General Discussion

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it doesn't matter

    This game:

    After 2 losses i get to play a game where it's impossible to win. Last pick was another "farmer" (mirana) going bottom, even tho we already had carry there. No support. I played on top with tusk, who doesn't know how to use snowball properly. Score was like 2-10 or something.
    After ~15 mins we started to kill enemies, looked like we're gonna win afterall. Then tinker disconnects and doesn't come back. We are still owning them. After 4 mins mirana leaves the game, leaving us 3v5. We had another teamwipe, but they simply pushed in our base and won the game, since our 3rd guy left too. So i was forced to lose the game, even after 2 loss streak.
    Now tell me, why i get the feeling that players' quality in teams is often not equal, and sometimes it's like you're forced to lose?
    (Don't comment my "smurf" acc, i haven't played dota since october, as i see nothing has changed in 9 months in terms of MM quality)

    Victor Wembenyama - Ede
