General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket.

What is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket. in General Discussion

    I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.
    I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.
    I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.


      Account Buyers? (6kmmr+ players) please have mercy on us, we cannot climb because of your boosting services :)))


        @ Divine, there's acc buyers at every MMR and in ~4.5k mmr bracket it's 2k's that think they're good and belong in 4k and feed every game.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          account buyers actually benefit all of you, cz there is a higehr chance that they will be in the enemy team rather than in yours one - 5/9. God bless account buyers.

          lm ao

            OP is the most whiniest fucktard (intended) I've ever came across

            Just be happy with what you have, remember there are actually people who will pay money for an account that's got a good start with calibration when it possibly couldve fed a poor family for a few days

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            lm ao
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                ^ another normal skill retard with a worthless opinion.

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                  lm ao

                    Good luck getting anywhere with that attitude champ

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^somehow, Hanter only pays attention when retards are in HIS team. He does not mind/remember when there are retards in the opposite team, because that does not make nearly as great of an emotional impact, because yes, those people ruin the game, but not for his team.

                      When somebody ruins the game and plays in your team, you remember it, because you remember being helpless and wishing to do anything to win, and then losing due to feeders/retards. But when they are in the opposite team, you just go, "nice, ez mmr" push and win and feel LESS SATISFACTION and not MORE RAGE which happens if they are in your team.

                      This is why you don't remember those games as well, and why you'll believe your team gets retards more often than the other team - it's because you're biased. Or because you're a retard yourself.

                      See, I've learned to be better than Hanter in this aspect. I'm actually keeping track of when someone is a retard in the opposite team, and when somebody is a retard in my team. Obviously, I'm only keeping track of really obvious cases, to make sure I catch as many people as I can - that are REALLY HARDCORE GRIEFERS, whether intentional or not.

                      I've kinda started keeping note of it only recently, but the scores are VERY interesting. I've got retards in around 21 matches, while the enemy has got retards in around 26 matches. It's almost a perfect 4:5 ratio. With more games it'd boil down to 4:5. It's just statistics. Obviously I did not count when I myself am a retard and ragequit/grief. Because that'd skew the ratio, but still confirm my theory, which is based on solid foundations.

                      You can't run away from numbers, the whole rating system depends on them, it's fucking science. That's how the whole Elo system works. It works for fucking chess, and you're wondering whether it works for DotA, and somehow there's almost a conspiracy to keep you at 4.7k.

                      If you hate science, uninstall DotA and play poker with friends, might as well get rid of the computer you're using.

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                      lm ao

                        The problem is obviously your mentality

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                            @Kitrak, why are you talking like you are worth something, L0L dude you act like I care about you?

                            Just be quiet rofl.

                            ''and learn the meta game'' ye u are right I'm gonna pick leshrac and blyatseeker every single game and achieve 8k mmr in no time right?

                            Lmfao get the fuck out of here.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              kitrak gotta be like 1500 mmr (am i right?) above you so i guess he knows better


                                hanter, if i had ur 4.7k acc and just blindly firstpicked a totally non-meta timbersaw every game, it would still take just a couple of days to get you to 5k. what u pick is not the main problem.

                                lm ao

                                  Yeah but Kitrak has Kevin Durant as his avatar so I'm not surpprised everyone would treat him like he's your average 2k junk

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    TripleSteal-, I am literally thousands of mmr below him and can still see people like him are full of shit.


                                      You have 635 games of pudge in ranked with 69% winrate.

                                      69% winrate makes out 438 games

                                      438 games with 25 mmr per game is 10.950
                                      minus the losses 197 which makes 4925

                                      You actually gained 6000 mmr playing pudge if you didnt play pudge you would be minus 1.3k

                                      But yes clearly when you have minus 1.3k with all other heroes combined its the Idiots in your team.



                                        The things about 4k that bother me are lots of new accounts, and a big part of them are 3ks who recreated accs to recalibrate. Also there's a mind-boggling low number of 4ks who keep track of enemy movement, actively deward, put up aggressive wards and stack for carry/mids when they try to support. Isn't 4k where you're supposed to begin grasping the finer points of the game?


                                          ^ exactly my thought, but 4k is basically 2k but then you're higher mmr.


                                            My teammates often say that I bought this account.


                                              no 4k is where you play casual dota


                                                2k mmr and below is for beginners, 3k for plebs, and 4k for casuals.
                                                5.5k and higher are no lifers/tryhards


                                                  Ranked MMR is a load of bull anyway... just full of people that D/C if they don't get their own way.

                                                  If you try and support and get killed, you get flamed for it. If you carry (with 4 other carries, as nobody supports) and don't get farm and proceed to die, you get flamed.

                                                  I've only played 10 games of ranked, purely because I find it more infuriating than the unranked pub matches! I'd like to think that I'm better than my 1.9k MMR suggests!


                                                    Ye u guys are right I should focus on my self, because definitely I'm the one that played really bad in this game and made sure my Anti-Mage would get a 35 minute Manta after he obtained a 12 minute Battlefury.


                                                      You are right guys, I pick Pudge and someone already says he will go feed mid, lovely bracket.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        you realize no1 is going to take your side right hanter wtf


                                                          @I Hanter I
                                                          Don't pick SF.


                                                            @snow U think I care if anyone takes my side 0L

                                                            @Soultrap Ye u are right just because my carry is a retard I shouldn't pick sf 10/10


                                                              OP is russian confirmed.


                                                                I'm from Holland.


                                                                  Arteezy literally insinuated that 5k players are bad. It never ends


                                                                    ROFL this thread. That's the reason why this bracket is so fucking garbage, because of people like you. If you're really better than everyone else in 4.7k, no matter how many shitstains you have feeding 0-10 and doing nothing, you still would be able to shitfuck every kid in there without a problem. Looking at some of your games complete fucking garbage 30 mins no blink, 2/8/2, 35cs... just wondering if you were mid here and if you were just uninstall right now. ??? You played good in this one as well? As a carry you did least amount of dmg and pretty much no tower dmg, garbage cs? What have you been doing the whole game? nice bfury man I heard you have been flaming AM from your sf game. Objective gamer right fucking there... NICE ATTITUDE BTW!! KEEP IT UP!


                                                                      yea $HUT UP allision hes jsut a fuckin boty give him some room


                                                                        @I Hanter I

                                                                        I actually watched first ~20 minutes of your game. You must watch it too, I believe. Silencer won the beginning of this match for you. He scared away TA from mid, so she abandoned mid and you had free farm for a while. Silencer also messed with Bloodseekers farm in jungle. As a result they had to swap lanes Storm took mid, TA - safe lane.

                                                                        You had a great start! And what you did with that advantage? You play SF like a roaming support. And your items... Brown boots => Eul => Blink. Dude! WTF? SF is capable rightclicker, but you play him like a Crystal Maiden. Honestly, may be you must play support more often?

                                                                        Also look at this:
                                                                        You started to spam this item build ~6 months ago and your winrate on SF is 47.62% since then.


                                                                          Alright lets see.

                                                                          Game 1, I was offlane Magnus.
                                                                          Game 2, I started to feed on purpose because russian Phoenix was flaming pretty much everyone including me.
                                                                          Game 3, whole team fed and we lost bottom rax at 16 minutes so I just went afk.
                                                                          Game 4, I told AM he's bad after our throne went down.

                                                                          ''objective gamer right fucking there''

                                                                          Another cancer retard that is trying to prove some point? But it's not working lmfao.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            greaves euls blink 4hEad


                                                                              buy this every game on sf >>> ez road to 2100 mmr


                                                                                Greaves build I only tried out 5-6 times and stopped after that, it's not good.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  @Soultrap, Idk why you talk but my team was feeding a TA the whole match, she was literally unkillable, if I didn't have EULS then she probably wouldn't have died 1 single time, I euls bombed her like 3 times and she kept dying because of my euls but thank god my professional anti mage came up with a 35 minute manta and the game was over at 38 minutes.


                                                                                    Alright lets see.

                                                                                    Game 1, I was offlane Magnus.
                                                                                    Game 2, I started to feed on purpose because russian Phoenix was flaming pretty much everyone including me.
                                                                                    Game 3, whole team fed and we lost bottom rax at 16 minutes so I just went afk.
                                                                                    Game 4, I told AM he's bad after our throne went down.

                                                                                    your problem is that u find excuses for urself, but ignore the fact that ppl u blame also have similar excuses.


                                                                                      It's not really excuses, they are facts.


                                                                                        Holy shit I swear this is the biggest fucking retard I've ever seen... Typical 3k shitlord, trash, garbage pudge picker with dunning-kruger effect.


                                                                                          boon, you're mad because you're not as good as me, simple.


                                                                                            i mean people u blame for playing bad, would say the same.


                                                                                              @I Hanter I
                                                                                              All your kills were with the help of your teammates. Literally Silencer and Sky were always nearby to help you (not to mention Sunstrikes).

                                                                                              You have no rights to question AMs farming skills:
                                                                                              AM - 250 LH
                                                                                              TA - 230 LH (after ruined start when she was lvl 1, and you lvl 3 already)
                                                                                              Storm - 214 LH
                                                                                              Bloodseeker - 198 LH (troubled farm in jungle, he actually died to creeps there)
                                                                                              SF (you) - 161 LH (uncontested farm on mid lane + access to radiant jungle)


                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                I stopped farming because AM is the main carry? I stopped taking LH so AM could take them but ofcourse you are 2k you don't understand that.


                                                                                                  "Game 1, I was offlane Magnus." Best excuse I've ever seen 8/8.

                                                                                                  Let's see who's actually better since u brought that up:

                                                                                                  Game 1: I was offlane magnus.
                                                                                                  Game 2: I was offlane magnus.
                                                                                                  Game 3: I was offlane magnus.

                                                                                                  100% win rate offlane magnus. I don't know why "I was offlane magnus" was an excuse...


                                                                                                    "I stopped farming because AM is the main carry? I stopped taking LH so AM could take them but ofcourse you are 2k you don't understand that."

                                                                                                    I'm done, I'm fucking done. That guys is a fucking 3k...