General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to have an higher impact on game?

How to have an higher impact on game? in General Discussion
bitch syndrome

    Hello, this is a guy who loves this game, but gets constantly dissapointed by it's community.
    I've always been playing with my friends (like 60% of the games or even more), we've got some kind of a style we fit in, and are comfortable with each other (i.e i know what they will do, without voice comunication). Lately we stoped playing together as much, and i decided to try Solo Ranked mode. I've calibrated my account 3 months ago and got 3600. Now i'm 3400 or smth, i lost 200+- mmr in just 3 days. Yes, i must admit that some of the games i fucked up myself (did a bad pick, fail decision making, initiation with hope that team will join :D) But the games that i took seriously were full with people who can't but flame/blame/cry in chat/"GG FFS *insert_hero_name_here* NOOB etc." There were even racists, nazis and some otger non-tolerant species. And the funniest thing is that they didn't even flame me. Carry shouts at mid, mid shouts at offlane, offlane does so at supports. That's ridiculous how awful their attitude is. I was sometimes facepalming IRL but wasn't yelling at them for their mistakes an/or cockiness/greedyness. I tried to be nice to everyone, even to the enemy team. I apologised for my every fucking mistake. Tried to cheer them up. And i even tried to stop the flame war in the TEAM. Well — the only thing that i can ask you for is some tips, that might help me to improve both my attitude and impact on game. Once i'm out of this, i'll be glad to help a team and see how's that happening to me too. Sorry for my english, grammar nazis.
    I wish you a joyful day and amazing games.

    Hail the Lord Gaben kappa and the Deus ex MMR Machine

    plz do

      not sure i understood if u ask for advice or if u just wanna vent?

      bitch syndrome

        Both. I am damn frustrated (that explains a lot). So what can i do to exit "Potato bracket"? (no offence 3.5k mmr guys).


          The only way to deal with it is to get used to it. Until the day people who bring negativity of any degree to the game are permanently banned (which is impossible anyway), you can only mute them if you foresee nothing beneficial coming from their words. That prevents you from being further distracted so you can focus on what you do best in the said game.