General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

      dotapit crowd so quiet because all croatians are muted LUL

      the realm's delight

        4 russians again ? ?@ Y#E


          LUL I have 3000 - 4000 less games x)


            4 balkans again sheeesh


              why theres a ~200 mmr difference between avg mmrs between teams???? HELLO VALVE!??!

              Vem Comigo

                Hey Arin, i am playing GuildWars 2, do you know what is the best method to level up, as the tree race?

                And do you get a bigger inv, if you buy the game?

                the realm's delight

                  Everest.910: i will never queue with again
                  Everest.910: if u be aginst me
                  Everest.910: and if u pick meepo
                  Everest.910: hf in lp
                  Everest.910: sir
                  A-: xD

                  the realm's delight

                    HAHAHA he banned meepo


                      keep doing the golden hearts, those are equivalents of quests. i could send you xp tomes to insta lvl 80 but that would ruin the experience for you a lot, but if you'll feel like you are bored and you'll need like 2 levels for some dungeon or zone then just let me know
                      you also get xp for events and map completion (vistas, points of interests, skill points, waypoints)
                      you get additional bonus reward for 100% completion of one map.

                      you get bigger inventory when you get inventory bags - and after buying the game you will get additional slots for these bags


                        also buy salvage kits (green are enough for anything below yellow/orange quality, and you don't want to salvage those until lvl 75 at least)
                        consume all of the essences of luck, they increase your magic find. also in your inventory, use the "deposit material" option - this way all the crafting materials get stored in your bank automatically so you can carry other stuff in your limited space

                        i have 5 reports to use

                          I used to play gw2 Lul, end game is pretty Grindy and annoying. Raids were pretty fun though. The professions gives u some lvls and certain event chains are very good, e.g the centaur one


                            giff good trustcompany and 30 secs to mars songs pls


                              i've never managed to get past first boss in a raid with my current casual afk guild

                              Vem Comigo

                                I sold a lot of Essences of luck (i think)gg, i am level 15 now, so i dont need to salvage shit until level 75?

                                I made a scepter it was a litle bit shittier, than my current one, but i was happy cause i amde something.

                                And wtf is with jumping puzzles, my necromancer jumps are so shiet.


                                  did u guys ever play world vs world? dat shit was lit


                                    jumping puzzles are just like obstacle courses that give rewards at the end


                                      dont sell them rofl
                                      consume everything

                                      you dont want to salvage yellow and orange things until lvl 75+ (unless you don't need them and can't sell them since you were using them before)
                                      otherwise salvage everything with blue or green kits

                                      you will get continuous rewards for leveling up but you can also buy things on trading post (not the gem store)
                                      jumping puzzles are for achievements, there's a reward chest on the end of each. every class is jumping the same btw

                                      also i recommend doing daily quests if you can (not sure how it's for lower levels since i sometimes get quests from high level regions)


                                        did u guys ever play world vs world? dat shit was lit

                                        not if you're wearing a full berserker set from pve lmao
                                        and it's pretty dead at the times but if you catch a squad with a commander then it can be pretty fun


                                          i mean when u get on teamspeak and some guy just yells that shits crazy

                                          Nah, I'd win

                                            I'd yell at you too


                                              u dont understand the ways of the guild wars

                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                  ye ye that shits awesome


                                                    man WoW is the best game EVER too bad its so time costly


                                                      guild wars is for stupid people LUL


                                                        AHAHAHAHA easiest +44 points of my life in solo q AHAHAHAHA never played ~5.6k avg game this bad hooooly shit, but thanks for the ez mmr valve nice system xD

                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                          ^ YOU ARE UNBANNED NOW SPUNKI LUL


                                                            are u triggered?

                                                            Vem Comigo

                                                              ^ no, it was the fastest method to mute you.





                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                    Arteez in 2017 smh




                                                                        why do you have two losses in that tournament we played today
                                                                        the best team there has like 4k members


                                                                          i think theyre losses from today where the page bugged out and allowed the enemies to get a defualt win, we won anyway and will get the wins i think


                                                                            you played more residentsleeper games like this today? dear god


                                                                              why do u think did i get so triggered when triple drafted a super serious draft in game 1

                                                                              Nah, I'd win

                                                                                Playing tournaments without me FeelsArinMan


                                                                                  i didnt think that any draft containing triplesteal on bristle is serious



                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      ah sweet 5 mins into the game and a fucking blackout happens, god bless my luck

                                                                                      if i'm gonna get lp because of that see me @ the local cemetery


                                                                                        we currently have 7/0 and will end 1st with 8/0 cz last one is dfwin
                                                                                        best team there is slightly above 6k average, but they got a tech loss against us cz they were over half an hour late.

                                                                                        the drafts were not serious. i keep picking heroes from our team's hero tab, the "not picked" part, in th same time trying to make the draft be, uhm, not complete garbage, just an average garbage.


                                                                                          the garbage one was midless draft with a jungling radiance venomancer


                                                                                            hmm I wonder why do I have 40 - 60% packet loss :thinking: and valve has billions of dollars :thinking:

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Nah, I'd win

                                                                                              Oh so it wasn't just me, good


                                                                                                DotaPit is a fucking joke.

                                                                                                Nah, I'd win

                                                                                                  Easy new page

                                                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                                                    Easy new page