General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    rofl i wasnt talking about ur game no one cares

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Dark Willow nominated for Banning.
      Anti-Mage nominated for Banning.

      4 heroes have been randomly selected and Banned.

      Mirana has been Banned.
      Dark Willow has been Banned.
      Pangolier has been Banned.
      Faceless Void has been Banned.

      aight cool


        ^well wtf am I supposed to assume
        Like there was no other qop post and I was the previous post

        me, government hooker

          cersei is a way better developed female character than khaleesi, who is imo simple af and just as boring

          untrue (as of right now)

          across the entire show, cersei is driven by her narcissism which has grown stronger and stronger thanks to her life experience (unhappy mariage to robert baratheon, getting rejected by rhaegar targaryen (mad king's decision), the witches' prophecy, and her father's attitude towards her and his family lessons) proportionally with her power hunger. she has remained the same 'villanous', hatred filled woman throughout the entire time, having only one redeeming quality, the love for her children and jaime (which might not even be true, ive read some reddit post quite some time ago in which a psychologist says she doesnt genuinely love them, which does make sense looking at tommen's death where she shows no empathy, shes emotionless because she thinks he was weak and he abandoned her, unlike joffreys and myrcellas deaths). if anything, cersei is the simple character, she shows no internal conflict (unlike jaime, after his experience in captivity with the northeners), up until she is imprisoned by the high sparrow, where she starts debating wether its worth keeping the same cold attitude towards the fanatics or confessing, showing weakness to get back to tommen. its a minor one, and after the walk of shame she quickly comes back to her fixation on destroying everyone who opposes her.

          what truly makes her a wonderful character are her abilities to 'play' the game of thrones. shes manipulative, unyielding, relentless yada yada and so far its safe to say she is the only 'mad queen' who would most likely tear the kingdoms apart. she has lots of flaws, when analysing from a moral perspective, but these flaws have only proven to be her qualities that help her obtain whatever it is she wants

          daenerys, is completely different
          she starts off as a child (believe she was 16 in season 1? and 13 in the books), shes inexperienced having lived off in exile her entire life. she knows nothing about ruling, conquering, or anything at all really. iirc she says in s01 that all she wants is to go home (which is a vague 'concept' to her as shes never had a family apart from her retarded brother). throughout the show she is sold like a, ra.ped, kidnapped, defiled, her child is stillborn, all while being only a child. despite all these, she remains strong and continues to pursue her goal, which she likes to call 'breaking the wheel'. this is where most mor.ons start to go 'aww yis go dany savior of westeros!!' where in reality shes actually a villain as well. her internal conflict is much stronger than cerseis as she is constantly fluctuating between two extremes, one which depicts her as a cruel tyran (crucifying masters, burning tarlys and lannister armies alive - all proving that she prone to following her fathers footsteps) and another which portrays her as a world saver, where she shows affection to the poor, offers freedom to slaves, and shows mercy to those who are willing to support her claim. shes a hypocrite, saying she wants to establish a new way of governing, giving a better life to the commoners, while she has no clue on how to do this and tells tyrion that they will only discuss this and her succession after her ascension to power.
          the big amount of titles she so desperately wishes to enumerate in front of every person of importance she encounters were mostly earned only because of her privilege and her fire immunity (which is inexistent in the books btw). shes very prideful because of these, and the fact that she thinks she has a claim to the throne by birth is obviously wrong, as the baratheons have claimed the throne by conquest and targaryen is no longer recognised as a royal family. she has shown many signs of impulsiveness and lack of knowledge, but unlike cersei (who mostly executes and dismisses those oppose her (including jaime in the last episode)) she is listening to her advisors, and is trying to control herself.

          i could go on and on about her character but its very clear that daenerys has undergone a more complex development than cersei, which is also the reason why she has not set foot in westeros for 6 seasons (or in any of the books)

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          one syllable anglo-saxon

            2 times in a row i want to play dw + ban antimage, dw gets banned both times, am gets banned 0 times, ends up picked once



              Is this discussion a copy pasta


                it could be a genuine post lmao



                  brooklyn nine nine :D


                    cersei has much more of internal conflict than basically any1 else but unlike jamie it isnt shown directly by pure action, both in the books and in series

                    me, government hooker

                      internal conflicts are never shown by directly by action but w/e)


                        well jamies one is definetely depicted through his direct observable moves and dialogues


                          actually i got no clue where u pulled out this statement from cz it just makes no sense to me at all, both applicable to literature and cinema

                          me, government hooker

                            maybe it doesnt make sense in english, i dunno, ill try to explain the best i can ( it was also pretty hard for me to even do a small character analysis thanks to my level of english knowledge)) )
                            afaik from scHooL when doing a characterization of a character it splits up into direct and indirect. directly is usually done through descriptive passages (by narrator, other chars, auto-charact by said character etc) and indirectly through actions, dialogues, relationship with other characters etc. internal conflicts are definitely linked to the indirect part as it always shows a struggle that the character has to deal with internally thanks to opposing ideas (such as good vs evil, choosing between logic and emotion) and differs from character to character because of their moral principles. these are usually up to interpretation but to me it doesnt seem like cersei is at any point deviating from the path that she has created for herself, and almost always remains the same, unlike jamie which was much like her at the start but as the story progresses he develops to be a pretty different person (best shown in last episode, in the series)

                            if i were to catalogue both characters, from my experience, daenerys seems to be a character stolen from a bildungsroman, where her story focuses on her growth (psychologically and morally) from an inexperienced, youthful person to adulthood, where cersei is a classic narcissist, a cold, cunning and hatred filled woman which seeks to achieve everything she wants no matter how morally inadequate the way she chooses to do so is

                            REGARDLESS, if theres anything i learned from literature in school, its that subjectiveness has a high impact when doing an analysis of any piece of art really (be it literature, painting, music etc). i tried to be as unbiased as possible but i genuinely think that dany is a very interesting character and is way more than meets the eye. also regarding the tv show, i think that both actresses have played their role superbly (lenas probably the best on the show) thus helping the characters enormously when it comes to their development


                              films with few exceptions do not involve a narrator but most of the greatest ones as awell as a big share of casual moviesw involve at least some sort of internal conflict of the heroes, so i guess its not just about 3rd pov.
                              the fucked up ending of shindlers list which sorta ruined the film is basically a break out of an internal conflict, f.e.

                              i dont think any of the characters in game of thrones books/series are actually well-developed. all of them are not... uhm, complicated, I may call it. its sort of a mass media fanservice fantasy in the end, similar to Tolkien's books, it just has a different sort of advantages rather than deep personalities of the heroes. i like it due to a lot of other reasons.

                              regarding dani and cersei, both of them are sort of annoying from personal point of view, but dani's personality seems much less realistic/explained/reasonable/etc. to me. cersei is more of a human, or at least seems to be. dani, on the other hand, is a deus ex machina of the show, one of.

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                                  i can finally start playing dota again

                                  ta buffed even more OMEGALUL


                                    florian du tucke



                                        how do i save 700€ in 2-3 months?


                                          sucki sucki


                                            ROFL now he has to start all over again


                                              wtf is that game?

                                              Low Expectations

                                                anyone knows the optimal build on pudge this patch?

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                                                    1st class tourist

                                                      Japan🇯🇵is the best👍🏻country. They invented bitcoin💰,emoji😀,karaoke🎤,airsoft🔫,instant noodle🍜,qr code,bullet train🚅,rice cooker🍚

                                                      I love Japan. My country🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌


                                                      USA🇺🇸is stupid🤡! We Japanese🇯🇵invented bitcoin💰and will supersede➡️USdollar🇺🇸soon




                                                          is it just me or is invoker addicting
                                                          srsly so much fun
                                                          and im finally winning

                                                          < blank >


                                                              new mkb is absolutely beyond broken

                                                              true strike
                                                              extra damage on true strike


                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                yep i'm not playing this game


                                                                  whys every carry buying battle fury what the FUCK


                                                                    storm feels much more playable than before though


                                                                      I knew computer science was the wrong choice


                                                                        time to become a med student


                                                                          arin youre my waifu crush


                                                                            Mkb is absurd on dusa, sniper, and u can buy it on practically any hero and ur dps goes thru the roof

                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              bullshit, i told you that cs was the wrong choice but you insisted

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                to be fair u have to have a BERRY high IQ to understand computer science of hell


                                                                                  why is berry high funny?


                                                                                    idk computer science itself is not really interesting, the coding part is fun at times but it can be very tilting (networking & security seems very interesting though)

                                                                                    the math part is fucking retarded, barely 3 weeks in and the lectures are completely useless, everything presented in the lectures is faaaaar to abstract to understand


                                                                                    there was this girl sitting in the lecture next to me today and she kept talking retarded shit, i was about to throw a fit

                                                                                    lecutre was about functions of relations, and how you can prove certain attributes of functions (bijection, injection, surjection) and this FEMALE kept talking obvious shit like "swap the 2 places to get the inverse function" while the lecturer was explaining stuff and i barely understood the lecture

                                                                                    fucking FEMALES


                                                                                      florian ill come in 35 mins plz be online so we could sign up, we'll hsve only like 10 mins to do so

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        Sit somewhere else


                                                                                          yeah ill just stand up in the middle of the lecture in one of the front rows (700 ppl watching) and leave the room to watch a stream or find a place somewhere else thanks for the advice

                                                                                          casual gamer


                                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                                              ???HOWD OES IT TAKE ME 9 MINUTES TO FIND AN UNRANKED GAME ON MY SMURF DEAD GAME


                                                                                                ure qing on us east, its like 11 am there and ure so awful that its hard to find players in ur shitty bracket

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  JSUT PUT ME WITH 4KS {:EASE