
                            Tombstone in your lanes every game... now improved with added terrorblade illusions
                            Riki picks (now its worse)
                            Like spectre was not already annoying enough, now we get buffs to it
                            Good Abaddon players were irritating before... now he will be picked alot more. Now with improved mist coil spamming.

                            Previous Issues:
                            Tusk in every game with shadow blade and desolator
                            Leshrac lightning hitting you from a screen away
                            Cheesedick storm players spamming ult left and right during a fight (and having to listen to that godawful voice)
                            People picking pudge on your team but suck with him every game (this issue has not changed)
                            People on your team picking Riki when you already have an invis hero (this will now be worse)
                            Afk necro farming
                            Bloodseeker spam!

                            No more gay ponies running around ez-moding everything
                            No more listening to queen of pain screaming all the time
                            No more gyro spamming call-down in every team fight
                            No more zip-zap storm spammers. WHERES THE PARTY?! HO OH!! IM OVER HERE!! LOOKING FOR MEEEEE!? <----- Best fix so far
                            Can finally play batrider again without getting laughed at
                            Treant finally supporting more games
                            Ogre is back.... but it sucks ass when hes on the enemy team
                            Elder Titan is actually cool now
                            Lifestealer walking around inside one of the ancients and harrassing your creep lane
                            F u c k techies
                            F u c k bloodseeker

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              More improvements:
                              Can finally play batrider again without getting laughed at
                              Treant finally supporting more games
                              Ogre is back.... but it sucks ass when hes on the enemy team
                              Elder Titan is actually cool now
                              Lifestealer walking around inside one of the ancients and harrassing your creep lane
                              Less bloodseeker
                              F U C K TECHIES

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Youre wrong on so many levels i cant even be bothered correcting it all. Just delete your post


                                  Not sure if your more mad that meepo didnt get love, or that your leshrac got nerfed.
                                  I would also prefer to see something more constructive from you than a simple troll statement.
                                  You also allowed yourself to be "bothered" enough to post it.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Earthshaker, Spectre , LC

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Why do you think people should care about what a normal skill %45 winrate player says? Especially when it's this long, it's probably just nonsense.

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        Dont liked LC before this patch

                                        always enemy team get fed and snoballs hard ...
                                        and as teammates got to feed and lose horribly...

                                        LC will be like lesh/storm dunno :/
                                        *playing duel drums*
                                        *incoming cheers*
                                        will be many games that way ._.


                                          I can not be sure about PL's situation. From 3.0 to 2.6 agi gain can be huge since a good PL gets leveled up fast. Doppleganger now has a cast time. But Purge doesn't have a cooldown any more. I think PL will stay relevant but won't be dominant as much as 6.84 version. Spectre looks stronger for now.

                                          I'd like to see Lycan getting some action again, but he still utilizes better as pusher. So I don't think these buffs won't be huge.

                                          Spectre, Night Stalker and Undying (y, I think Undy is stronger than ever with becoming more late-game oriented.)

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            idc i'm just going to spam legion and brew on my way to 4.5k
                                            e: + maybe tinker, dunno how strong he is so far

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Pale Mannie

                                              enigmas 420 blaze it black holes AoE

                                              Livin' Real Good


                                                Did someone say Brew? o_o Kappa

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  oh lol its 420 i didnt even pay attention, i see what valve did there
                                                  blaze it blaze it

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    what the fuck

                                                    i just got bashed by pa dagger


                                                      stifling dagger + orb of venom
                                                      enjoy 62% slow on 6 second cooldown with 2 second downtime

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        yeah orb, seemed crazy good when I thought of it, and it's cheap, so new meta? Kappa

                                                        I was already making it on my PA build ages ago anyways (sold it mid game) but now there's even more reason to make it.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          imagine daedalus working with PA dagger.

                                                          Well, it works, but PA dagger applies a 0 dmg attack, so it doesnt do anything

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            PA + Skadi with Vlads = enjoy 4 sec max. slow

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              why vlads? Satanic duh.

                                                              Any source of lifesteal works with skadi

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Because %62 slow is OP but %50 is shit, with the same downtime.



                                                                  Pale Mannie


                                                                    didnt knew that any orb effect works with any lifesteal

                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      In my mmr (666 as usual) there are many russian smurfing Invokers in enemy team and this patch will make it even worse...

                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                        not any orb.
                                                                        only skadi works with lifesteal like MoM, HotD etc.

                                                                        But for example, desolator doesnt work neither with HotD, Mom or with Skadi.

                                                                        Vlads is not an orb effect tho.

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          aaaah ok

                                                                          now i got it :D

                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                            If PA have diffusal does that mean u can mana burn someone using dagger? and what if u have multiple items that procs i.e mkb, diffusal, skadi, and lifesteal , do they all proc when u dagger?


                                                                              you get burn slow lifesteal and chance to proc mkb i believe

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Dagger can actually cleave for an insane amount of damage, but i am sure its a bug


                                                                                  How can it cleave if it's an instance of dmg = 0
                                                                                  Does it splash the base damage from the dagger if you have BF lol?

                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                    no it splashes from you. But only if the dagger crit, otherwise its as you said, 0 dmg.

                                                                                    Anyway, it got patched





                                                                                        THANKS VALVE! Lifestealer radiance min 16 inside an ancient creep is unstopable, hope they fix it soon. Just playing captain's mode till then.


                                                                                          Spectre is OP, she doesnt need that farm speed buff (the desolate one), about dispersion buff i dont care cause the way heroes must be buffed is making them better in a unique way and shit like that is a nice buff.
                                                                                          BUT desolate buff "solves" the farm speed problem of spec and all her items got buffed Radiace, Manta, Phase and now AC and VG are viable (dispersion buff), she was bad at flash farming and that was fair, i hope they revert that change cause Spectre is one of my main heroes and is so shit seeing her as a cancer ebola shitstain hero who everybody will spam.


                                                                                            Why is everyone saying spectre she got fucking nerfed

                                                                                            senior professional griefer

                                                                                              death prophet death prophet death prophet

                                                                                              see me in the club with it tatted on my chest

                                                                                              no seriously, with euls and phase boots active she's running 518, + octarine refresher GG

                                                                                              Sexo Meister

                                                                                                Drow + any range carry

                                                                                                TB (Just wait till everyone figures out 8s wall of replica is op)

                                                                                                And still wr

                                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                                  me, ur mom and ur sister


                                                                                                    Glad someone else said Tinker cuz that hero is actually the greatest mid-late game cancer ever.