General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] I need a 6k coach. lol.

[SEA] I need a 6k coach. lol. in General Discussion

    or at least someone who is willing to help me breach 4.5k :-/

    Earlier this year I blamed the Juggernaut meta for me not being able to breach 4.5k
    This time, I'm having a hard time against Storm, Leshrac and PL meta.

    I talked with Zenoth and he told me that he can actually own 4.5k solo queue pubs with Spectre going against meta heroes.
    This is actually the same view I have when I go and play 3k MMR, that I can pick Spectre and still have a high chance of winning inspite of meta heroes.

    So something's gotta give. I was thinking that my efficiency in using Spectre has "plateau'd". But I guess that's not exactly the case.

    I need someone who can help me develop my safe lane carry game in solo queues.
    I don't care if its about choosing the proper hero, mechanics, game sense etc.
    Whatever it is that can help me go through 4.5k :-/


      I can give you coach if u buy me dotabuff plus for 1 month =P 5.8k mmr - carry 4.5k games easy


        good spectre player


          ^ hmm... how are u planning to coach me? and take note that i want to be coached based on playing safe lane carry..


            Play the meta? If you're not advancing then don't blame the meta... blame your skills/not wanting to play OP heroes


              I can fix that problem for you real easy for couple bugattis


                i can coach u whenever u want as long u have microphone and can speak english properly AKa understand when im pointing out what u did wrong in ur games

                il do couple game analyse to help u graps what ur doing wrong in ur games and hopefully u will improve onwards



                  Yeah, that was the eye opener I got from Zenoth last night. If he plays Spectre in my MMR tier, he won't care about meta pickers much.
                  In my perspective, the hero is "plateauing", when in reality its actually my skills which are not progressing.
                  And yes, I don't like playing the meta. Because I might up my MMR because of it but I'm still not addressing the root cause.

                  @C9 DD

                  Can I send the bugattis to you via email? :D

                  @VAGA PLIS

                  wow thank you! how to add you? My id is: BlackXargon (not the "BlackXargon_" since I don' use it anymore)


                    ^dude add me


                      Vaga Are you saying that you coach for free?


                        i got so much pending friend invites idk which ones are raging russians or fanboys or just people who wanna scam me :D

                        guess il add them out and filter out later on :D


                          I added you, would you be willing to coach me or no?


                            guys dont hi-jack my thread. he said yes to me. if he adds you all he might not have time for me anymore! :p

                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                Hmm.. with that many games on spectre, i doubt its your ability to grasp the hero. It might be something to do with your mechanics/game sense.

                                But just by judging at your recent matches(which i assume your are try-harding) your item choices are pretty bad for 4.5k; especially your farm rate which seems to be pretty slow if you want to get better. You might want to watch your own replays to see what you are doing wrong, and compare it with pro players and watch how they recover farm when they are behind/maximising efficiency by farming at correct timing(eg. clear wave at :40 , pull stack and farm then return to lane blah blah blah)


                                  ^ have watched a lot of my replays. as to @mekarazium's point, there are mistakes in game where you know that its a mistake and you can fix it and be more efficient or more like, we all make mistakes in games.

                                  But what im betting on is i might be missing something more high level than that.


                                  Is it really just an accumulation of small mistakes?


                                    @blackxargon i wanted to add him cuz we played some time ago, i can't be coached i only listen to myself :/

                                    POS 1 HIGHLY PREF

                                      ok i added you, will give you tips for free. I watched some of ur games.


                                        ^ wow great! I'm looking forward to it!

                                        im just busy with work this week but hopefully we can talk this weekend. i'll add you whenever i can.

                                        thanks thanks!

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