General Discussion

General DiscussionGaming Community for Adult and competitive players

Gaming Community for Adult and competitive players in General Discussion

    First I like to ask the moderators why are all threads about Gaming Communities closed? I do hope this is not a touchy issue because a lot of Dota players would really like to join a good gaming community for a 5 man team based game like Dota.

    Hello, I am digitalblade and I've been playing since 2006.
    About 3 years ago I got sick of playing in a 2 or top 3 stack so I decided to join my first gaming community.

    Why be in/join Gaming community:
    Dota is a game best experienced in a team of 5 and it is hard to have 4 other real life friends to play it with most of the times impossible as you grow older. Joining a gaming community makes sense to find regular people to play with. Of course you can play in a 5 stack with random people, people from played games or Steam Dota 2 Guilds. But they are all equal to random people, you will play with them 2 games till you lose and then break up. Playing with a constant group of people is essential for Team-play.

    Most gaming communities are too casual, full of random people that are not that serious about Dota. I do not want to be Pro gamer, too old for that. But I do want to play the game with logic and strategy in Adult environment with Teamwork. No cry babies, no newbies that don't make effort to learn the game.

    My first GC was AJSA. Since this was a gaming community created from a youtuber, well it felt exactly as reading a youtube video comments. Way unorganised, too many people, no one really joins the Forums of the community or the TeamSpeak Server, everyone stays on Steam and in Dota 2. The command chain was basically just one officer and about 100 active Dota players, that number slowly grew down. The organisation was really bad, but I did manage to form a team there on my own and find enough people to play with. However in the past 3 years there they had only 3 tournaments and they were poorly managed.

    My second attempt was at the Tactical Gaming Community
    On paper this community was everything that I ever wanted. Old experienced community with amazing chain of command and really good Rules to follow for Adult responsible people. In reality not all of their rules were strictly followed by the spoiled Dota players but it was good enough.
    They had something really well done. Every player once proven his skills gets assigned to a Team to train with regularly 2 times per week on exact times good for working people. All I wanted is 5 man games in good hours for about 2-3 hours and I got that with TG. No more gathering your own team, sending 100 text massages just so you can play in a 5 stack with regular people.
    However that lasted about 9 mounts. Two of the Dota 2 Division Officers left Dota 2 for other games. What a wankers :P . The gaming community was mostly FPS orientated so they quickly closed the Dota 2 Division...

    So here I am again looking for yet the next Dota 2 serious gaming community. If you have seen such or any, state the name and link to it. Explain a little about it and how it feels there.


      i'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing
      but 90% of these threads make 2k people who think they can go on TI6


        No you posted your post in a time spam that you could have never red my post :) pls read first.


          so it seems you're looking for a team that can 5 stack in ranked or something maybe with tournaments here and there.

          have you considered joining an inhouse league?


            since you spent two paragraphs blogging about some communities you were in, so..


              threads got automatically closed if no one posts there for long enough. I personally havent seen a single thread about gaming communities lately, so those ones that existed gotta be 100% closed.

              most ppl here (and in dota overall) dont use gaming communities, cz its a bit simplier to just find ppl u feel comfortable with and play with them in other ways (randomly adding ppl from solo q, posting here or on reddit, etc. etc.)

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                also, if you are looking for smthng that can be called "competitive", you have to offer a certain level of skill urself; i wouldnt expect much competitiveness in normal skill bracket tbh.


                  I See this plase reminds me of YouTube too :). No I am not looking for simlpy a 5 stack. I got a Team for that already. I am looking for a gaming community for Dota 2. MVP Salza can you explain what you mean with inhause league? Usualy every gaming community has such as inhause tournaments. A do not consider steam groups as serious community if that is what you had in mind. If not reference one with a link.


                    whats the pro of gamig community in comparison to simple 5 man stack?
                    leagues are stuff like fpl, for example. you can just google it to see the full list and find what fits you best, but there is no much difference between rmm and such leagues unless you are a 6k player sick of techies/bs/lesh every game and hate the RMM system overall.

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                        ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY BOOTY BANGER
                        ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌POST THIS ON 6 STEAM PAGES OR GET DIAGNOSED AS HIV-POSITIVE!!!


                          why did u delete the video, or did the mods do it (althgough the question "why" still stands in this case)?

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            TripleSteal you are very much right. That is why I am not in normal bracket but above, unless I am playing with players from my communities that could some times be below 2k mmr. However there is a big difference between competitive and professional gaming. Again I am not going pro I am looking for a serious adult competitive community. Thank you for your suggestions keep them coming.


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                              ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN BANGED BY THE
                              ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY BOOTY BANGER
                              ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌POST THIS ON 6 STEAM PAGES OR GET DIAGNOSED AS HIV-POSITIVE!!!


                                gotta post this on aimstrongs wall


                                  So, why do you prefer gaming communities over casual stacks?
                                  And what do you consider to be "competitive" then?

                                  I guess I kinda missunderstood you, and if you explain a bit more, I would probably be able to suggest smthng that satisfies your needs.

                                  like, f.e., do u want to find ppl who are tryharding and focusing on improving a lot, no matter how skilled they are? do you need ppl whose skill is close to your one and with game attitude similar to yours?


                                    @top dog
                                    this copypasta is older than my grandma //


                                      you can't be competitive in normal skill, even 4k mmr is not competitive, its just casual


                                        your thread post is shit and i hope this shit dies fast. And you're a terrible player, focus on that instead of getting to play with other people.


                                          how old are you? because you seem really stupid and you should srsly consider going abck to school if you're older than 19

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            did i mention you're shit on the game and think the fault does not rely on you but not having a consistent team to carry you higher???

                                            did i mention you're trash???

                                            did i?


                                              i knew what im going to find here once i saw last comment was benao's ayyy lmao


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                                                ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN BANGED BY THE
                                                ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY BOOTY BANGER
                                                ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌POST THIS ON 6 STEAM PAGES OR GET DIAGNOSED AS HIV-POSITIVE!!!

                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                  Serious gaming > Normal Skill > Ayy


                                                    I don't really know what this thread is about but im probably just too retarded. Anyways benao never fails to entertain xD

                                                    bum farto

                                                      Let me summarize this for you in a very honest way that I hope will not offend.

                                                      People always try to start communities, leagues, forums or guides to help people better themselves. The problem with this is that no one actually cares except the select few friends you already have, and a couple people who will tag along cause they are disillusioned with the prospect of glory in a team, league, community.

                                                      Most players have friends, and would prefer to solo queue then to hang around in some community on steam or whatever with like 10 people.

                                                      We have Dotabuff, teamspeaks, playdota, 1 million steam communities etc, there isn't really any place for new ones and it's honestly a massive waste of time and you will just be disappointed after it all goes tits up when you thought you would make it big with loads of people.

                                                      Not worth your time, just enjoy the game.

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Yo op, sup man. I get wat u mean but u know man doto is really a lone wolf u gotta adapt kinda game. And dont be discouraged about your current normal skill bracket, its not that bad man, we all start from scratch and ul get more competitive games as u work your way up eventually. Add me up man and we can check your games.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          > First I like to ask the moderators why are all threads about Gaming Communities closed?

                                                          A "gaming community" thread might get closed if:

                                                          - It's an advertisement
                                                          - It's a repeat post, or is bumped by the author (this is spam)
                                                          - It's not constructive
                                                          - The comments become toxic


                                                            We don't moderate against "Gaming communities" In fact, we allowed the Dotaexchange community to organize it's creation on these forums.

                                                            What we moderate against is self promotion without discussion. This can be promoting a gaming community, youtube channel or anything else on these forums without facilitating discussion. If you start a youtube channel and solicit feedback here that's great, but just posting your channel and bumping constantly will get the thread locked.

                                                            We tend to more heavily moderate promotion unrelated to dota2, or with accounts clearly not invested in Dota 2 or Dotabuff.


                                                              (what the fuck jason and I always do this)




                                                                  admin just dropped an F bomb, i'm offended and demand DB+ as compensation


                                                                    Lawliepop I agree, spam and promo of twitch, YouTube with personal interests should not be tolerated as well as toxic posts. But as I am not promoting anything but simply asking all the player if they happen to know a good gaming community I think the thread is just fine. I will check Dotaexchange if anyone is in there pls let me know about it.
                                                                    Edited: Scratch that, their web site don't even work, not a very promising organisation.

                                                                    Dear Benano.something I played Dota for 9 years and I started when I was 21, do the math. Also you posted 3 consecutive posts in a roll, you could not even capitalize any letters after you first post. Please don't tell me your age I really don't care. Feel free to spam for attention, attention whors have to :)

                                                                    Havoc.Badger thank you for the productive post. I agree with what you are saying. However Gaming communities have existed even before Dota 1. One of them that I was a member of have existed since 2004. I know the concept of a proper gaming community is unknown to most gamers. I also did not know such things existed 3 years ago. Believe me it is nothing to be compared to playdota. That is the major site/forum for Dota discussions and basicly Dota bible. The endless steam groups are not a GC they are what they are I would not bother with them. And I have no problem finding people to group up simply throw playing the game. Simply enjoying to play the game :) I've been doing that for 9 years.

                                                                    About gaming communities.
                                                                    Look if you don't know what a gaming community is, don't ask me why I am looking for one, just Google it.

                                                                    About MMR and competitive game play.
                                                                    First of all I am High Skill, and you if you keep talking about Normal skill you probably don't know how mmr works in a party.
                                                                    Competitive again not Pro game play starts from mmr 0. The mmr system is how old again? Do you honestly think Dota was not competitive before the mmr, that now everyone points as a messure how big their d... is? The mmr system simply states your win/loss ratio. Enough with that mmr crap. Let me give you an other example. A middle age man trains football in a team for fun. He joins tournaments with other middle age man to compete about a cup of glory not money simply because he loves playing football. There is no league and no pro players involved. Are you telling me he cannot play competitive football because he is not a pro player? Go to Wikipedia and search competitive games. You will see it's not the same as professional sports.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      In South Africa the clan scene is big (not sure if clan is same as a "gaming community"?)
                                                                      But I recently saw a stat that between 6 pm - 12 pm at night there is more scrims on SA servers then actual matchmaking games, not sure how true it is either :/ And the rivalries are pretty big too
                                                                      I could point you to a few good clans if you don't mind the ping of a South Africa server xD


                                                                        mmr just represents your skill nicely unless
                                                                        a) you just calibrated
                                                                        b) you spam meta heroes or your best heroes all the time

                                                                        about ur last paragraph - firstly, there is not that much of a difference between NS and HS brackets.
                                                                        Secondly, parallel with football is not rly correct. There are (and will be) a lot of new players who just started to play football. Quite a lot of young boys (and girls) start practicing it really early and they know they can become professionals if they just keep working on themselves.

                                                                        The case of DotA is different. Firstly, the game is not going to be same popular in the nearest future. Not that many new players come. Secondly, the level of pros is not the same as time goes; it rises and thanks to it the difference between newbies in the game and competitive scene also rises. Those ones who have just started DotA have no chances to go competitive unless they give up their real life completely and play 10 hr daily. As a result, people who are interested in competitive plays either play other games or are already far above in mmr, I'd say in 5k+ (although ofc not all the 5-6kk players are the same in these terms).
                                                                        Competitiveness correlates with skill level here; it's not football.

                                                                        "Dont ask me why I am looking for one, just google it" - nice personality, dude. whenever u come and ask for some help or advice, always do like this, its very mature.
                                                                        Ik what gaming communities are, I still do not understand why would you prefer them over casual stacks of friends.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          ^ I have been a part of a few tournaments that had wide range of teams (normal skill +) and they were a lot of fun. None of us are pros and will never be but it doesn't mean we don't enjoy competitions against people that are closer to our skill. It beats grinding through this mmr system which really has no reward whatsoever but your own improvement...

                                                                          Saying only the best people and very high skill players can compete in competitions, even for fun, is eh & very elitist


                                                                            ^I never said anything like that, and I dont think this way
                                                                            Leagues and tournaments are nice, but its not rly related to what op is looking for, cz generally you enter there as a team. ofc, there does exist fpl and several similar leagues, but they are not very popular among sub 4k ppl afaik (and I guess it was alrdy mentioned above).
                                                                            also apparently the way u use the word "competitive" is different to the way I understand it.


                                                                              We obviously have two definitions of competitive here, which are both valid in it's own: "Being able to compete against professional teams" and "Wishing to compete vs. teams of similar skill outside of the regular matchmaking".
                                                                              Tthe OP obviously meant the latter, so it's kind of moot to discuss his skill level.

                                                                              On the topic: I know no DotA 2 related gaming community, so can't really help there. I'm actually the only one in my community with 100+ members that regularly plays DotA ;-) But there is still a friend list, so I see no need to change anything about the situation.

                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                Gaming Community - “a group of people trying to achieve something as a group of people that are using game technology as a mean

                                                                                So what it it you're trying to achieve?

                                                                                There are literally hundreds of small communities and a handful of extremely large ones and the reason (again no offense) that you can't find or join any good ones is because you're not good enough to be in a serious one. The whole raison d'etre of casual communities is to service casual players like yourself who aren't good enough to be a better one, so take it as such.

                                                                                I am sorry that you want to find one that will take you seriously but that just won't happen given the level of skill you play with. Are you unable to find a solid stack to play with? Are you unable to go to reddit, or any other place and look for players (UK Dota on reddit is a thing) there.

                                                                                You can also post here on Dramabuff and people will add you or visa versa. Let me for the sake of being helpful give you this...

                                                                                Put this into a google search, you will find loads "gaming community site:" they are locked cause they expired after 3 months of no one posting, cause like I said no one cares much about gaming communities.

                                                                                Have you ever played FaceIT? Or Reddit in-house? Try those out.