General Discussion

General Discussiondoom support

doom support in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    is he viable to take on the 4th or 5th position? i think he can steadily maintain the wards since he gets gold from devour. Thoughts? or will we see something like this in near future?

    not cob

      It's an older way to play him, it's neglected because Doom offers little as a lane support and simply half-jungles whilst having nothing to contribute in a trilane.
      If Doom got the harpy lightning and a bunch of clarities, I suppose it could work- but Doom's not really in the meta for now...


        Hate having doom on my team in this meta


          It's awful, don't even ask why.


            sadly, doom is dead for more than a half a year now, for any position


              well it can work, but it requires him to jungle 24/7. whereas someone like sk can roam, and retreat in jungle for a period of time. +sk contributes more to teamfights, whereas doom is single target counter.


                even if doom jungles 24/7 ur early game is screwed so even when he emerges from the jungle game is over.


                  and if ur team was wining before u came out of jungle they didn't need you to win anyways.

                  Miku Plays

                    i was thinking if he could get the troll ensnare for early game and the hellbear aura when theyre ready to group up, hell even the speed aura might be useful.

                    Dire Wolf

                      He stinks in lane as a support. He's ok as a carry in lane I guess since you can have a disabling support, max fire and potentially kill people. But his disables suck now since doom ult nerf. It's pretty bad without aghs now.


                        here is a guide how to random doom and win


                          support doom is something clown9 would do

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