General Discussion

General Discussionmuted need help with chat wheel

muted need help with chat wheel in General Discussion

    Anyone know of a way to still effectively communicate with the team. I was trying to tell a Tony to drop his bottle because I was tping to tower so I can mana him and give full bottle back but I could not figure out a way to communicate that to said Tony. Any suggestions (other than don't get muted because apparently that is the world I live in)


      Use q,w,e,r to cast spells, don't click with mouse. Will help to get from normal to high!

      On topic:

      In normal skill communication is not needed; hell in very high skill communication is not needed.

      In this game i told my trashteam to let me go infront to attack tower, since I had aegis. I asked them to not use their spells and just let them waste their spells on my aegis, so I can come back pop bkb and we clean them. What happend?`

      They used spells on me, killed me. Silencer used global. They all jump in while I wait to get reborn. We get wiped. We lose game.


      I told them by mic and ingamechat. Makes no fucking difference. In Pubs its 99% mechanics and decisionmaking. Teamplay with random dudes? Rare to find. Just outplay and outsmart your enemy on your own.

      Thats why this little guy sits on 39% winrate. Buf if you duostack with a mate and go


      You can ez win 60-90% of your games.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        you need something like
        >Coming to gank
        >Spread and farm (idr how exactly it sounds)
        and, of course, >Good game, well played to spam it in all-chat all the time.


          New meta
          That just happend
          Well played!


            But why is that???? Why can't people follow simple instructions??? I don't understand. That's what ages is for. Your example is exactly the reason why we can't have nice things. Then I'm the one who gets muted when I lose my sh...t. Why do I play Dota again??? Cause it's fun... I don't think so...


              because people are retards

              ignore them and play on your own


                draw line from midlane to your tower
                >tp ready
                >affected by tp
                ping 10 times on where you are tping


                  Thanks jo I'll try that next time and see if it works.


                    Example of a typical bad game. Playing with decent team and we are wining the game but the Storm doesn't feel like playing with the team. So he goes off on his own takes some towers, The rest of the team is holding in together. We lose a fight 5v4 and the BS gets mad rightfully so because we could have 5 manned and easily stomped but ok no worries. Then BS goes off on his own doesn't want to play with Storm because he's pissed. Now storm plays with the team but BS doesn't want to and guess what we lose the game for no damn reason.


                    Other team won one team fight ran down middle and finished the game. Look at the graphs. And then you expect me not to be salty...