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btw lets make a challenge, it will last for a week. next sunday, come up with the best pictures u made/found for our team logo. we will use the one that will be the coolest.
no reqs, besides containing "79" in a way.
*the winner getthe first drop i randomly get.
also would be nice fi some1 found couple of more ticketed leagues somewhere, like DA or UGC.
i think if i just get beyond the 2.8k point id have an easy time grinding through 3.7
no dunning kruger but icefrog has nerfed snowballers so much that everyone in the team no matter how theyve fed, have significant contribution to their respective team
oh god rd is just bullshit but im never contemplating on playing cm 2k
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btw lets make a challenge, it will last for a week. next sunday, come up with the best pictures u made/found for our team logo. we will use the one that will be the coolest.
no reqs, besides containing "79" in a way.
*the winner getthe first drop i randomly get.
also would be nice fi some1 found couple of more ticketed leagues somewhere, like DA or UGC.
Yo have u seen the shit that I've made?

someone play my ranked asdasdasdasd
ye ive seen that
2 more losses to go
wouldve probably killed myself twice by now if i was u
You wouldn't kill urself once if u were me.
i think if i just get beyond the 2.8k point id have an easy time grinding through 3.7
no dunning kruger but icefrog has nerfed snowballers so much that everyone in the team no matter how theyve fed, have significant contribution to their respective team
oh god rd is just bullshit but im never contemplating on playing cm 2k
actually getting 4 games in a row where i was the only 5k in my team (smthng like 5.5 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.8) rly pisssed me off
kill urself
^can u get mid or safe in 2k ez? Or everyone marks it in 0.0000001 second?
Below 5k every hero works don't let people tell you something else
"i think if i just get beyond the 2.8k point id have an easy time grinding through 3.7 "
No. It gets even more retarded after 3.3k. Everyone who's been there will tell you the same.
3.7k-4k most retarded shit ever
Have to agree, but only after 3.3-3.5k. That's where you get cancer actually.
i think low 4ks is the most annoying bracket but im not sure
i can say it is so far, i haven't seen that much flame even back in 3k
Holy shit this new deck is ownage
almost 200 points with new deck :D I will probably move to new arena with it.
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I'm in a new department at work and this guy told me he went to the same IT school that I'm visiting now, looks like this school was always shit lmao
i can't play those matches starting at 8 pm cest anymore.
why do i have loli hentai on my phone?
hes 4k
nah he's 6k, just wait for his meta to come.
But his meta is Invoker
im 5k
and where the fuck is invoker meta, i mean its ok but not op anymore after deaf nerf
Then pick Storm jungle, check one of my replays for walkthrough example
Fuckin spunki, can't even win low priority games with him...
nice gif deaH4
This happened once to me, they even blocked the small camp with obs ward
happened to me in a LC game once FeelsBadMan and when i cliff jungled as potm
whats the format to embed the gif alison
[img] [/img]
but when i upload the gif to imgur it doesnt have the .gif behind it T.T
just type .gif behind it WutFace