General Discussion

General DiscussionOccassionally opposite happens

Occassionally opposite happens in General Discussion

    Of what everyone thinks will happen. During pick phase we lost a lot of gold due to no one picking and then as a last pick we got a jungle void. He gave first blood in river without fighting which partly forced me out of position not knowing he wasn't going to move , so I died making enemy go up 0-2 and then void dced , everyone thought he was just feeding and quiting at the time, he reappeared 4 mjns later and started jingling . Anyways during laning stage I roamed as cm and forced kills on safelane and off lane then our mid got a solo kill on enemy mid then all of a sudden we stomped them so hard that it was a very quick throne of enemy team and this is with enemies still trying no one say in fountain or tried to feed. I was just very surprised that This game turned into a mega stomp that fast after our start I figured if we won it would be a long game we had a 4 carry lineup with jungle dc void and me line support. people on other team were saying Gg that they won at one minute and all my teamates were agreeing if only they knew lol

    Ten temat był edytowany

      [color=#239edd]what the fuck did i just read[/color]


        i dunno whether its the question of punctuation, lack of paragraphs, or just sentences' structure, but it's incredibly difficult to read ur text.


          Funny i feel the opposite. EVERYTIME my team is down 30k gold, enemy team has bot racks, top racks, mid racks mega creeps and my entire team is dead and everyone on the enemy team is attacking our ancient which only has 10% health, guess what? Everyone thinks we're going to lose. And guess what? We lose! Wow. So crazy.


            Ack text wall

            Bad Intentions

              Yo filthy, sup man. Like ive always said, u gotta take the bad with the good. And its always welcome to take the good 😀

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!