General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
    Yowai Mo

      Tentaclecity is clockwerkula


        yes. for now, at least

        at least

        C O M E B A C K


          LOL BS SAfelaNE ImREPORTIng YOUO!! !! G G

          Buyback > Ready
          Buyback > Ready
          Buyback > Ready
          Buyback > Ready
          Buyback > Ready

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          Yowai Mo

            Free Šmoke


              ditched for bone7 FeelsBadMan




                  ye u will get into a team with 4 other solo players

                  wanna go as party?


                    i can only imagine the horrors





                          Yowai Mo





                                D the Superior
                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                    ppl voting for trump LUL


                                      ^^^ they should make a WEEBO thread so all your weebs can post your anime crap in it.

                                      Anyways, I had this dream last night. I was playing dotes, I won and I got to 5k ! President trump came and gave me my blue star. Immedately after women swarmed me and wanted my EPEEN. I was on national TV , I was appearing on talk shows.. life was amazing.

                                      I awoke, feeling alittle sad that it was all just a dream . BUT SO CLOSE, SO CLOSE TO BEING RESPECTED. MY OPINION would finally matter. I could dismiss anyone without a blue star and become the elitist bastard that I've dreamed so long of being.

                                      So I jump on the dotes this morning, to have a game before work. I lost. Clearly Gabens agents were bored with Tormented our dear ARIN and decided to pay me a visit.

                                      I worked some extra hours last 2 days so I decided I would stay for another. Again, ARINS Angels came and I lost. Finally one last game because the other one was a stomp. I sucked weiners and Magnus sucks as an offlaner. But I wanted to play it so I did, fuck me my mistake. Again, Arins angels swooped down to bless my game.

                                      Now I fear that my +- 200mmr from my REAL MMR is going to occur and I will drop back down to the 4.6k scum that I truly am .
                                      Oh how I pine, lust, desire that blue star..... to be one of DB's special inner circle. Its like being in the G7 or something.

                                      Now I must take a break, rest up. Hit the gym hard, re-focus so I may hopefully right the wrong of this sinking MMR graph. Otherwise I feel doomed to continue falling until I reach 4.5k mmr again, and the dream dies once more.

                                      Gaben, if you are listening, please send your agents back to torment Arin....
                                      he tilts way more and it is much more fun for me. In the end, this is mostly my fault. I lost most of the games, and I should have played better.

                                      I mean seriously, Unless you got a Jug or sven, PA. why pick magnus ? The hero has 1 stun, yes its aoe and does BKB but other then that.... long ass CD. I can't play him correctly.

                                      Twinkle Twinkle little blue star, how I wonder what you are
                                      Up above OP so high, like a huge blue weiner in the sky,
                                      Twinkle Twinkly little blue star, come save me from the scum that is 4k.

                                      LOL, I am funny.


                                        D the Superior
                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                            swastika, over the top retarded rape story, people getting triggered by a 12 year old alt right troll and you share it congratz my boi slowclap


                                              yeah the first time i bought dark souls one i broke the cd in half after the 20est try on the bell gargoyls. now thats a ragequit

                                              then i bought it again, found out that you can summon players to help you and git invaded by a SL10 character with +15 weapons and he onshotted me

                                              dark souls 1 best game


                                                does it trigger u or something im just posting random garbage here feel free not to comment moron

                                                if u believe that there aren tppl like the swastika guy in the picture then ure delusional


                                                  whats with the tards invading this thread and posting stupid whiney shit


                                                    Now I fear that my +- 200mmr from my REAL MMR is going to occur and I will drop back down to the 4.6k scum that I truly am .

                                                    i believe in you


                                                      man the world is doomed with kids like this occupying like 3 generations

                                                      what do you think its 2017 if you really think there are people that think its ok to just rape a women because shes drunk (other then someone from afghanistan countryside) then you need to start to get the f out of your house more often

                                                      he has a swastika he writes like a 3rd grader from start of the conversation its clear where he wants to conversation to go and you REALLY think this isnt a troll holy shit man, do i have to explain the internet to a 16 yeat old now?


                                                        Oh man lol


                                                          >please put me in the evidence screenshot DA
                                                          my sides


                                                            also source?

                                                            Lets do Science

                                                              you sound really bad at dark souls. just saiyan.


                                                                @ thanks is this u?




                                                                  @ Arin, thats for sending the PMA my way

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    ofc there are ppl like the swastika guy, and there will always be, what does 2017 have to do with it

                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      if anything 2017 only increases the chance that is real LUL


                                                                        whats with the tards invading this thread and posting stupid whiney shit


                                                                          ancient has 50% hp
                                                                          provider cuts me off for a minute for no reason





                                                                              thats actully literally me how did you find this

                                                                              ...i was maybe 15 when i played dark souls 1, i didnt know you can play online and it was the first game i bought. also looking up guides on youtube was unknown to me... imagine playing dark souls 1 as your first game :)


                                                                                You got exposed to video games at 15?
                                                                                Lucky guy


                                                                                  i got exposed to vidya shit when i was like 7 life is hard


                                                                                    being poor = being lucky


                                                                                      exposed for being white trash


                                                                                        he has a swastika he writes like a 3rd grader from start of the conversation its clear where he wants to conversation to go and you REALLY think this isnt a troll holy shit man, do i have to explain the internet to a 16 yeat old now?

                                                                                        im pretty confident that lots of people are able to unironically post it


                                                                                          is someone else experiencing wristpain when playing more then 2 dota matches and what do you do against it


                                                                                            i played against lizzard stak with 2k viewers xd


                                                                                              whos lizzard though

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                u dont know lizzard? the guy who made craftwar 3, dota of legends and overthrow?

