General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I Very High Skill Bracket in ranked but normal skill in unranked.

Why am I Very High Skill Bracket in ranked but normal skill in unranked. in General Discussion

    I'm 3.8k solo mmr, why am I in "Normal Skill" bracket in unranked games with 54% win rate. I dont want normal skill on my profile because it makes me not look as good.

    lm ao

      Because u suck?


        hahahahahah that reasoning XD


          Thats kinda like saying i dont wanna be ugly becuase it makes me look bad.


            unranked mmr is totally separated from ranked besides the fact that ur first calibration game av mmr equals your hidden mmr (normally).
            the only way u can improve ur hidden mmr is by playing NMM succesfully.

            game is bad

              I'm 5500 MMR and I'm high skill in unranked, so the two based off of different metrics.

              casual gamer

                so u can play unranked and obtain easy wins with lone druid


                  Your hidden mmr is calibrated after 1 game? If so I think I calibrated at 50 mmr.


                    the calibration period lasts longer for hidden mmr, comparing to ranked calibration

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