Rofl just rekt some kid in like 15 seconds Lmao he didn't have anything agains massive army so i just spawned giant and 20 skeletons and goblins xd ez game ez 600 trophies.
I've just played 5 matches on arena 1 so I know that my exp with the game was limited, what I like:
* easy 'micro'
* instant pvp
* chests/treasure fun
Dislike (or don't understand) -
* can't see opponents cards after he revealed them
*lack of strategic aspect (the base building from CoC was superfun)
*having to wait 8-10 hrs to open chests
A day after Microsoft introduced an innocent Artificial Intelligence chat robot to Twitter it has had to delete it after it transformed into an evil Hitler-loving, incestual sex-promoting, 'Bush did 9/11'-proclaiming robot.
Developers at Microsoft created 'Tay', an AI modelled to speak 'like a teen girl', in order to improve the customer service on their voice recognition software. They marketed her as 'The AI with zero chill' - and that she certainly is.
Pls hurt my ego too triple senpai i can see how u turned on spunki so hot
^read as:
Retard neo nazi trashcan
Oops i forgot to include 'americanized' as an adjective :))
And can u pls smile properly guys
what if i smile iwth my eyes closeD?
recommended channels FeelsBadMan
i only watch speedruns on twitch, I use it as rehab from dota
super mario sunshine speedruns ftw ^
i usually watch pokemon or gta runs
not so much mario since mario bros got really boring and tedious to watch, and no one really plays mario 64 anymore
ti3 PogChamp
rofl they are all os bad
old rosh
0/2 13 minutes; all t1s/t2s down SeemsGood i want this meta again volvo pls
i lsot 400 pts in a week, its time to start complaining i guess
pepe doesnt know its a butthole cream, tahts why it doesnt work properly
New patch cum fastor plox
we have a match in ugc leaghue this weekend, too, but its against a very shitty team
when do i play
i mean, are you counting me as a normal player or just as a standin
butthole cream rofl
Dildo assassin.
I reached arena 2 in clash royale road to arena 3 4Head
as a standin but we gonna need you this tiem for sure cz havoc is out and meka might be out as well
Kreygasm when u have 1200 trophies, tell me
is clash royale good?
Ye i like it so far its fun. Almost 500 trophies 4Head
Rofl just rekt some kid in like 15 seconds Lmao he didn't have anything agains massive army so i just spawned giant and 20 skeletons and goblins xd ez game ez 600 trophies.
Alright 10 hours for chests to open... gg I'm out, time to turn on PC I guess.
ama on ees stream
too bad im banned
nevermind i cant understand shit
butthole cream Kreygasm
Idk Clash Royale seems even more casual than CoC
Pay 2 win, pay 2 play faster.
i just threw the game lmao
it's not really casual - its the same as CoC but you can play more (no need to produce troops) ; just try it, im sure ull like it
I've just played 5 matches on arena 1 so I know that my exp with the game was limited, what I like:
* easy 'micro'
* instant pvp
* chests/treasure fun
Dislike (or don't understand) -
* can't see opponents cards after he revealed them
*lack of strategic aspect (the base building from CoC was superfun)
*having to wait 8-10 hrs to open chests
The whole PVP idea is based of a WC3 map 'Castle Fight'
what do u mean by that?
A day after Microsoft introduced an innocent Artificial Intelligence chat robot to Twitter it has had to delete it after it transformed into an evil Hitler-loving, incestual sex-promoting, 'Bush did 9/11'-proclaiming robot.
Developers at Microsoft created 'Tay', an AI modelled to speak 'like a teen girl', in order to improve the customer service on their voice recognition software. They marketed her as 'The AI with zero chill' - and that she certainly is.
It's cause /pol/ raided it and cause it was an AI constantly asking about sex and hitler turned it into this
also oracle is almost free mmr