General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
me, government hooker


    < blank >

      Finished Dark Souls 3 and I see Dota has still this ugly 6.86 patch, gonna start a new DS3 run then


        i got exactly same one atm

          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

            nice 1 is tilted and the other one is acc buyer... nice game and nice patch <3 skilled players won once again, cuz my fucking support died 26 times in a 40min game dunno how... clearly acc buyer...


              still debating whether to get black desert online or not

                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                Pale Mannie

                  playing borderlands all day atm and yet no 6.87 FeelsBadMan

                  < blank >

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                        the guy from aimstrongs video is actually being asked about the reason his height is so small

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                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                            Pale Mannie

                              When you gotta cast Dota games at 11 but enroll in army at 12


                                OMG I MET SAME FUCKING ACC BUYER FROM A PREVIOUS GAME AND HE FED 5 - 17 as safe lane this time...........

                                Miku Plays


                                    What was ur thought process miku after posting this?

                                    I think "fucking" is on ur mind right now

                                    me, government hooker

                                      7 1 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S

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                                      D the Superior
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                                          Pale Mannie

                                            The year is 2017. President Trump is sitting at the oval office, both bewildered at the lack of powers the President's chair holds, and bored out of his mind. "This was supposed to be fun" he thought. So far the Senate, House and Supreme Court were all against his plans to ban all Minorities and to start a war with Mexico because they wouldn't pay for his wall. Bored, he had an idea. There was a job that gave more power and money than the U.S. Presidency. But he needed some help to achieve it.
                                            Trump's plan was to take over Valve. To do it, he tapped into a population much like the one that helped him to get to the White House. He targeted the Dota 2 community, the most vocal, angry, racist and dankest of all of the gaming communities. Since Valve is an NA company, he targeted the NA dota community specifically. Soon, he had them foaming angrily at Volvo and Gabe Newell with his unfounded claims.
                                            "The reason there's no 6.87 yet is because Gabe only cares about selling you hats"
                                            "When Peru sends its players to the NA servers, they're not sending you their best players. They're sending their ragers, quitters and noobs."
                                            "Let's make NA Dota great again"
                                            "I will build a firewall, a beautiful firewall, to keep Peruvians out of U.S. East and U.S. West. Putin will pay for it, because his name kinda sounds like Peruvian. And I will ensure that NA teams stop hiring Koreans like Aui 2000 and Mexicans like Sumail, and keep the teams firmly comprised of good American players like Chessie and Limmp."
                                            Needless to say, with the backing of such an angry, if small population, Trump got the necessary votes for the Government takeover of Valve Corp. He was now the President of the U.S., the president of Valve Corp., and the President of N.A. Dota. It was only a matter of time before he could target the world for domination.
                                            Meanwhile, Gabe Newell was desperately trying to create a resistance movement versus Trump, but few would help him. Bruno/Ice Frog confronted him with a desperate gamble.
                                            "Gabe, you'd know if you watched more movies, that to combat an insane megalomaniac bent on world domination, you need a suave, Charismatic British Guy..."
                                            "Bu... but I can't ask him... Not after I called him an ass and said we'd never work with him again." GabeN said.
                                            "It's our only hope!! We need James!!" Bruno replied. GabeN yelled then "You don't get it!!! This would mean it would be the chapter after our second between him and I... I can't count that high Bruno"
                                            "You need to Gabe. I'll help you do it!!"
                                            So after watching nothing but Sesame Street for 2 days, Gabe overcame his irrational fear of the number 3, and proceeded to open the third chapter between him and James.
                                            James was a gentleman when the request came, and soon arrived to the U.S. to devise a plan to derail Trump's goals. First, using his British charm, he got into Valve HQ where all the research had been halted. He was looking for a very special prototype of the Oculus Rift. Bruno had told him that it was capable of time travel, and that the only way to stop Trump was to prevent him from riling up the masses against Gabe. Only he could go, because of time travel reasons.
                                            James managed to get his hands on the prototype, knowing well he had the power to erase a timeline and reshape the world to his liking should he do so. He traveled to April 18 of 2016, where he barged into a Valve HQ reunion where Gabe was discussing which CM set would be included in the next chest. Before Gabe could utter a word, James just yelled at him that their only hope was for 6.87 to be released this week, or Armageddon would ensue. Gabe didn't believe him, but Bruno, shedding a tear while watching his old friend, knew deep inside that he was telling the truth. He worked for a whole 10 hours, giving OD -1 armor, Invoker -0.4 Str. Gain per level, and releasing a Riki Aghs upgrade. Thus 6.87 was released that week and the future adverted.


                                              K, lul. hate reading longpost btw. u should add ema nud picts on it and i will read ur entire paper


                                                K, lul. hate reading longpost btw. u should add ema nud picts on it and i will read ur entire paper


                                                  Good lord, here comes the oncoming ban


                                                    Thank god I took a snap shot


                                                      haha, thats just a photoshop. i know the body curve of ema, so i wont get horny sorry -_-

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        just delete that post now and u wont got banned. and that pict is a disgrace for ema, fck u, im her fans.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Question, how do you know the curves of Ema? -.-


                                                            if ur an expert stalker, even if only watching her utube / films. u can get the skect


                                                              ok its enough fckof

                                                              < blank >

                                                                I try to summon mods skim skim skim skim skim skim scraps scraps scraps scraps

                                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    me, government hooker



                                                                        thats like... i heard that when i was in primary sch

                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                          two atoms of helium were making jokes

                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                            i asked the guy sitting next to me if he had any sodium hypobromite
                                                                            He said NaBrO

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon


                                                                                u deserved to be banned more than me

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  Never believe what atoms say, they make up everything.

                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                    im NaCly cause i cant make any chem jokes

                                                                                    me, government hooker

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                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        u are all horrible guys...

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          guys what do you think of my new name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                            "making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon"

                                                                                            This actually made me laugh more harder than I should have

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              i am weab0ss

                                                                                              me, government hooker


                                                                                                Miku Plays