General Discussion

General DiscussionSome basic doto fundamentals n tips that you can share to everyone? B...

Some basic doto fundamentals n tips that you can share to everyone? Beginners and veterans etc. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Anything would help!

    1. Tweaking your chat wheel, quick cast and quick message keys to your most comfortable settings.
    2. Mini map on right side if you're right eye dominant (I've read about this, it seems scientifically plausible to be better)
    3. Don't play ranked if you think some outside factors will negatively affect your game, such as no sleep? internet acting up?
    4. Practice heroes in bot games, or normal games?
    5. Don't give up! its not over till its over!

    Please contribute!

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        there are 2 0:00 s


          Don't play the game until you have at least 1,000 hours of gameplay.


            offlane headdress, no dagger PA is best PA.


              practice heros in normal games.


                mute your enemies at the start of the game.

                mute anyone on your team you believe is playing badly, or better yet just mute everyone and unmute those who don't seem awful.

                Do not fucking pull your safe lane if your carry is farming well and in control of the lane. if you want to deny xp, zone the offlaner instead of fucking up your carries farm.

                Miku Plays

                  buy MoM on carry maiden kappa


                    accept ur inferiority, put ur ego in standby mode and get better, else stay shit forever.