General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    cool 2nd game someone ruined it instead of me :d I'm already losing my motivation to play pubs again




        this new hero ROFL went jungle bought sb echo sabre went like 20-2 in 25 mins :d SeemsGood balanced


          BASH ON TREANT !?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




              This was the last day I played dota 2 in this patch, was fun spamming and owning with that new hero, but game's fucking awful.

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                tshi taunt ...

                Yowai Mo

                  Join the russian party

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                              Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

                              not arin

                                im not failing any more subjects, im gonna fucking nail the network exam next thursday even though i was on like 3 out of 12 lectures.

                                also im asking for an advice
                                our prof on programming came up to us with some needed amount of points from our homeworks as one of the prerequisites for being allowed to take the exam. he said that lots of people are well above or nearing the needed amount and others are deep below and that those people should come individually to him. my question is, should i come to him and ask what to do
                                additional information:

                                we need 260 points. i have 20. theres no normal way for me to get to that limit.
                                therefore im not even sure if this offer of his apply to me too since im THIS MUCH deep down.
                                im terrible at programming and at this point i'd rather repeat it next year, even though it's a key subject and it will make me study for bachelor for one more year.
                                i was flunking it a lot. i usually understood how something should be done but i never managed to make it work so i gave up eventually. (as i said before i have big troubles with reading from input or navigating myself in the freepascal, i often end up with somehow screwed up user screen or in some endless loops where all i can do is keep pressing enter but the program doesnt do anything etc)
                                i dont want to beg for the grade. i know i couldve done far more for getting this subject done.
                                even if i got a chance to make it up it would take me so much time that i would be risking to fail other subjects (which i cant possibly fail now or i'll be kicked - either i get the programming done and i'll have some extra credits so i'll be able to fail other subjects without getting kicked; or i'll fail the programming after putting a lot of time into it and therefore fail one or more subjects too and drop out in the end)

                                on the other hand

                                he never mentioned some needed amount of points to pass, he always said "dont worry about the points a lot" which is one of the reasons why i ignored a lot of it
                                i got deleted from the whole code analyser system and couldnt do anything for almost two weeks (but i still havent done anything even after getting things late - theres a certain deadline for each example, past that we're not getting any points, but i didnt send any codes even after this date)
                                none of my points from before the time where i got deleted got counted, even though i was promised to that he will add it (but it's like 40 points max)

                                should i go to him (and risk something like "why do you even study on this school, you do nothing whole semester and now you dare to come to beg for another chance", i feel like i 99% deserve to fail this subject)?

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  my profs used to be quite understanding, I'd just go and ask him, at the very least it's far better than doing nohting and just accepting the failure


                                    Arin dont worry bruh.Its going to be 2K17 soon.So new year, new Arin

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                                            the scrub diary seemsgud


                                              Ti 4 in 2016 LUL

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                                                  I said good day sir.


                                                    Goodnight, sweet prince.

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                                                        RIP dbd free

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                                                          D the Superior
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                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                  The music is shared was confirmed to lower heart rate and some other effects that make you drowsy. Meka said he was going to sleep so I wanted to help him. lmfao

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    i wanna watch some pixar/disney/whatever cartoon today can anybody recmmend smth from recent 4-5 years?
                                                                    seen zootopia alrdy

                                                                    the realm's delight
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                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        i cant take these pubs serious man


                                                                          techies literally has not changed, he's just pure PvE now


                                                                            Someone is on incognito mod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                              The new soduku spell on techies is retarded af. 7 sec silence seemsgood osfrog

                                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                dunno i think im always using incognito regardless wether im watching porn or not, and only turn off incognito for important stuff (i.e. school work) that i want in my browser history

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  am i in some sort of shadow pool why am i only getting 4k avg?????????