General Discussion

General DiscussionHow NOT to die?!

How NOT to die?! in General Discussion

    Guys, i'm average 4k player, which believes he can play better ( LoL ).
    So, 1 of my greatest mistakes is the amount of deathes. Rly.
    Idk why, but my averages dths amount is around ~8 in a single game. Thet is FUCCKCKING toooo~oooo~ much.

    1. I'm checkin mini-map. Im not an idiot.
    2. Tryin to check my opponents' items.

    And its very sad, coz im sure that some games were lost coz of me losing a streak or getting catched without a BB. OR Doing dieback or kinda. IDK what?!?1//11

    Can some1 stronQ check out my profile and try to find why am i so bad!? It gonna make me gratefu, at least.


      AS grateful, as a club-girl rolling on XTC cant be with her new sex-friend.

      casual gamer

        ember spirit specific tip

        you should not be dying much on this hero unless they have orchids or instant cast silence/stuns

        keep a remnant behind you ALWAYS and 150+ mana, whenever anyone initiates on you hit d and click the ground -> ez

        keep remnant at level 1 until level 24, do NOT skill it at 14/16 as the damage is completely worthless and stats are actually useful

        u dont need a linkens to block shit like duel (unless she has shadow blade and ur pushing w/o detection), just be mindful of ranges and if they go on you ball away before they complete cast animations

        casual gamer

          looks at this game

          basically embers worst nightmare, multiple long range bkb penetrating stuns (hook, blink curse), multiple sheepsticks, still only 3 deaths in a 75+ minute game

          obviously thats not how every game is going to go because we aren't robots that dodge everything or never overextend on low mana, but you really shouldn't have many deaths if you pick him conservatively (not against storm/riki and ur gucci essentially)


            @dispassionate yeah, thank u. But i didnt play wthis hero for... 5 monthes? or kinda.)
            And all tips for this hero are aquired from a 118 games :)

            It was like -12 games on him at the time, when my friend presented this account to me. :0

            The reason why im asking this question is coz i have that problem not only whith ember, but with ALL heroes.
            And teoretically i know how not to die on any of them. But i cant ;ddd

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              @dispassionate Btw. I like ur Ember. And overall ur DB looks cool enought.

              casual gamer

                idk how much general advice i can give lol

                just dont be afraid to play like a complete pansy. dont chase people into fog, build items to counter the people that try to kill u (ghost vs ursa, ta, etc)

                a lot of the time when im mid and theres no map control i buy my own lane ward so i dont feed


                  Repeat after me.
                  YOU NEED SAFETY GOGGLES !


                    Yeah, thank you.
                    Honestly, most of the time im too greedy to buy a single ward for me. Even if im mid. Too greedy.

                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                        playing dota and ask for no dead,and you only dead for 8 ave. if you face the dumb player yes normally dead less, but face a good team, you should glad die less than 20 time

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo op. Literally, think 5 seconds ahead of whats gonna happen, build that inert spidersense man, die with a purpose. add me up and we can check yo gamez.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                            Welt aus Eis

                              improve your map awareness, abuse tps as a carry/mid to split push safely


                                LOL pick pudge


                                  Lol. Tech is better for not dieing


                                    LOL remember NOT to level up suicide squad


                                      Buy wards if u need it, be creative, think how they can catch you and play around that.

                                      Recently I have been dying a lot too


                                        Thank u all for your responses.
                                        The things u were talking about is more than obvius. Ofc this options have to be improved by anyplayer, who wants to be better at dota.
                                        But i'm more interested in icro-moments right now.

                                        From time to another time it seems that i shoud control my mates and do not let them, for example, die 4x5.
                                        But what will i do? Yeah, I'll just go and die with them. The proble of that situation is that its very hard to predict, how the fight will go, and will me mates listen to me or not.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!