is there actually difference between reborn and regular one ?
i feel like i get lower fps and shit in reborn
I really feel the difference on a shit PC. The regular client takes like 2 minutes to even open for me.
Has someone a bit of packet loss in reborn ? Seriously is always lagged for me because of this
For those of you having FPS drops, try running the client with the DX11 launch parameter. That fixed most of the problems I was having. this post says DX11 has the worst performance, it's a month old though so it may have changed. Still, you just write -dx11 in lunch options I think.
^You can easily check that yourself. Just do what you always do to get into low prio again. =)
benao i think you cant get in lp that easily in reborn. stream in reborn next time
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Looking for some company, can only play on Reborn because utter shit PC.