where do you work hartzIV? here most people can communicate in english, they couldn't tell you a story but share their thoughts in an understandable way
Вот ещё к примеру: батон (300г) - 14р.
Примерно, 3 месяца назад я был около метро пр. Просвещения, там продавали помидоры по 100р. за 2кг. Очень хотел купить, но места просто не было, а тащиться далеко.
А молоко у нас на машинах привозят и прямо "с колёс" продают. Честно говоря, цен никогда не спрашивал. Я просто не люблю молоко, никогда его не покупаю. В следующий раз как увижу - поинтересуюсь.
Конечно, Чехов правильно сказал: "Чужими грехами свят не будешь". Но ты посмотри что в мире творится. В Европе тоже кризис, но это не помешало им ввести против нас санкции, хотя там все фермеры протестовали. Или вот недавно меня тут на форуме гомофобом окрестили, а теперь в Орландо какой-то псих из автомата 50 геев положил. Однако, никто не называет американцев гомофобами. У нас может и плохо, но где лучше?...
personally I don't have any experience with moving to new country. But I'm the first generation of immigrants. so I could ask around how they did it. maybe add me on steam and write me whenever I'm online
as the intelligence goes up, so does the english knowledge, basically. you should have no issues @unis / friends from unis or w/e, you'll probably only have issues doing the "daily" stuff but you don't need much german knowledge for that (for example hello & thanks in a supermarket, or saying that you want your hair like that n that at a barber)
@kotlboy i don't think that you should save a lot, simply because i think that your currency is shit and you're earning close to nothing compared to europe, so you might save a year and yet have less than what someone earns in a month in germany (got no idea tho)
In hygenic inspector for airconditions i basicly work in whole germany and also belgium netherlands and austria sometimes
And in all this countrys ppls speak much better english than germans Do.
Move to Switzerland, damn expensive, I pay around 400 CHF for food per month(dinner not included because I eat dinner @ home most of the time) good shit, good fucking shit
Actually if u guys laugh about my english. Thats actually what i try to tell you i can count the ppls i know who speak better english than me on my 2 Hands
also, your english is shit so youre pretty much not in a position to judge other ppl for their eng skills - also, since youre an inspector for airconditioners in GERMANY, how often do you fucking speak english with germans? aren't you german? do you only talk english to people who are refugees or w/e?
why do u guys still contemplate of living in west germany? global economic momentum will shift from the atlantic to the asia-pacific ring in the next 30 years
singapore is a good place to stay right now for fledgeling western entrepeneurs
Das Ding ist halt, dass eigentlich so ziemlich JEDER mittlerweile verpflcihtet ist Englisch während der Schulzeit zu lernen. Keine Ahnung ob du studierst/studiert hast/studieren wirst aber es gibt einfach unheimlich viele Leute die Englisch sprechen, teils weil sie selbst internationale Studenten sind, andererseits weil sie Deutsche sind die gezwungen sind viele Englische Kurse während ihres Studiums zu nehmen.
Ich sage ja nicht dass jeder flüssig Englisch sprechen kann - das stimmt auch nicht. Aber ein paar Brocken, ein "here" ein "thank you" oder ein "please" oder ein paar Farben versteht jeder.
Es reicht somit vollkommen aus Englisch zu können um in DE zurechtzukommen, andererseits können die internationalen Studenten natürlich auch Deutsch lernen. (Werden sie ja auch früher oder später machen, Englisch zu sprechen ist ja nur am Anfang nötig)
Du bist 18 Jahre studierst und pappy bezahlt alles?
8.50€/h = minimum wage (for example for putting stuff into shelves in a store, working as a waiter or cleaning etc.)
but usually no1 pays minimum wage, the salary for the jobs that i just named usually is around 10-12€ + tips (as waiter)
12 Euro verdient in Deutschland z.b ein schlosser / Elektriker... Du hast ja echt überhaupt kein Plan...
Hartz: Bet your daddy pays for everything while u only study
spunki: I have a parttime job and earn more than ur minimum wage claim so FUCK YOU - also my parents are poor
where do you work hartzIV? here most people can communicate in english, they couldn't tell you a story but share their thoughts in an understandable way
Вот ещё к примеру: батон (300г) - 14р.
Примерно, 3 месяца назад я был около метро пр. Просвещения, там продавали помидоры по 100р. за 2кг. Очень хотел купить, но места просто не было, а тащиться далеко.
А молоко у нас на машинах привозят и прямо "с колёс" продают. Честно говоря, цен никогда не спрашивал. Я просто не люблю молоко, никогда его не покупаю. В следующий раз как увижу - поинтересуюсь.
German 9gaggers are quite good with english so i doubt most germans cant speak english
@dos savings. I dont have any atm lul probably will consider doing that when i do earn a bit more(hopefully) in the next couple of years.
Network marketing lul
Конечно, Чехов правильно сказал: "Чужими грехами свят не будешь". Но ты посмотри что в мире творится. В Европе тоже кризис, но это не помешало им ввести против нас санкции, хотя там все фермеры протестовали. Или вот недавно меня тут на форуме гомофобом окрестили, а теперь в Орландо какой-то псих из автомата 50 геев положил. Однако, никто не называет американцев гомофобами. У нас может и плохо, но где лучше?...
personally I don't have any experience with moving to new country. But I'm the first generation of immigrants. so I could ask around how they did it. maybe add me on steam and write me whenever I'm online
as the intelligence goes up, so does the english knowledge, basically. you should have no issues @unis / friends from unis or w/e, you'll probably only have issues doing the "daily" stuff but you don't need much german knowledge for that (for example hello & thanks in a supermarket, or saying that you want your hair like that n that at a barber)
@kotlboy i don't think that you should save a lot, simply because i think that your currency is shit and you're earning close to nothing compared to europe, so you might save a year and yet have less than what someone earns in a month in germany (got no idea tho)
политота подъехала
соултрап, ты когда-нибудь жил за границей? я имею в виду не турпоездку в италию, а именно проживание, хотя бы месяц.
In hygenic inspector for airconditions i basicly work in whole germany and also belgium netherlands and austria sometimes
And in all this countrys ppls speak much better english than germans Do.
Полагаю, Беларусь не считается? =)
Ответ - нет.
Move to Switzerland, damn expensive, I pay around 400 CHF for food per month(dinner not included because I eat dinner @ home most of the time) good shit, good fucking shit
Actually if u guys laugh about my english. Thats actually what i try to tell you i can count the ppls i know who speak better english than me on my 2 Hands
Better off working in germany part time and studying then? how much is the minimum wage there? Sry if i cant google, net is shit again
also, your english is shit so youre pretty much not in a position to judge other ppl for their eng skills - also, since youre an inspector for airconditioners in GERMANY, how often do you fucking speak english with germans? aren't you german? do you only talk english to people who are refugees or w/e?
im supposed to be superiorly intelligent (139 iq) but i feel so futureless
and chemotherapy is leaving me in great pain+discomfort
perhaps i pimp myself to sum dumb horny european
Chemo? Nangyari?
florian can u marry me? i promise you my quality asian pu$$y. dw i can look like a girl.
8.50€/h = minimum wage (for example for putting stuff into shelves in a store, working as a waiter or cleaning etc.)
but usually no1 pays minimum wage, the salary for the jobs that i just named usually is around 10-12€ + tips (as waiter)
severe tb tae
kaya matulog talaga kayo ng maaga mga tol
putang ina bo
Joonge komm mal klar auf dein Leben keine Ahnung in welcher Realität du lebst aber meine sieht anders aus.
spunki ur just 15 and u have to lie a lot to get swipes on tinder
Tuberculosis? Ingat2 ka naku ang bata mo pa para magka TB
why do u guys still contemplate of living in west germany? global economic momentum will shift from the atlantic to the asia-pacific ring in the next 30 years
singapore is a good place to stay right now for fledgeling western entrepeneurs
Das Ding ist halt, dass eigentlich so ziemlich JEDER mittlerweile verpflcihtet ist Englisch während der Schulzeit zu lernen. Keine Ahnung ob du studierst/studiert hast/studieren wirst aber es gibt einfach unheimlich viele Leute die Englisch sprechen, teils weil sie selbst internationale Studenten sind, andererseits weil sie Deutsche sind die gezwungen sind viele Englische Kurse während ihres Studiums zu nehmen.
Ich sage ja nicht dass jeder flüssig Englisch sprechen kann - das stimmt auch nicht. Aber ein paar Brocken, ein "here" ein "thank you" oder ein "please" oder ein paar Farben versteht jeder.
Es reicht somit vollkommen aus Englisch zu können um in DE zurechtzukommen, andererseits können die internationalen Studenten natürlich auch Deutsch lernen. (Werden sie ja auch früher oder später machen, Englisch zu sprechen ist ja nur am Anfang nötig)
jawohl das ist sehr gut👌 SEHR GUT 👌
lmao actually why does everybody say jawohl? nobody says this in germany like ever
yes i thought i could get back to college this year
im too old alrdy and i havent finished half my course (im 20)
considering i graduated at 15
god damn ill miss my twenties but w/e i guess this is what fate puts me when i tried to solicit every1 onmy friends list to buy me a compendium
:( FeelsBadMan
Du bist 18 Jahre studierst und pappy bezahlt alles?
8.50€/h = minimum wage (for example for putting stuff into shelves in a store, working as a waiter or cleaning etc.)
but usually no1 pays minimum wage, the salary for the jobs that i just named usually is around 10-12€ + tips (as waiter)
12 Euro verdient in Deutschland z.b ein schlosser / Elektriker... Du hast ja echt überhaupt kein Plan...
remember memelover? hes studying german right now as a four year course and im like wtf
isvgermqn that hard to learn?
"Du bist 18 Jahre studierst und pappy bezahlt alles?" ROFL
can u stop talking in ur disgusting barbaric language guys
? ich bin 17 und verdiene im Moment bei meinem Teilzeitjob 10.50€/h fürs Regaleeinräumen & fange nächstes Jahr an zu studieren
und nein, meine Eltern sind leider keine Bonzen
throwback to the time when slavics had more reputation than germanics who used to be no more than glorified quasiceltic shitstains
Er ist 15 Jahre alt, digga
I translate with my pro german skills:
Hartz: Bet your daddy pays for everything while u only study
spunki: I have a parttime job and earn more than ur minimum wage claim so FUCK YOU - also my parents are poor
Pls guys my net is shit and i cant download data for my google translate to make sense of your gibberish
Edit: ^ oh thank you
im not 15 NotLikeThis and ye, thats kinda what we said
so youre 14?
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