General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease give back/any reason why--id number of time used counts (were ...

Please give back/any reason why--id number of time used counts (were removed from profile page?) in General Discussion
ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

    It can be argued that people use dotabuff mainly to check what heroes a player plays the most, not what heroes a player last played. If all everyone play is flavor of the month then dotabuff will run out of business cus everyone's the god damn same clone of a human being and you don't need to run profile on them to know what they do. But no people do have character and qualities last I check. now the same goes for IDs. you don't care about the last 5 ids people used. you care about the whole story, the biggest names. IDs mean something last I check? If not why bother logging it at all, for both dotabuff and volvo?? I enjoyed the feature when If I wanted to bump up an ID to show on my profile I'd spam that ID, or whichever old ID, till the numbers climb to toplist. I wanted my profile to tell a story, and I bet you all do, whoever uses dotabuff instead of hide in anon. although it still only showed a couple biggest names, it's far better than this steam like bs we have now. I mean even steam has more albeit more recently, but neither is a good substitute for a real full log which we used to have on dotabuff ----Unless you tell me where I get a full steam log cus I can't find such place

    Ten temat był edytowany
    lm ao

      I actually came to dotabuff because of the forums. 2gud man. 2gud.