General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    i wish i knew man

    Nah, I'd win

      i like to pick something "different" or fun and then i get some super tryhard who picks MK or Ursa mid just to fuck my melee pick.
      my herald bois are not good enough to adapt to this pick and i sure wont send them mid against this smurfer


        you either get recked against boosters or boost yourself


          I mean u gotta work one way or another, difference u have the privilege to pick what u study and get a job in a field u may like

          Maybe the craft just isn't for u


            First year is just cancer though

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              i'm actually fine with studying and i like what i do even though it's extremely time consuming
              constantly having a lot of work to do distracts me and gives me a clear goal to follow, right now i've nothing to do (except prepare for exams but its nothing compared to the workload i had last 2 semester) and i'm feeling really anxious (not because of exams but in general) and down

              you know how harry potter hated summer breaks because he couldn't use magic and had to spend the summer with his dumbfuck family? i can relate to him now except instead of dumbfuck family it's eating yourself up because ure a fucking anxious retard, thanks brain


                The craft makes me (puke)

                Nah, I'd win

                  and who is your ron weasley? who are you getting cucked by?

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    i actually do have 2 pals who are in sort of a relationship and we help each other with school stuff but they're nothing like ron & hermione


                      harry potter FeelsGoodMan


                        may be if you feel bad about stuff when u get time to think instead of distracting urself by doing something else, then ur life actually sucks and needs to be changed?

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          yea thats totally the case thanks for input


                            wat is that craft copypasta again


                              cant win normal skill games (-:


                                you guys have any tutorials


                                  only cosplay tutorials


                                    if this is how you approach the craft, give up right away, it's not for you.

                                    i had it on my google searchbar lol


                                      ivar cant get it up LUL


                                        nothing can be fucking changed in your lives, because you want it.
                                        changes take time, and usually they take more than just pure will.
                                        if you're anxious and you need something else, find something where you can apply the skills you've used earlier.
                                        or, well, speedrunning xd


                                          I'm starting to think carry bounty hunter might just be my best hero this patch. The game I played the worst in so far I went 20-11-15.


                                            except the fact that this hero won't outcarry anyone, has garbage midgame and can deal damage once per 7 seconds


                                              speedrunning made me hate myself even more if anything


                                                U can't even make a living from speedrunning games... so why should one do it if u can't change yourself?

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  You can def make money from speedrunning if you are good and play a popular game


                                                    Hmmm... I don't see many viewers on speedrunning streams. So is it really worth it?

                                                    Guess who

                                                      What is this monstrosity at the beginning of the video? :thinking:


                                                        thats a very young dog also known as a puppy ==)

                                                        Guess who

                                                          No, I mean the "protomagical girl".

                                                          Guess who

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              Please put sound warnings next time i love my ears and im sure my neighbors do as well


                                                                dimon PepeHands


                                                                  last patch I would have agreed with you mekarazium but carry bh is so much stronger this patch than last patch. Bounty may not be an amazing 60 minute carry but much like alchemist can out carry most heroes by virtue of having 10k more networth. Unlike alchemist though bounty gets his gold through kills, which hes very good at getting. Jinada is 170 bonus damage on a 3 second cooldown with gold steal on top, track gives you a crit that at level 3 is better than bloodthorn and movement speed on a 4 second cooldown. You can also crit off the jinada damage. With a deso you pretty much 2 or 3 shot most supports and at 20 minutes most cores don't last a whole lot longer.

                                                                  I will grant that this certainly works better at my mmr than yours but its a lot better than you say it is.

                                                                  my best game

                                                                  my worst game


                                                                    reading old pages feels pretty nostalgic

                                                                    7 months ago, symetrical got 7k for the first time


                                                                      not without the power of ook ook aak

                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                              pls tell me how to get higher mmr


                                                                                haha me too i remember when i was still in the womb asking dotabuff how to join garena


                                                                                  Garena throwback dota 1 :(
                                                                                  Miss those days


                                                                                    i've played dota1 yesterday
                                                                                    feels good to play techies again


                                                                                      "This comment was removed by a moderator 4 days ago" surprising that db is still being moderated


                                                                                        how can you play computer in the womb!?!??!

                                                                                        A̶𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖘 (My Chat is

                                                                                          how to get high mmr and still have life?


                                                                                            it seems perfectly possible to have both


                                                                                              80k shitposts soonTM


                                                                                                Actually 90k
