General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    nvm... I can't gift it...



      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      me, government hooker

        i think i found the answer to mid capmpers guys

        Hatsune Miku

            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora


              me, government hooker

                Watashi Wa Tsuyoi: are we good friends?
                QUEEN: yes
                Watashi Wa Tsuyoi: i love you
                QUEEN: nice
                Watashi Wa Tsuyoi: you love me2?
                QUEEN: yes
                Watashi Wa Tsuyoi: man ure so gay
                Watashi Wa Tsuyoi: dont talk to me
                QUEEN: HAHAHHA


                Guess who

                  My boy didn't participate, yet a furry picture stands tall over the sea of deleted comments.


                    i think i dont, i only got am and abaddon left out of those ones that can be gifted


                      damn meka, I wish you knew how much that triggered me

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                          sooka bleead meka

                          not arin

                            not arin

                              Hatsune Miku

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  nice arial black memes arin


                                    my chrome keeps crashing when im using youtube
                                    with 16 gb ram


                                    not arin

                                      He is arin
                                      I'm not arin

                                      not arin

                                        Try to disable some chrome extensions and find out which one is crashing it


                                          try disabling hardware accelaration in chrome.

                                          Badger suggested that to me, works like a charm now.

                                          not arin

                                            Clockwerkula, I see your mmr trip is going up again
                                            nice to see that

                                            not arin

                                              @trust is a beautiful thing.

                                              username checks out
                                              scammeroni pepperoni


                                                can u type in normal english

                                                not arin



                                                    Clockwerkula, I see your mmr trip is going up again

                                                    translation into f*cking chinese

                                                    he is getting higher mmr

                                                    how hard was that to understand ?????????????????????????????????????


                                                      @trust is a beautiful thing.
                                                      username checks out
                                                      scammeroni pepperoni

                                                      literally did not understand a single sentence u said
                                                      who and what are u referring to exactly?


                                                        the post isnt even mine btw.

                                                        Jay the Bird

                                                          Which one of you wanted a qop set? I have a Bindings of Enduring Torment set I'm willing to spare

                                                          D the Superior
                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora


                                                              bring back my yesterday

                                                                This comment was moderated by a remover.


                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                      no ones working with the forums except for skim atm, he's just slightly weird

                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                          also the original gen of mods were, uhm, older, i believe, and they are (were?) mostly busy doing their stuff or trying to work on the site itself. none of them really bothered to spend hours on a daily basis reading forum on a primarly statistical website.

                                                                          not arin

                                                                            I liked scraps (lord of BBcode) and this dog guy

                                                                            not arin

                                                                              I'm sure skim don't want to ban us, he just wants to gift us dotabuff+ but accidentally hits the report button


                                                                                honestly, if I was greeted to a page full with anuses on a monday morning I'd be weird too

                                                                                bring back my yesterday

                                                                                  ^^ lol then i was gifted dotabuff+ by mods once i said someone 3rd world nigga a year ago

                                                                                  no jk

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    snapchat: moiez_boss

                                                                                    not arin

                                                                                      you said it again lmao

                                                                                      bring back my yesterday

                                                                                        << safe zone >>

                                                                                        not arin

                                                                                          I'm sorry, this isn't 2015 anymore
                                                                                          we get (perma)banned for using words which rhyme with nugget or trigger