General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is this shit.

What is this shit. in General Discussion

    I call mid guy first picks storm goes mid feeds 3 kills to lesh and abandons?
    Like serious what the fuck these cancer imbeciles in this bracket.


      That sucks bro, but you should've got refresher instead of Aghs/drums

      Especially in 4v5.


        You should change your name to I Ranter I

        saving private RTZ

          i played like meh too, but at this point you dont want to win anymore.
          I ask for mid, he picks SF, proceeds to feed to the Lina. Idk, lina stun seems pretty obvious to me, he died like 2-3 times pre 6 solo against lina.

          played poorly again, but you dont want to win anymore at this point

          i put my icon mid, he second pick storm, goes mid, dies 3-4 times pre 6, and feeds more. Blindly ball lighting all his mana to kill lina under tower, ofc, feed.

          I dont mind they play bad, everyone has bad days but if oyu know you are tilting pls dont argue for mid


            @Zero, my team told me to play Doom as support so I went pretty much all good support items and later I bought aghs, they just had 3 cores and we had 2. (exlcuding me) if I didn't play as support I would've went aghs/refresher.

            @Allu, I didn't argue for mid. I just put my Icon on mid, everyone agreed and then the guy picks storm so I'm like ok man I'll give you mid I'm not gonna argue so I went jungle and he fed mid and abandonned.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            King of Low Prio

              you went support doom and you wonder why you lost?


                I've had a Slark in my team with 7.7k Slark games so he definitely knwos what hes doing so I gave him the space by not farming jungle same goes for Legion, I let them farm instead.


                  That's when you tell your team to s.t.f.u and that you know best. Imagine refresher in your fights.. you would have won the game.

                  King of Low Prio

                    so basically you where useless


                      Not really useless, we won alot of fights because I kept dooming the Leshrac.


                        Aghs isn't a good item in team fight Doom, always best to go for team fight items, even shivas would have been better than aghs.