the realm's delight 17-08-2015ROCKET SCIENTIST U SUCK DENIED STOP SHOOTING UR TEAMMATES SUNDAY DRIVERthe realm's delight 17-08-2015fukin canadian shit always streaming when i wanna go sleepSeoulmate 17-08-2015@Yoshi Play as Korea and obtain your ez wins Ten komentarz był edytowany 17-08-2015Yoshi 17-08-2015me and hushhush are discovering how it feels to get fucked in the ass by the AI in Civilization V, we are (me especially) the burning fields is me :D Ten komentarz był edytowany 17-08-2015Yoshi 17-08-2015@MVP i love Korea! but we tried random :XMekarazium 17-08-2015Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora 20-01-2018jus chillen 17-08-2015holy shit guys, check out this vid Yoshi 17-08-2015@mekarazium definately! the more the better! lol seen that dogolino :DMokujin 18-08-2015this is so gud kreygasm Ten komentarz był edytowany 18-08-2015[Lk].Zano 18-08-2015Ayyy, can someone with DB+ please post my winrate against heroes page for this patch please? :)Ten komentarz był edytowany 18-08-2015Mekarazium 18-08-2015Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora 20-01-2018quity 18-08-2015oi civ m8s, Count me in this Weekend, I'll Show you how to win by dominationYoshi 18-08-2015sounds like a plan :)) btw: (take care of your supports) quity 18-08-2015no wards, typical wannabe. probably 30 deaths tooTripleSteal- 18-08-2015@zano the order is reversed, but im too lazy to change it Ten komentarz był edytowany 18-08-2015Yoshi 18-08-2015ok guys, hosting civ 5 sessione, wisper me fast!plz do 18-08-2015fast...............!!! history is taking a new path and the new leader of the world order will be called hushhushthe realm's delight 18-08-2015 did she diededed?quity 18-08-2015I'm at work :(Miku Plays 18-08-2015jus chillen 18-08-2015@grill, It was at this moment nana knew she fucked upjus chillen 18-08-2015(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ MY NAME IS DONG,JAMES DONG (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄Totentanz to The King: M ... 18-08-2015matrice playing TB on Sing's stream Kreygasmjus chillen 18-08-2015PogChamp jus chillen 18-08-20155 melee 2 couriers the trench never ends Totentanz to The King: M ... 18-08-2015Nice trilane 4Headjus chillen 18-08-2015good thing they have 2 couriers quity 18-08-20151 for each junglerjus chillen 18-08-2015░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░NICE░SHARDS░ ░░░░░▄░░░░░░▄░░░░░░░░░░░░▄░░░░ ░░░░█░█░░░░█░█░░░░▄▀█░░░█░▀▄░░ ░░░▄▀░░█░░█░░░▀▄░█░░░█░░█░░█░░ ░░█░░░░█▄▀░░░░░▀▄▀░░░█▄▀░░░░█░ ░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░IDIOT░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Mokujin 18-08-2015if only radiant had some other hero instead of ck Vaikiss`742. 18-08-2015?????????????????????????the realm's delight 18-08-2015Mekarazium 18-08-2015Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora 20-01-2018Miku Plays 18-08-2015new meta greaves void xaxaxaxaxaaxaxaxxaaxxa 100% backtrack after greaves for 10 secondsTen komentarz był edytowany 18-08-2015TripleSteal- 18-08-2015isnt it slashers way tho?the realm's delight 18-08-2015 Ten komentarz był edytowany 18-08-2015Mokujin 18-08-2015what is Sheever's MMR?the realm's delight 18-08-20153k arin 18-08-2015what is all this crap about chi long qua i couldn't watch it even for whole two minutesYoshi 18-08-2015not sure if he is psycho or legit but he is definately hilariousquity 18-08-2015chilongqua is definetly best Player on planet earth, probably milkyway aswell Yoshi 18-08-2015Miku Plays 18-08-2015 need the return of animemememesarin 18-08-2015triple how do you deal with gyro dazzle duolane as timber?the realm's delight 18-08-2015TripleSteal- 18-08-2015@arin leech exp, you cant do anything un less they are totally braindeadjus chillen 18-08-2015@arin you go in and smash their heads jus chillen 18-08-2015this is how you really play timber, with 2 hearts manmode style, and you smash their heads chillen 18-08-2015 the real way of playing timberp2d 18-08-2015arin you go tranquil 5 bracers and spam gank midZaloguj się aby dodawać komentarze.Zaloguj się na Steam
fukin canadian shit always streaming when i wanna go sleep
Play as Korea and obtain your ez wins
me and hushhush are discovering how it feels to get fucked in the ass by the AI in Civilization V, we are (me especially)
the burning fields is me :D
i love Korea! but we tried random :X
holy shit guys, check out this vid
definately! the more the better!
lol seen that dogolino :D
this is so gud
Ayyy, can someone with DB+ please post my winrate against heroes page for this patch please? :)
oi civ m8s, Count me in this Weekend, I'll Show you how to win by domination
sounds like a plan :))
btw: (take care of your supports)
no wards, typical wannabe. probably 30 deaths too
the order is reversed, but im too lazy to change it
ok guys, hosting civ 5 sessione, wisper me fast!
fast...............!!! history is taking a new path and the new leader of the world order will be called hushhush
did she diededed?
I'm at work :(
@grill, It was at this moment nana knew she fucked up
(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ MY NAME IS DONG,JAMES DONG (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄
matrice playing TB on Sing's stream Kreygasm
5 melee 2 couriers the trench never ends
Nice trilane 4Head
good thing they have 2 couriers
1 for each jungler
if only radiant had some other hero instead of ck
new meta greaves void xaxaxaxaxaaxaxaxxaaxxa
100% backtrack after greaves for 10 seconds
isnt it slashers way tho?
what is Sheever's MMR?
what is all this crap about chi long qua
i couldn't watch it even for whole two minutes
not sure if he is psycho or legit but he is definately hilarious
chilongqua is definetly best Player on planet earth, probably milkyway aswell
need the return of animemememes
triple how do you deal with gyro dazzle duolane as timber?
leech exp, you cant do anything un less they are totally braindead
@arin you go in and smash their heads
this is how you really play timber, with 2 hearts manmode style, and you smash their heads
the real way of playing timber
you go tranquil 5 bracers and spam gank mid