mb not but my feeling tells me that the addon is goign to be quite shit over all and that blizzard will be trying to lick the average casuals asshole even more
1. The UK voted to leave the EU.
2. This does not make it official but to make it "official" could take up to 2 years.
3. No, the UK will not kick people out, people of EU origin are still allowed to remain with visa's which you will now need to apply for.
4. People who have been here for 5 years or more will get residency.
5. Voting leave wasn't a immigration thing, this was what both sides used to "spearhead" their arguments.
6. The EU has seen no economical progress since 2006 so breaking from them to create our own trade agreements and laws were the reasons this began and has always been the objective.
7. Remain supporters are like Bernie supporters, toxic, uninformed, and just looking for the next progressive fix.
8. The UK will go through a shock period, but will stabilize quite quickly and once stable can start to add new economic streams that could boost the economy which weren't previously possible while being under EU trade law.
TL;DR The UK isn't going anywhere, it just wants to make its own laws. Leaving the EU isn't about immigrants. Short term UK will have some growing pains, but grow they will after stability. People from the EU won't be kicked out, and travel to and from mainland EU will continue as normal. In short, stop panicking people on social media, it will all be perfectly fine in a couple months.
I voted remain, but still think leave is the way to go. I wasn't so clear on what leave was offering so played the smart card and voted for things to remain as normal. Shaking up the boat is a good way of finding strength and or weakness which you can use to flourish.
There are countries in Europe (Norway, Switzerland etc.) that are not part of the EU and are doing just fine. So will the UK. Other countries will leave the cause the EU is an over bloated pile of garbage that serves no purpose.
Also iirc it's not official yet because the parliament or congress or whatever shit you have can still just not care about the vote so the U.K. Stays in the EU
I'm come to ayy lmao to see some memes, well I used to
Now I only see furry and anime and mobile game shit but anyway your summary i still better than this
But whatever both campaigns were dogshit and not based on facts at all but instead on accusations and speculations. Still didn't think the uk would leave
@spunki those are horribly misguided pictures and typical of social media trying to cry about losing a vote. Welcome to fucking democracy, where EVERYONE gets to vote. If you're young and get to vote and choose not to then that's your luck out, you don't get to cry later.
The data samples in that showed higher numbers 25-49 than the over 60's. Meaning a larger number of people were in the younger pools than the older, meaning that the outcome of the vote was decided by a majority of 18-49yo's
While progressives are crying on facebook all day about "isolation" "racism" etc I would like anyone interested to watch this video as it's the MAIN reason the UK wants the leave the shitty EU
new page belongs to me
@allison what do u think about this swagging style
pogchamp but fuck pve WutFace
ptr servers are in us i have 200 ms triggered
i need havoc to hook me up with some legion pre purchase now before its too late and he starts saving money to move out of uk LUL
well idk, ptr seems to be quite boring especially since u dont get fully equipped characters => no arena/pvp feelsbadman
i actually really want to play on some arena servers. would be cool af
i'm decent @pvp but cant be arsed to farm gear/find mates
when u join arena or bg in legion u get the best gear for it
or something idk gear doesnt matter in any case
need hot asian girls
feelsgoodman tyvm legion
i kind of feel like legion will end the WoW series though
as long as there are still people playing it blizzard will do their best to suck this game dry for sure so yea might not be the end
mb not but my feeling tells me that the addon is goign to be quite shit over all and that blizzard will be trying to lick the average casuals asshole even more
I don't think there are average casuals anymore in this game
i think wod was a cool addon, same for mop. but especially wod just lacked LOTS of content compared to all other prev addons
Ok, here's what's going on in summary.
1. The UK voted to leave the EU.
2. This does not make it official but to make it "official" could take up to 2 years.
3. No, the UK will not kick people out, people of EU origin are still allowed to remain with visa's which you will now need to apply for.
4. People who have been here for 5 years or more will get residency.
5. Voting leave wasn't a immigration thing, this was what both sides used to "spearhead" their arguments.
6. The EU has seen no economical progress since 2006 so breaking from them to create our own trade agreements and laws were the reasons this began and has always been the objective.
7. Remain supporters are like Bernie supporters, toxic, uninformed, and just looking for the next progressive fix.
8. The UK will go through a shock period, but will stabilize quite quickly and once stable can start to add new economic streams that could boost the economy which weren't previously possible while being under EU trade law.
TL;DR The UK isn't going anywhere, it just wants to make its own laws. Leaving the EU isn't about immigrants. Short term UK will have some growing pains, but grow they will after stability. People from the EU won't be kicked out, and travel to and from mainland EU will continue as normal. In short, stop panicking people on social media, it will all be perfectly fine in a couple months.
I voted remain, but still think leave is the way to go. I wasn't so clear on what leave was offering so played the smart card and voted for things to remain as normal. Shaking up the boat is a good way of finding strength and or weakness which you can use to flourish.
There are countries in Europe (Norway, Switzerland etc.) that are not part of the EU and are doing just fine. So will the UK. Other countries will leave the cause the EU is an over bloated pile of garbage that serves no purpose.
Months? More like years
Also iirc it's not official yet because the parliament or congress or whatever shit you have can still just not care about the vote so the U.K. Stays in the EU
I'm come to ayy lmao to see some memes, well I used to
Now I only see furry and anime and mobile game shit but anyway your summary i still better than this
years? more like eons
But whatever both campaigns were dogshit and not based on facts at all but instead on accusations and speculations. Still didn't think the uk would leave
we are playing our first jdl match on sunday, and it is the strongest team in our group
"It would be more pointful if you were not allowed to vote during the last 18 years of your life instead of the first"
^lul rip twitter bbcode WutFace NotLikeThis
when i play unranked
Games are honestly too fuckin easy guys. Me and Benao are recking those fuckin shitters as duo stack.
Sun is shining into my room and im trying to sleep FeelsBadMan
ye same it's fucking day pretty much @3am 4Head
after ss nerf i just realize that arc miss also nerfed WTF VALVE !!! AND A FOKKEN SNIP ON MY TEAM NC !
@spunki those are horribly misguided pictures and typical of social media trying to cry about losing a vote. Welcome to fucking democracy, where EVERYONE gets to vote. If you're young and get to vote and choose not to then that's your luck out, you don't get to cry later.
The data samples in that showed higher numbers 25-49 than the over 60's. Meaning a larger number of people were in the younger pools than the older, meaning that the outcome of the vote was decided by a majority of 18-49yo's
While progressives are crying on facebook all day about "isolation" "racism" etc I would like anyone interested to watch this video as it's the MAIN reason the UK wants the leave the shitty EU
Seriously informative, and puts everything into a perspective.
i smell a world war
This is so emusing
who is that? i live under a rock soorry not sorry
Her name is Hoo Lee Shet
hows a slark getting less cs than a weaver whats going on
Yea havoc I know the reasons why you left, but it's definitely gonna suck for you guys short term