General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Jay the Bird

    i thought im on facebook for a sec

    me, government hooker

      lmao maiden progression is siCk had 10 pulls wiped in 20 secs everytime

      < blank >

        do you guys snack?

        me, government hooker



            stream tomorrow sirs

            < blank >

              why would anyone watch your low 4k adventures


                who said im going to stream dota when thats like the worst game on the planet atm





                    < blank >

                      i'm still waiting for ywn's spaghettie bolognese recipe

                      < blank >

                        no wonder i'm not getting many ruiner these days

                        [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 10000

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          I watch rick and 🆎orty im so 🅱mart

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            160 bs god here

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              another gem so soon? cookie ure spoiling us!

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                worth the read 10/10 instantly becane a 4k player!!!

                                me, government hooker

                                  when he said The though process of a 6k player did he talk about himself?


                                    no about me, a 6k player disguised as a 3k

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      I prob shouldnt go to my monday class he doesnt take attendance and i dont understand shit from it anyway

                                      meteor hammer

                                        just won a game with a 20 minute deso rush on pa AMA


                                          edit:warning: wall of text incoming, explaining how a higher mmr player thinks in other to win games.
                                          Hello, Cookie here, i'm a player who grinded his ass from 1k to 6k, and here's one of the biggest differences between low and high mmr players. The thing about me is that i have a very fast improvement rate, and the biggest reason for this is that i learn this game by analyzing it, rather than just playing it. You could play 20 games and get 50 mmr, while i can analyse the game and then win almost all my next 20 games. The reason for this is that i use a prediction method to learn, basically saying instead of just watching a higher player i'd try to predict his next move. And the only way i'll get a good prediction is if my explanation was LOGICAL .
                                          Since my last post was quite an unexpected success i'm making another guide, i don't expect this one to be as successful as it's a giant wall of text and most people don't want to read, but who wants mmr will read it. so i make my guides for the 1-2 in a 100 who will bother trying to git gud, the 98-99 rest can have fun being low forever.
                                          this one will be focused on the most important part of dota: Your ability to make proper decisions. As one of the biggest problems in low mmr that i see is the fact that the majority of players aren't just mechanically bad, but the decisions they make are simply INCREDIBLY ILLOGICAL in the terms of reaching the end goal "destroying the enemy ancient".
                                          example: low players go for fights when they have no items,
                                          or they don't push before a teamfight so if they win they can't take towers.
                                          or they go jungle after a teamfight.
                                          or an underfarmed player would go seeking kills to get his items.
                                          And not to mention their incredible non usage of the most important resource in the game: Time!
                                          Yep, time, It's not rocket science to understand that if you do your stuff faster and sooner than the opponent that you'll lead up an advantage.
                                          A simple example would be not moving from camp A to camp B instantly after clearing camp B, but rather wasting 2-3 seconds sitting there.
                                          But you're like, hey 2-3 seconds isn't much, it makes hardly a difference.
                                          To which i say this: let's say you clear 5 camps every minute, if you waste that 3 seconds between camps that means you waste 15 seconds in a minute. Do that for the next 20 minutes and you lose 300 seconds, which is 5 minutes of time lost. So if you can clear 5 camps every minute, and let's say an average camp will give 100g, that means you lost 2500g for no reason. That 2.5k gold could've been a blink dagger which you could've used to get a 3-5 man intimation and teamwipe, but instead you died and by dying you lost gold. so you're looking now at a 3k total gold loss, and add in the death time that you could've been farming instead of being dead and it becomes a 4k gold total loss.
                                          And this all goes back to the inability to make decisions, if you knew what's your next logical move before finishing your current
                                          aka what's your next farming destination before finishing your current then you wouldn't have lost those 3 seconds per camp, which means you wouldn't have lost that teamfight 20 minutes later. All these small mistakes will pile up on top of each other and will end up as a giant confusing clusterfuck that is a -25 mmr.
                                          So, before we go into the method itself, what we first want to know is a proper decision?
                                          Well, what we're looking at is trying to answer the ancient old question ''have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?". As much as i love to spam this to every post on reddit or dotabuff that has a stupid question or someone bitching about his teammates, the answer to this question was one of the biggest, if not the biggest reason i got to high mmr.
                                          So, let's tackle this question same way i did a long time ago.
                                          Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?
                                          Well, yes i have, but sadly it's impossible to hit, every time i try it shouts meep merp and it becomes impossible to be hit.
                                          Well, what do i need to do to be able to hit the enemy ancient?
                                          there's the t4 towers before it that you have to break
                                          Well, what do i need to do to be able to hit the t4 towers?
                                          there's the t3 and racks before them that you have to break
                                          Well, What do i need to do to be able to hit the t3 towers and then the racks?
                                          there's the t2 towers before them that you have to break
                                          Well, what do i need to do to be able to hit the t2 towers?
                                          there's the t1 towers before them that you have to break
                                          Well, the t1 towers have nothing holding me from taking them, So why don't people just 5 man down some lane to just end the game like this?
                                          Well, they could and probably would if the enemies weren't stopping them.
                                          So then, do we just run trough the enemies and see who dies first?
                                          Well, what we want to do is to destroy the enemy ancient before enemy destroys ours, we don't know who will win a 5v5 if the chances for both teams to win are close to even.
                                          So then if teamfights are so unpredictable and risky, then what's the easiest way we could get the advantage to be able to get to those goddamn towers?
                                          Well, we could pick off 1-2 of the opponents then when we go to a tower it'll be a 5v4 or 5v3 which is in our favor
                                          So, what if we can't pick 1-2 people off, what if they're trying to do the same or what if they're just 5 man or something so it's impossible to kill them?
                                          Well we need some kind of an advantage to let us do this.
                                          So, what is the easiest and most efficient thing we could do to get that advantage to be able to pick 1-2 people off?
                                          well simple, we can go kill creeps and push waves, this allows us to get more advantage than the enemy, which we can use to pick them off, which we can use to take towers.
                                          Ok, so that's good enough for this as you can understand what my train of thought was, you can keep going with this logic on your own and try to answer the opposite questions of ''what if the enemies are trying to do this X thing to us, what is the easiest way to get to advantage to be able to do it to them?"
                                          The train of thought was simple, and it answered the question of ''what is the easiest and most efficient way to get up to that point of winning the game?" aka ''have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?"
                                          Now, obviously there's lots of other directions you could've approached this problem from, this is simply the way i chose to. So one 6k+ player might value kills more than he values farm, while another values farm more, but both will have the same mmr and play the same role at the same bracket.
                                          Now that we have explained the logic behind it, let's construct a pattern for us to use to explain how to make proper decisions as a core. This pattern is very much like a computer program, where it starts at each case, tests it and proceeds to the next best case if it's not possible, and if it can't find a solution then it defaults to something: "farm." till it can find a new solution.
                                          Here's how we'll prioritize,
                                          priority (0) is a necessary teamfight. the reason i put this at 0 is if there's a necessary teamfight going on, you have to drop everything and instantly get there, as this is simply a special case. In low mmr there's only 2 necessary teamfights which are at HG and ROSHAN, every other teamfight is unnecessary and can and should be avoided. In higher mmr there's lots more like safelane and midlane towers for entry into the jungle and the territory they control around them, but i don't feel like explain this.
                                          But now, let's look at opportunities to do things:
                                          priority (1) is objectives, this is the most important part of the game, getting those towers should be always (1) priority. This includes the low ground objectives(t1/t2 towers) and HG objectives, the reason for this is the roshan
                                          there's usually 3 types of roshans, 1st type is ''i'm ursa, why the fuck not" type of roshan where you get it because your hero can simply get it super quickly without any risk. 2nd type of roshan is the Lowground roshan for the t1/t2 towers, this is a super easy way to access the t1/t2 towers as the enemies will be discouraged of fighting you because of it or simply lets you ignore the threat of hte enemies while you can take towers, but not only that it allows you to dive them without almost any repercussions, this is usually the first roshan. the 3rd type is usually the 2nd roshan in the game and it is the HG roshan, this roshan you usually put onto your tower chipper and you just let him eat up the HG, if he dies he dies but this lets you break the HG and go back to take shrines.
                                          this allows you complete map control till your 3rd+ roshan which simply you go HG with again and you end the game, if you haven't already ended with the 2nd.
                                          priority (2) is primary conditioning for objectives, aka the easiest way to get to those t1/t2 towers.
                                          This is simply pickoffs and smokes, which lead up into a tower. enemies won't very likely defend a t1/t2 tower if a portion of their team is dead, because they're afraid of feeding a 5v4 or 5v3. A 5v3 or 5v4 is way easier to predict as there's way less people involved, making the chance for your side to mess up smaller.
                                          priority (3) is secondary conditioning for objectives, aka conditioning the condition for objectives. Aka splitpushing, farming, depushing to get farm or force enemy positioning. This one is one of the most important, and this is where the majority of people fail at the game and start making stupid decisions.
                                          So, for example: i want to be able to pick someone off so i can take their towers, and i don't see my opponents. The majority of the low brackets will just pick up a shadow blade or blink, run into the enemy jungle and get 5 ass blasted throwing away all his advantage. If you are running into the enemy jungle, to pick someone off, without knowledge of where they already are you are running a high risk and low reward play, Which is the opposite of what we're trying to figure out here.
                                          So what you should be doing is constantly shoving waves towards the opponents, to force them to show up. When you push a creepwave into the enemy side, their first train of thought is ''oh look a free creepwave close/under my tower" so they go over there and farm it. But they could also be sitting 5 man behind trees trying to kill you. So if you constantly push multiple waves into the opponents, now they're forced to show up. Only if they don't show up will you be suspicious
                                          for example, you push the creepwave in the midlane to their t2 tower, someone comes to defend but we don't have the waves showed in at the safelane/offlane, so we don't know if that guy is solo so we can pick him off because his teammates are in the jungle nor do we know if that guy is baiting and his teammates are somewhere behind him. So this is why you keep shoving waves towards the opponents, as many lanes as possible.
                                          Because now when we push mid + safe, now we see if 2 people show at the safelane(support + carry) and a singe guy(midlaner) shows mid. Now we know that there's at least 2 people we don't have to worry about, so the decision to go in or not now goes under if the other 2 can save him or countergank.
                                          Now, this was just to get you the idea, to do this method you really need to get good at map awareness, not just watching the map but knowing what should happen on the map at different times/conditions of waves being pushed in your side vs theirs. ex. all 3 waves pushed into your side after they taken your t1/t2 towers and enemies not showing means they're doing a priority (1) thing aka taking a roshan to be able to go HG.
                                          and this is why i said that you need to finish the train of thought yourself to analyse the opposite question of ''what if the enemies are trying to do this X thing to us?"
                                          Now there's no way for me to explain gamesense (knowing what should happen before it happens by looking just at the hero picks and the state of the game) and map awareness (knowing what should happen on the map given just the hero picks, the state of hte map and the time). As this is something that you'll either have learn by playing or analyse for yourself, as it's simply too complicated so this giant guide would be 100x bigger if i were to list every scenario i know of.
                                          gamesense and map awareness are very important and they're the distinguishment of 3k to 6k+ players, as it's simply your ability to analyse the current scenario as fast as possible and be able to come up with primary and secondary conditions for an objective
                                          So what i mean is it's your ability to find opportunities to find pushes, pickoffs, smokes.
                                          Now, lucky there's another way to do a secondary condition for an objective which is way easier: farm, and this is why i said ''default to farm''.
                                          Because if you simply have more items than your opponent, you don't have to figure out more clever ways to outplay them and gain advantage, when you can just right click them 3-4 times and woosh they're dead. But obviously, don't just afk farm 24/7, what you're trying to do is "default to farm" while looking for a primary or secondary way to condition an objective. Also remember to prioritize creepwaves over jungle camps as not only they give way more gold and exp, but they also inevitably condition a push towards the enemy side which is a secondary condition for an objective that can directly translate to a primary in the near future which is way more important because farm takes a longer time to condition an objective.
                                          I also put free kills in here, as sometimes people are just in a stupid location and you can just pick them off during your farming pattern, i put these guys at the same rank as like taking 2-4 creepwaves. But free kills aren't the same as pickoffs because these won't condition an objective, example i'm playing meepo and i kill enemy cm, but i still can't take an objective because enemy has shaker who's missing.
                                          (4) is tertiary conditions for objectives, aka unnecessary teamfights.
                                          if a teamfight does not condition an objective, and there's no better way to condition that objective, or some other. then simply DO NOT TEAMFIGHT.
                                          If that teamfight does not condition the enemy to take an important objective if you lose it, DO NOT TAKE THAT TEAMFIGHT.
                                          at low mmr only necessary teamfights are at rosh and HG, every other fight can be avoided. The higher you go the more other teamfights will be important as people will use the territory from the tower they take to do things, example losing a safelane tower means you lose the 2-3 camps next to it, farming there would guarantee you to die at high rankings. This does not happen at low mmr as people can't play the map, so you don't have to worry about it.
                                          So, why do i keep saying avoid teamfights at all costs?
                                          It's very simple, they're unreliable and unpredictable. Sure you could write on paper what ''should'' happen, but that will almost never happen. So you say oh '' magnus is gonna 5 man rp, then enigma is gonna follow up with a black hole then sven is gonna ulti and run in and wipe them" on paper that should happen, but you're playing a pub not a pro match. in reality what's gonna happen is magnus is gonna RP 2 people, then get bursted down by the other 3, then enigma jumps in and black holes a creepwave, now sven gets kited and can't even walk in. Woosh teamfight over before it happened. And this is why i have it as the last option, it's unreliable you can't predict it. there's simply way too many variables that could go wrong that you'd need to account for.
                                          making that on paper teamfight is not hard, because the order of operations is simple " rp> black hole> sven hit" but considering every thing that can go wrong makes it humanly impossible as there's just hundreds of thousands of ways it can go wrong.
                                          So, now that i have explained the though process, it's time now to use this pattern to explain my moves in a match. So that you can use the same pattern in your next matches and start winning games.
                                          This is how it looks like:
                                          (0) NECESSARY TEAMFIGHT
                                          (1) OBJECTIVES
                                          (2) PRIMARY CONDITION OBJECTIVES
                                          (3) SECONDARY CONDITION OBJECTIVES(RESOURCES/FARM)
                                          free kills
                                          (4) TETRIARY CONDITION OBJECTIVES(UNECESSARY TEAMFIGHT)
                                          avoid unless advantaged with:
                                          number of players
                                          only times you take it is if you can get free kills without being punished for it (dying or losing your towers).
                                          I'll be using a 20 minute stomp that i played on my 3k smurf, as the lower the mmr the less variables i have to look at to be able to condition objectives, which makes it simpler and easier
                                          i'm the meepo, obviously.
                                          I've requested a video so you can follow up the explanation, as this game will be expiring sooner or later. timestamps will be for ingame time, not video time.
                                          We'll start after the laning phase, because the methods used to win the laning phase are different from the ones used to win mid-> lategame, and i feel like explaining these would be unecessarily boring.
                                          Also, i got ganked 3 times, i usually don't expect 3ks to gank me so i wasn't paying attention to the map even though i shouldn't have died even once if i had watched it. Later on i got a 6 kills because of my supports rotating and then i took the tower.
                                          so imagine it as a program going from the highest priority option to the lowest, and every time before it finishes the current option it looks to see to change it to a better one.
                                          here's the set of questions and let's start answering the pattern:
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on:
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now:
                                          (2) can i condition an objective:
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective:
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          So let's start at 10:00 and let's answer the pattern, so i'm in the midlane with my main meepo and jungling 2 camps with the other meepos.
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: No, no one at rosh nor highground
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: No, top lane has 2 people defending it, midlane is pushed into me, botlane has MK but also the ES is missing so i can't take it.
                                          (2) can i condition an objective: No, there are no free kills and the wave is pushed into me
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective: Yes, wave is pushed into me
                                          Solution: push mid wave.
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          10:25 i'm now doing this action of pushing the midlane creepwave, what is my next action?
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: No
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: Yes, whole enemy team showing top/distracted taking an unnecessary teamfight.
                                          solution: take mid t2
                                          (2) can i condition an objective:
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective:
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          10:55 i am now doing this action of taking the mid t2, what is my next action?
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: No
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: No, enemies started moving from top lane to midlane
                                          (2) can i condition an objective: No, multiple enemies walking towards mid
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective: No, multiple enemies walking towards mid.
                                          solution: default to farm
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          11:40 i am now defaulting to farm, what is the next action?
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: no
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: No
                                          (2) can i condition an objective: No, multiple enemies with lots of disables not showing.
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective: Yes, i can take a better condition
                                          solution: switch default from farm jungle to push midlane
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          11:48 i am now going to push mid, what is my next decision
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: no
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: no
                                          (2) can i condition an objective: Yes, SF in midlane
                                          solution: roam to kill sf
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective:
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          11:50 SF walking to sf
                                          (0) is there a necessary teamfight going on: no
                                          (1) can i take an objective right now: no
                                          (2) can i condition an objective: no, SF has made too much distance, can't keep up without walking into enemy side where i'll potentially get counter ganked.
                                          (3) can i condition a condition for an objective: yes, midlane creepwave
                                          soultion: push mid
                                          (4) is there an unnecessary teamfight going on:
                                          OK so now that I've done about 2 minutes of this, i don't wanna keep doing another 8 of just copy pasting that list, so i'm just gonna explain my solutions, you pinpoint them.
                                          12:00 meepo is an extra fast farmer, send clones to side while having main meepo try to hunt sf, couldn't find him in the first camp next to the lane, back off as that means he's on the other side of the jungle(offlane jungle).
                                          12:15 gank not found, return to pushing mid to condition enemy to show up so i can pick them off.
                                          13:00 this is where i made a big mistake of going top and staying in lane after i failed a gank(didn't net legion, couldn't get close enough for diffusal either) i should've either entered from another side instead of straight from the tower, or kept pushing mid to force rotations so at 13:20 i completley messed up my combo and ended up feeding, if i didn't mess that up i wouldn't have died or if i just forced rotations to the mid t3 i wouldn't have died either.
                                          14:15 now we have vision, and legion is in a bad spot, kill legion
                                          14:35 legion dead, primary condition set, time to instantly go take tower
                                          14:54, now i'm lvl 15 and i have my smokes, i can take another direct objective, a roshan for lowground.
                                          15:43 objective taken, can i take a tower instantly? not really, so i send my meepos to push top as this will make most players think that all meepos are in the same lane so they start showing up on others. this is also another secondary condition being set> having the creepwave close to the enenmy towers so i can immediately take the towers after getting the pickoffs.
                                          15:55 secondary condition set, time to take primary condition(kill monkey) which allows us to take an objective(top tower) without any risk.
                                          16:10 monkey dead, push wave in midlane, walk main meepo top to take that tower as soon as humanly possible
                                          16:30 tower taken, seeing no opponents on the map, push the wave for a secondary condition and then default to farm. obviously the enemy jungle since it's the nearest.
                                          17:20 secondary condition worked, pickoff monkey
                                          17:30 enemy team 4 dead, creepwave near tower already conditioned > take highground
                                          18:00 one lane of racks taken, i overfarmed meepo with aegis against underfarmed enemies, get megas.
                                          19:00 megas finished, aegis remaining enemies not defending, end game
                                          20:07 as it seems i have answered the question of ''have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?"
                                          The decision making pattern for support roles is different as it doesn't direclty take the towers, but rather does stuff to help your teammates get towers.
                                          This is simply the easiest way i could explain one of the most complex concepts in the game, obviously the example of my 3k stomp is not perfect because if i were to take a 6k avg game for this i'd have to take in a LOT more details for every decision i make. So i just chose a 3k stomp on my smurf for the simplicity of it. this is also not my complete pattern, this is a lower mmr pattern as i also use other factors like my teammates and their state of the game in higher brackets to determine decisions, while in low brackets i only use myself vs the opponents.
                                          i personally define low brackets as 0-5k and high brackets as 5-10k. you can define where you think low and high are anywhere you feel like it'll work for you, some people need coordination at 3k, while others don't need it at 6k, it's mostly subjective. So you can add teammates into your calculations. But remember, this will only make your calculations harder.
                                          ex at 3k i wouldn't consider if my enigma has black hole to make my decision if i want to kill or not, but at 6k if he does i'll be calling him instantly to come and throw it as soon as possible so we can get a kill or two.
                                          if you have any questions feel free to ask.
                                          p.s any other high mmr players are quote welcome to expand the pattern in the comments below for more precision and to add in their own methods of conditioning objectives or conditioning conditions.
                                          tl;dr Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                            Hello, Cookie here, i'm a player who grinded his ass from 1k to 6k, and here's one of the biggest differences between low and high mmr players.

                                            The difference is that i can only play arc warden and/or sk.

                                            thanks for reading!



                                              meteor hammer

                                                u have 1000 games of invoker though

                                                me, government hooker

                                                  can we make this a cokie free zone


                                                    is the update out yet?

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      no.. es necro for eternity

                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                        i paid a visit to r/incel and i think i'm scarred for life



                                                          Ciao Bella

                                                            Kuuki god showing his 6THOUSANDPTS mindset

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              wait wasnt this article here some time ago


                                                                yeah joindota and DB kind of have the same articles, but 1-2 weeks apart



                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      mmm 25 mb gifs in 2017))0 danke danke)))


                                                                        not my fault dotabuff doesnt accept gifv


                                                                          or mb with video tag?


                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            Cookie got hired by Trump to make the wall?


                                                                              does that mean we won against cookieposting after continuously quelling his circlejerk for more than a year?


                                                                                reddit is far more reliable source of sub 2ks sucking his dick so he might be gone for good


                                                                                  after reading like 1/3 of this wall of text...isnt this like the basics of non-1k dota?


                                                                                      only if you're a cute anime girl

                                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                                        after reading like 1/3 of this wall of text...isnt this like the basics of non-1k dota?

                                                                                        ofc. as ive said in some post before he doesnt 'teach' anyone anything thats out of your average players reach, he just says basic shit every 5k plyaer knows except he makes it look like its a big fucking deal

                                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                                          haHAA last hit challenge haHAA
                                                                                          haHAA destroy the ancient haHAA
                                                                                          haHAA farm patterns haHAA

                                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                                            haHAA only 2 heroes btw haHAA

                                                                                            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                                     add me u shits

                                                                                              why would I add a fucking noob?

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                                I stop reading anything by the third paragraph if I'm not either laughing, or aroused by then.