Treads-SnY-AC-BKB-Heart-Abyssal i think its the most common Right click bristle.
Maybe you need a Vanguard tho early on
The arcane vanguard mek build has been working for me, I can tank for my team and keep them alive for fights.
I was wondering why do people play him as a right clicker, aren't there better heroes for that?
i love maelstrom although it probably actually sucks on him as no survivability
still, costs only half as much as sange and yasha, maybe you could buy a vanguard for the money you don't spend on them
gives more survivability, good on bristle and also the 30 attack speed. bristle's agi gain is actually really low so even though he has damage from warpath his overall dps from right clicks alone isn't that great due to his rather low attack speed, plus his BAT got nerfed from 1.7 to 1.8 recently. maim + speed bonus is a nice extra.
I think SNY is good because it gives you survivabillity as well as more right click. there aren't many items that do both. and the ones that do, are not in the same price range of SNY e.g. treads, drum, armlet, SNY, skadi and AC.
Because it's a great item, +hp, + dmage + atk speed + move speed+ slow, all around DPs and survability in one item.
It's good but he's already super fast with warpath and has a spammable slow with snot rockets. I think rushing ac is probably better, though s&y is a breeze to make.
I like to go octarine core though. Let's you spam everything to keep warpath maxed, gives you the cd reduction and mana regen to do it, plus minor lifesteal off quills.
It's fun but radiance is probably a last item, like you have nothing to do, game is already won, why not.
If it's a close game I'd never get it for him
He can already reduce 8.8 armor with goo, and if he gets AC, thats more armor reduction, deso would work even better with them, and it builds easy.
3500 is so stinking ez to farm
although its more situational than core
however, the surprise factor
will definitely make dem keedz sheet in dem pants
stupid, retarded item compared to an AC. Betr if u rush vanguard->blade-mail->AC or just blade-mail->AC instead.
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Why is this specific item so recommended for right click core style bristle.
Lately I've been playing arcane vanguard meka bristle and i've been doing well, but I want to see how he'd do as a position 1 core.
Why is SnY the item of choice? Is it the maim + speed bonus?
What are alternative items for him to be a right click carry type hero? AC is one I think of commonly