General Discussion

General DiscussionHow mmr is calibrated??

How mmr is calibrated?? in General Discussion

    its been over a month i created new a/c
    some of the game says high skill but later on it dropped to normal skill and my stats are kinda ok so what does high skill and normal skill mean>?
    is it related to mmr>?


      0-3200 mmr ae normal skill
      3200 to 3650 are high skill
      3650 -9999 very high skill
      get ranked mmr and you will see ur most recent hidden mmr
      more you win vs good players the higher your mmr will become

      Giff me Wingman

        The first 20 matches calibrate your MMR. After that it's the normal +-25 system (hidden)

        When you start ranked you can calibrate up to 5.5k i believe if you have a high hidden mmr and good perfomance you can get there. It will first take your hidden MMR as a starting point and you can then get ~ +-1.5k MMR i think. I calibrated an account from 2.3k starting point to ~3650, so i assume you can calibrate it even higher.

        Also YNIT did provide the brackets MMR range. The brackets represents the avg. MMR of the game.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          what does my stats says ?
          its pretty good right?
          so i believe i ll be around 3k

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            very high skill is where you are pretty good, normal skill is 75% of players 15% is hifh skill 10% is very high skill


              i appreciate your help thank you!