i can play all carries at 4.5k lvl but tbh i cant call it "good hero pool" anyways
i can play with u sometimes tho, but i wont have much of a free time since september
I have been quite impressed with afeects performance in the games I have played with him and he more or less should meet all the requirements.
Still looking for a gud playa.
@ Havoc: I agree, afeect is a very good carry player, but i don't know if he has the time.
"- Good attitude towards losses"
gonna be hard to find bro. You should also require their accounts to have more than 500 games played or u gun get tonz of smurf applications.
yah, i'm aware, but i need a carry player that doesn't tilt after 1 loss. That is a problem for many players out there.
Oh its not that bad, apparently I have human parrot syndrome as well. But what do i get? Bitchezzzz
Wave is a low 4k norwegian kid who tried to abuse his way to 6k multiple times. He got into shadowpool every time and he currently has an account which he abused his way to 6.7k by playing against himself (sandboxie, 2nd PC or similair) or a friend in captains mode.
He is also obsessed with me, i think he loves me or something.
If it was accurate and true i would agree, but since most of it is made up i would suggest he should work for some newspaper.
blunt is definetly higer than 3k player
i played with him quite alot hes 4-5k ish minimum he knows how to play unlike lower players
Blunt is so hard to carry, it's unbeliavable sometimes... And yeah, he lost on his friends 1.5k mmr account as Anti-Mage while tryharding xD
i will smack u with muh dick.
'Get gem so you don't get picked off'.
*doesn't get gem, dies roughly 1.5min later*
*dieback without gem V2.*
Deadweight aka TILTMONSTER
I was useless tho ;3
Ya, that gem i didnt have killed my spirit after i died at secret shop. It was kinda my fault, cause i wanted for our support to be actually useful for once and buy gem, although i had money for it but refused to buy it.
Fucken 1 vs 9 games... :(
^so you are basically saying that you actually have a low chance to have sex?
u can find a link to steam profile in dotabuff profile, close to the word "Aliases" in the bottom right corner of the page.
<---- hc here, add on steam, i can improve my english D;, have 4k+ mmr, previusly lead a team 4.5k like a year ago and i have a great support on my back in case we need, just in case someone cant play at some days... i played in some leagues a years ago too..
you mention this shadow ban pool a lot without actually proving it while you're in it yourself
"please volvo me and my friend played on my PC and we ended up vs each other, your system automatically detected it and banned me permanently"
maybe you should follow your own advice? kek
go on, inform jason that you will chargeback your money if he doesn't ban this acc as well you dumb fucking degenerate
i wonder how much you paid for the account i sold last year, i'm actually (not) surprised it's in your hands now since you do buy a lot of accounts because you're 4000 mmr but i have to admit, i feel a bit generous that you put my name in the leaderboard even though i haven't played dota much this year (if at all)
also like allison said, avoid blunt (OP).
fucking monkey who is 4k requires others to be at least 4.5k in his stack, what a fucking disaster this kid is
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Alright my little cutiepies,
I finally decided to take a srs step into competitive dotka. All the boosting and smurfing got really boring and i finally took the advice many people gave me and instead of wasting time doing other stuff to do competitive.
So far we got a team of 4 people, the avg. mmr is 4.8k, we are planning on investing a lot of time and practice, no jerking around and only play some pub games.
basicially these are the req for the last spot:
- fluent english
- Teamspeak
- Good microphone (no fucking webcam shit)
- At least 4.5k mmr (testgames will be made anyways, doesn't matter what MMR you have)
- Good heropool
- Good attitude towards losses
- A lot of time and determination to invest it for training and scrims
If you do not fulfil these req. then don't bother, we want to make something serious and do not need some weird guy ruining it. If you should have any questions ask ahead, i will try to answer everything as good as possible. If you are interested, then feel free to post here or add me.
And for the haters, you have a lot of space below to push muh thread.
EDIT: Region EU.