2k shit teckies pickers will tell you the hero is balanced and you just need to git good
Since I am too lazy to grab my old posts on teckies I was saying how much cancer was prior to him being added to dota 2 and I use to work hard to get teckies players banned from WC3 bots
I'd be fine with "All Pick All Ban" or something, where everybody gets to ban one hero and then picks happen.
what about blind all pick like in league? cant see enemies heroes, both teams can have the same heroes.
People seriously struggle with techies? Sure techies is annoying, and this one was even open about using that script going around http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1633024833 but annoying doesn't win, and shouldn't if you play smart
I got a gem around 20 minutes and would you look at that, the game ended in about 27 so all you do is farm around the techies so he's placing mines in the jungle and being sneaky. Then you just push a lane and he doesn't have enough time to place bombs.
People do this slow seiging shit vs techies which is extremely dumb, just ignore the base and get pick offs and farm, do rosh and 5 man down a lane with gem if you don't give away you're pushing then he can't prevent you from taking the base.
Also it sometimes pays to fake lanes and then swap to another that has no mines once protection drops.
Blind pick like like LoL is stupid. Takes all counterpicking out of the mix which i dont like. Its not that i think Techies is imba, the games with techies are just HORRIBLY boring, i hate having him on my team as well. All Pick with 1 ban each is a mode ive thought about alot that would actually be pretty cool if every player could ban out 1 hero.
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New mode please: All Pick - No Techies. All pick where you can pick all heroes in the game except for Techies. This hero is so boring, so unorthodox, i hate having him on my team, i hate having him against me. Always cancer boring games.