General Discussion

General DiscussionI just played Leshrekt

I just played Leshrekt in General Discussion

    I was horrible. Missed a bunch of stuns and overextended and did dumb shit. And I still won with a team with 4 people playing similarly like imbeciles.

    I wonder how many people have inflated their MMR by several hundred or even a thousand by spamming troll/sniper in 6.83 and lesh/bloodseeker in 6.84 and think they're really good at the game :|


      idk about lower skill games

      but in 5k and above people pay alot of attention to leshracs and gank the shit out of him in like my past 3 or so games i basicly had to lane trilane mid most of the time as lesh


        I can attest to the opposite of this in 5-5.5k average lobbies; unnoticable change in pressure mid compared to playing heroes like sf and TA.