General Discussion

General Discussion6-Slotted Medusa

6-Slotted Medusa in General Discussion


    Yeah or nay?

    Pom Pom 🍕


      Miku Plays

        Divine divine skadi skadi mkb BoTs moonshards buff aghs buff lol


          worst build evr


            u lost the game solo before u get octarine


              Why the heck would you need octarine on medusa anyway?


                do you get lifesteal from splitshot?


                  why the fuck would u buy octarine on medusa

                  unless u need ulti very often


                    He tries to be revisionist and gets tankier with more intelligence and mana regen. But shitty choice in the end no matter what.
                    Linken's Spehere provides mana regen and gives better stats. Also much more useful ability for Medusa.

                    Manta - Butterfly - Skadi - Rapier or MKB - Linken's - Phase Boots
                    That's the ideal build for Gorgon.
                    Surely you can change this build according to game. But I saw you built S&Y on Medusa. Don't do that. Medusa is a stat hero. Get Manta. If you get Yasha on Medusa there's no discussion between Manta and S&Y.


                      Nay pls


                        I think that items like Skadi or Butterfly are not in the spirit of this build.

                        GG-Dagon-Veil of Discord-Octarine-Mjonir-Radiance - looks more logical.


                          Deadalus over mjolnir, skip mkb too if they have no natural mkb carrier.


                            Octarine is meant to counter Medusa weakness against mobile heroes that can kit her till no end and chip her hp/mana in late game. This build may lose out on physical damage but it make Medusa super tanky, especially in super late game where high ground siege is an issue. Also, in super late game, its not uncommon to see ghost specter/HH/Solar crest/items that prevent physical damage output. So having additional magic damage is not a bad idea in theory.

                            Octarine means you can lifesteal off radiance aura/mjonir static charge/chain lightning/mystic snakes. Shorter cd on mystic snakes mean you can cast it 2 times in fight potentially. Shorter cd on ult mean it will be available every big skirmish. Nevertheless, ocatarine is not meant to be rushed and the item progression is more like boot-->starting small items-->radiance/mjonir-->skadi-->mjonir/radiance-->butterfly-->octarine. This mean that you still play Medusa as per normal and only then consider octarine as a very late item against enemies line-up.

                            GG because this is simply the best boot for Medusa in any engagement. Alternatively, you can skip the boot and get your choice of BKB/MKB/Crit/Divine, i.e. bootless.


                              Delete Dota.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Mjollnir isn't awful on dusa, if you go maelstrom for farming it's a good pickup later obviously.

                                I don't get why the assumption that manta is so much better than s&y. Side by side comparison:

                                304 hp
                                2.24 armor
                                32 IAS
                                32 dmg
                                16% movement

                                190 hp (-114)
                                3.64 armor (+1.4)
                                41 IAS (+9)
                                26 dmg (-6)
                                10% move speed (-6%, 20 speed difference with boots not active)
                                130 mana
                                4950g (+850)

                                The armor difference is small and the hp is actually better for medusa cus she's an agi hero and will have pretty high armor to begin with. The mana on manta is a pretty big deal, let's her tank 325 more dmg before going oom. But again that's a more complex equation because it depends on if you are going to die before you go oom or would actually have to run out of mana before dying. I basically consider them equal in terms of tank value cus the higher hp on sange balances out more mana and 1 armor on manta.

                                The IAS vs dmg are so small too and basically a wash. Typically IAS would be better later game but on medusa with split shot and that 80% reduction dmg is a tad more valuable than usually on medusa.

                                So what are you left with? 6% move speed and a proc vs illusions for 850 more gold. I personally think they illusions are garbage on medusa. They're only good on super high stat heroes like drow with her ult or heroes with extra dmg like AM or spectre with desolate. Really the question to me is do you need the dispel manta provides to break a silence to ult or something. That's it. If you don't I don't ever see the point in going manta over s&y. Stat difference does not warrant 850g and the proc on s&y is REALLY nice. It stacks completely with skadi so you can drop a carries IAS by a lot with it and get even tankier. S&y is starting to get a bit more respect, I see a lot of juggers and gyros and sf's build it now, but it's still criminally underrated by a lot of people and manta is overrated.

                                Medusa's ideal 6 slot build depends on situation. Only skadi is core. After that you have to balance dmg and tankiness as you see fit. Butterfly, daedulus, mkb all good, so are linken's, scythe, bloodstone, bkb depending, and even a satanic can be sweet late game. I wouldn't take s&y or manta in an ideal 6 slot build, but I always build them because they are great mid game items and I never get far enough to replace. But if I had to make a cookie cutter 6 slot build for medusa (ignoring rapiers) it would be boots, scythe, skadi, daedulus, mkb, butterfly. I like scythe over linkens for the disable.

                                But my typical dusa build ends up being phase boots, s&y, skadi, daedulus, mkb, game ends before I get 6th item.



                                  That was a failed game. I bought my starting items for radiance btm lane but was somehow a bit disinterested to play because Sky/Les/PL all wanted solo lanes. Therefore, I was being churned into jungle. If I bought my starting items for ancient, things would be much different.

                                  We literally got zero wards that game as sky/tech didnt buy any and all my deaths were basically due to initiation by dagger LC (followed up by her dagger teammates). That explained my low hero damage as well as I acted as the tank for the team and was always focused down first.

                                  Kiting was an issue since we lack lockdown. That was why I went S&Y. In short, my team is just being overwhelmed. Yes we have a techie, but our mid failed hard so we could not buy enough time for him as well. All in all, it is just one of those game.


                                    Stats alone, it's close. As for effective hp, they are almost equal. But Manta provides disjoint, S&Y can not. Manta provides more DPS even when illusions aren't activated. With illusions, there is 56% more damage. These things shit on 6% more movement speed difference.



                                      you can use this site to calculate EHP, DPS, buffed dmg and so on @different stages of the game

                                      really useful for comparing cost & benefit of different builds

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        just play around it and see for yourself instead of reading m0ngoloid walls of text


                                          bloodstones much better than octarine on her tho, you pretty mucvh have 3 lives lategame with buyback and one very short cd life


                                            also should be travels rapier rapier butterfly bloodstone skadi/bkb


                                              sny and manta are both bad on medusa, best choice is an early game yasha imo

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                6 slots all skadi medusa be a cold bitch


                                                  radiance and octarine , dude this aint no naga or spectre.
                                                  and what is a GG?

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    you need travels medusa is a fucking slow slug


                                                      guardian greeves


                                                        ok i take my words back best build ever ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                          i could make it work in solo queue im sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            my favorite medusa build is



                                                              Wanna see shitty builds on dusa?

                                                              shadow blades, dagons, Eblades, octarines, and of course a lot of madness and RAPIERS!

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                mom is rly good on dusa though


                                                                  ^ ofc it is, most people dont realize that, and they dont know how amp/reduce damage works with mana shield

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Disjoint is situationally useful. It's not needed every game. And the dps isn't that much more especially since illusions die so fast. It's not a 56% increase that's for sure cus it's not off raw dmg.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I love mask of madness on dusa, it's better than early yasha for farm sometimes. I'll go from that right into skadi.


                                                                        I love dagger on Medusa. Its really underrated......A well-placed gaze can really be the difference in a team fight.

                                                                        Manta win S&Y on Medusa on 99.9% of times......but going for S&Y means you can go for more damage items as it partly solve your kiting issue. You can then split S&Y into Manta and Silver edge which isn't that bad of an item combination.....

                                                                        I am pretty sure octarine give more combat hp versus a highly charged bloodstone, due to the lifesteal, but I may be wrong...

                                                                        You can buy both GG AND travel. And swap them using courier after you TP to creep waves. Travel is useless outside of TP in late games.

                                                                        And why dagon?