General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    Ins't anime just a style for cartoons?


      Alright I get it


        "how did u make the custom announcer work? im using saylith custom announcer pls teach me"

        well yea same im using that too (
        the instructions are pretty clear as of now lol u just have to follow it slowly. one thing to take note is that you have to check that your game_sounds_vo_announcer_killing_spree.vsndevts file is properly named ( because when i first used it, i downloaded it multiple times so i had the (1) behind it causing it not to work)


          alison thats a penis

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          lm ao

            Mokujin you are back I guess Dotabuff people are really good company

            the realm's delight

              cartoon = scooby fucking doo
              anime = stuff eternalweeaboo watches

              lm ao

                Wow did I just win 1v1 because opposing pudge accidentaly forfeits by typing GG FeelsBadMan


                  thanks for suggesting me to buy blink on ck, DD
                  easiest mmr in my life

                  < blank >

                    My ember games are like if I don't get BF in 15 min to defend highground immediately then I lose and if I manage to get it I will lose anyway because the game goes too long and team don't push after team wipes

                    pls no copy pastarino dongerino my story

                    < blank >

                      Lol, finally I see dickbutt lmao


                        i get to my original rating after tilt and feeding mood catches me again


                          Merry christmas my autist friends

                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                            lm ao

                              is it just me or is ayy lmao getting.. meh


                                It's bc of the spirit of Christmas


                                  Sandong clause brings joy to everyone of you Christians tonight.
                                  Make sure to stay up and feel the joy EleGiggle


                                    yep, i'm feeding


                                      Good, now there's Doctor Who on my dashboard.
                                      should've been thankful for the furries


                                        Never really got the hate for anime, but I guess it's an american thing. Anime is pretty mainstream in South America.

                                        Oh yeh, another difference between anime and western cartoons is that the former is a lot less subtle with it's fanservice, paedophilia and dirty jokes. Yes, with that I'm saying that western cartoons are also very full of fanservice, paedophilic implications and dirty jokes, they are just not in your face...usually


                                          i think originally anime is just a certain style of drawing the cartoons, and the stereotypes and differences came later on
                                          i might be terribly wrong tho cz my knowledge in this field is just as limited as relentless´capacity to think critically is

                                          Miku Plays


                                              Did someone say anime?

                                              lm ao

                                                I am actually thinking of playing Necrophos and Omniknight most boring heroes heroes ever created in-game

                                                lm ao

                                                  Anything to win


                                                    You don't know boring until you've played 86 games of Lich


                                                      omni offlanes pretty fun actualyl


                                                        Omni is pretty fun once you get the mastery of clutch repels and clutch heals, and clutch ults to win games


                                                          Or when you play like this guy

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            how could omniknight be a fun hero thats the most boring shit ive ever played
                                                            if theres any fun support in this game thats wisp

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              omniknight is something like roof with the onloy difference that you actually win as omni. besides that, the hero is jsut as boring as treant protector is.

                                                              lm ao

                                                                WOOOOH SO I JUST HAD TO PICK WAIFU ASSASIN AFTER ALL
                                                                AHAHAHWSSHAHSAHSAHSAHAHAHA 100 mmr lost oh yeaaaaaaaaaaah


                                                                  Why do i keep fuckin up playin as arc (and win all of the matches lel)
                                                                  I know the item build n stuff just not the playstyle. U guys have any ideas or playstyles to suggest? Imma watch some singsong arc games tonight

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    This will never end 'cause I want more
                                                                    More, give me more, give me more

                                                                    This will never end 'cause I want more
                                                                    More, give me more, give me more

                                                                    If I had a heart I could love you
                                                                    If I had a voice I would sing
                                                                    After the night when I wake up
                                                                    I'll see what tomorrow brings

                                                                    If I had a voice I would sing

                                                                    Dangling feet from window frame
                                                                    Will They ever ever reach the floor?
                                                                    More, give me more, give me more

                                                                    Crushed and filled with all I found
                                                                    Underneath and inside
                                                                    Just to come around
                                                                    More, give me more, give me more

                                                                    If I had a voice I would sing


                                                                      i mean if u just yolo and keep fighting 3 heroes in the offlane its going to be fun (abaddons the best tho)

                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                          games in 5.1k are so easy

                                                                          waku waku

                                                                            i think the difference between anime girls and cartoon girls is that anime girls are hot while cartoon girls are either sandy from spongebob or dora the explorer


                                                                              found out a way how to get rid of feeding mood
                                                                              feed in nmm, ez
                                                                              you can't get lpq in normal matchmaking anyway

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                MingLee If MingLee She MingLee Can MingLee Drive MingLee A MingLee Honda MingLee She MingLee Can MingLee Ride MingLee Minglee's MingLee Anaconda MingLee


                                                                                  MingLee is for the Weak
                                                                                  Kappa the king kappa the mvp kappa the old school never gettin old

                                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                      max speed dp? xd

                                                                                      jus chillen

                                                                                        i played treant and omni and my shitstain teammates didnt carry me


                                                                                          ^ Dayum son, so much red.


                                                                                            I'm gonna slay a fuckin kid after last 2 games. HOW IN THE FUCKIN WORLD ARE PEOPLE SO GODDAMN USELESS????????

                                                                                            GOOD FUCKIN GOD.



                                                                                                I got to change my game attitude from trying to win every game to: If they dont care or they suck, i cant suck too and just go do stupid shit like everyone else. If i dont do that, i'm fuckin done with Dota.


                                                                                                  mb u shouldnt have picked an omniknight on 3rd pick when we alrdy had 2 supports. may be.


                                                                                                    I GIVE UP.