General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick tips

Rubick tips in General Discussion

    Hello lads and trolls, I'd like to know some general ideas about this hero possibilites, I've been trying him a bit and I found he can be damn funny, there's nothing more pleasant than trolling people with the cliff block and killing them with their own abilities, got a boner stealing ravage.

    Think is I that suck in many aspects with him, so I'd like to have some opinions from spell stealer players to get a closer idea of the roles playable by him and which are the usual builds.

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      How to use the summon command in this forums to call for him?


        u can add him or wait for him to reply :D

        actually, one of the first things you need to learn as rubick is that focusing on epic steals and movie-kind plays with BH or some other shit is not that important. You shall contribute a lot instead of waiting for an epic moment and spectacularly carrying a game (1 out of 10). Rubick's main strengths is his ability to gank early with 0 casting time disable, and give a magic resist aura to his teammates (greetings to leshrac in the enemy team!).

        the most useful spells are actually not the ulties (some laguna blade gonna cost you 80% of your mana pool), but stuff like Fissure, Lightning bolt, am's blink, wk's stun, etc.

        to make your plays more efficient, you need to cooperate with the other support or sometimes your offlaner in order to prolong the disables u got.

        as for itemization, you need mobility items, in the first place. In most games force staff is better than blink; glimmer is a must, eul is extremely good, aghs is rarely needed and overrated. For early sustain you can go for urn, drums or just a bracer. Or 2. Or 3. Ghosts against physical damage is viable, too.
        The advantage of rubick is that hes actually not dependant on his networth, you can be very useful and poor in the same time. But playing Rubick is a challenge to your desicion-making and positioning skills, that most sub 5k players usually lose.

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          Aghs is not overrated it is one of the best in the game imo and should be your go to late game item after blink/glimmer etc.

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            how long should the game be to let rubick get all the mobility items and make aghs the optimal choice?


              YOSHIIIIII!!!!!! where arreeeee uuuuuuuuuu???? This guy needs some tips.

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                u rarely play something other than position 5 with this hero, and your gpm is lower than GDP per capita in North Korea, so it takes you a long while to get your tranqs+soul/arcanes, glimmer, force/blink, and euls.


                  Yoshi is tilt i think... Bratan Yoshi, where are you?


                    You're rarely going to get aghs, I think item progression goes boots -> blink -> then one or multiple of the following: glimmer/medallion/force staff -> Aghs. Aghs depends on if the enemy has ults that are improved by aghs though, but it's mainly for the 2 second cooldown and the stats

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                      blink b4 glimmer? its a bit too greedy imho


                        well, you can do it if you are playing against some kind of ember/storm/am, but overall its highly suboptimal


                          Always situational of course blink first if ur team is winning and u can get it. Often I like medallion first just for the mana regen/armor


                            I'm sorry, I needed to vent a bit afk because I'm a bit disappointed at certain situations atm.

                            Rubick, think of him as the nerd of the class.
                            Very capable yet very squishy to ganks in the courtyard after your lessons.
                            Positioning with Rubick is a very important fact, you might want to stand back and get just a tiny bit closer when team fights are in progress.

                            When it comes to items:
                            A blink dagger is ofc very useful to steal certain spells, initiate or simply position yourself better during a fight.
                            A glimmer cape is a must, it allows you to escape or protect your team mates who are being focused too hard or ganked/ harassed
                            Sentries, wards, couriers. These are the items that you need to buy on a constant basis, additionally you may want to provide smoke to initiate group ganks.

                            Stats and GPM
                            If you want to be a rich support, don't pick Rubick because he is indeed very poor, seems like the grand magus couldn't steal a Midas.
                            Also as mentioned above, he is very squishy, I believe one of the lowest HP heroes in the game atm and with this patch especially you might want to be pretty careful vs Lina and other burst dmg or blink/stun heroes.

                            A key factor IMHO, and I cant stress this enough, is the communication, no matter if you are in a 10k stack or 1k stack.
                            TALK, communicate with your team members and share all the information needed.
                            Stack the medium camps for your mid/safe laner

                            Apart from that, the rest is about reaction and mechanics.
                            Try to time your steal properly to get what spell you really want, sometimes I noticed I steal too fast for the game in fact to record the correct action ending up with a wrong stolen spell.
                            Ulties are not always the best spells to steal, sometimes all you need is an additional stun + your Q and your allies will do the rest

                            Try to secure kills with your W, ofc you should let your carry get it but sometimes it's better than letting the enemy get away.

                            to conclude, prepare to a lot of horrendous death due to poor positioning, lack of mana and bad communication with the team.

                            Should you require more info let me know, I am no professional by any means, but I love the hero and played him a bit so my info MAY result helpful to you.

                            Good luck.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              "[...] but I love the hero and played him a bit"

                              Only 1.5k games ^^

                              Tyvm for your answer Yoshi, that's the kind of information I was looking for, some general knowledge on the moves, stats, gpm and etc. to know what role to have in a team. I like being 5th pos because even not being a good player I do realize when my contribution is helping my team, also most of the time nobody wants to or I find myself not performing good enough to carry w/o decent supporters.

                              Lately I've trying to enforce communication in my team and I try to be the karma boy when teammates blame and flame, which sometimes is just ignored but sometimes work and people get in a better mood to play team game, I find rubick a very entertaining hero to have fun while at it.

                              I'll start picking him to get the feeling of the hero and maybe then I can ask for more insightful stuff about him ^^

                              One last thing, is there any of your matches you can remember you performed nice to watch replay?

                              P.D. Gracias por tus consejos TripleSteal, me han resultado útiles también


                                Mina Inverse

                                  Rubick is my 2nd hero and everything Yoshi said is true. I have never thought of Glimmer cape after blink. I usually build Arc, Blink, Force staff/Euls, then Aghs. Wards every cooldown. I am going to include Glimmer cape on my next games. :)

                                  Positioning is the most important for this guy. What makes him powerful is his almost instant cast animations. You have a way better version of Split Earth, Ice Path, and Fissure it's insane. It's also a lot of fun.

                                  Communication makes everything run smoothly. Telekinesis drops right onto Pudge Hooks, Clock Hookshots, Mirana Arrows and SF Reqs are never boring to watch. And they will thank you for it.

                                  I had a game once where the enemy gets a Tide/Enigma combo. I got a boner blinking in + Ravage (stolen from last clash) during their Black hole, getting BH and using it. I was basically a one man tide turner.

                                  Yeah, if you are greedy don't pick Rubick. He is mostly a skill/decision making based hero that depends only in mobility.


                                    positioning-positioning-positioning. this hero containt pure positioning skills of the player. you need close to steal spell and have effect but not close enough. and he need to far to avoid from danger but not far enough. and just it already hard. very. very. veryveryvery hard to positioning with this hero.super hard.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!