General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on 6.84?

Thoughts on 6.84? in General Discussion
la the yeezy

    I haven't played a lot of dota since 6.84 released. With the release of dota 2 reborn I got a bit hyped and got excited playing dota 2 again. Something that I have observed in pubs is that games tend to end much faster. Like 3 out of the 5 games I played a team was able to take racks in the 20th minute mark. Games tend to be really snowbally, and I feel like 6.83 was much better than this patch (just an opinion from the few games I played)


      Much figting, very agressive meta, wow.
      Best patch for me since I-dony-know-how-long-ago

      Bad Intentions

        Favors early mid fighting.

        la the yeezy

          Dunno if it's just sea player giving up easily, but my games really end so early (we usually get racks at the 20th minute mark) and it doesn't feel as nice winning a game and snowballing for a good 30 minutes. oh well might play some 6.84 dota to really know what is going on


            I had a number of 50-80 minutes games recently, so I have to disagree about new "fast" meta.

            BTW, I'm 4.5k MMR, things may vary for different skill brackets.


              It's a nice patch if you like to play Tusky tusk, QoP and Gyro. (I DO!)

              The games really dragged out in 6.83 so I'm happy the games are a bit shorter now.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              whiskey waters

                leshrac is broken


                  it's cause sup get a dagger or w/e they need even if they are 0-8. by getting a single kill when 1 or 2 of his ally remain.

                  When you see your highest net worth hero getting 1300 gold for finishing this 16 minute godlike qop, the support near your highest networth hero is getting almost 2k gold. If no streak were involved to get 1300 gold, he would win ~2500 gold ...

                  Ofc this, is in case, would be a throw, and one more kill like that and the enemy team would win.
                  But basically, what the patch does:
                  •The snowballer is slightly better than before, because hero kill are valuing a bit more, so between solo kill he gets more, and team kill he get a bit less, he is fine.
                  •The carry is starved to death, creep give less, being second highest net worth, he get literally nothing from aoe assist kill, and he is rarely the killer at 20 minutes game, so he cann't even "recover" from there.
                  •Then you have offlaner, which is in the exact same spot as before, or actually slightly better if he manage to get kill, but overaul no change with how assist gold work, since he is 3rd networth.
                  And last, you have the supports, they are behind in gold, so they get a shit ton more of gold from aoe assist gold (+25% gold for lowest networth).

                  Now, who is allowing you to finish fast ? carry ? nope. Sup ? yes. They sustain the push, with mecka, arcane, pipe, force staff solarcrest and glimmer cape.

                  On top of that, you add the resurgence of heroes such as leshrac, and some really hard to kill team hero, such as tuskar.

                  Even as a carry player, i really like this patch, apart from two thing, solar crest, which pretty much killed daedalus, and the fact that a sup with 0-8-0, 0 tower, 0 rosh, half afk, 0 impact, can get a free dagger by just standing near one or two kill on one of the top networth of opponent team; and that, sometime even faster than an active and usefull sup.....

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                  la the yeezy

                    What are support heroes that you guys recommend in this path? Im 1 game away from 4k and I want to win this one


                      Dazzel, disrupter, lion Are tier 1 supports this patch imo

                      saving private RTZ

                        I came back to dota 2 with the reborn announcement too and I have a few questions:

                        1) is the deathball meta from TI4 back? From what I saw its a more balanced version of that meta + 6.83 "Ho Ha Ha" 60 min + games.
                        2) So as matrice said the carry is back to his status of the ultimate late game damage dealer, so 3-4 carries strategies like 6.83 where all that mattered was late game are now not viable? Thats why i see lot of magical/utility carries who can fight early on like Lesh, gyro?
                        3) what heroes are right now viable? If someone can name for me some carries, offlaners, midders, supports that work really well in this meta?


                          Techie is broken :D

                          plz do

                            mid: lesh, wr, qop
                            off: same old
                            carry: gyro, lesh, bs, ursa
                            zapport: kotl, undy, ... same old


                              Glimers Cape :||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

                              I LIKE IT I get this shit on any hero when I wanna win sf pa void meepo bh axe and all
                              I like to get this instead of midas in 6 minute :)))


                                True that supports earn more gold in this patch, but we spend a lot more too on sentry wards / dust / gems, because generally there is at least one Glimmer Cape and one Silver Edge per team in every match. Somebody must have detection to make kills happen. So there is no change in supports wealth.


                                  I saw the world SEA and instantaneously I thought toxic players. :v It's either your team implodes from inside or the enemy team implodes. Never played other regions but most of the time it's either someone from my stack blows up some stranger in my team or the other team blows up, shit happens and suddenly we/they breach high ground as if the high ground defenses were made of cake icings.

                                  And of course, speaking from a lower bracket view. Haha. All I need to do is to feed like fuck

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                                  Pom Pom 🍕

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                                      invoker is broken


                                        @matrice: +1 if I could for the detail explanation. No wonder I feel that my Abaddon is getting items much faster than previous patches.