General Discussion

General Discussionshadow fiend - item build

shadow fiend - item build in General Discussion

    lately i see a lot of different item builds on sf and it's kinda chaotic for me and i don't really understand when do people get what
    can someone clear this for me?


      if ur having a good time in lane aka many cs not getting contested farming lane inbetween go for items that helps u snowball further

      aka shadowblade/sangeyasha/blink/euls whatever

      if being contested then go for mek/bkb depending on situation and how badly ur game is going for extra survivability

      and then later on as game progresses choose items that fits the situation if many phisical dps get butterfly

      if slow/less mobile heroes vs u then get skadi/makes u tanky too

      if theres projectiles to dodge and u want to splitpush get manta

      if need heavy dps go daedalus/mkb u can litteraly buy almost everything on sf and it will work