General Discussion

General DiscussionTilting and losing streaks?

Tilting and losing streaks? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Why do you think it happens? what are the factors involved? thoughts and experience?

    plz do

      Tilting is mainly due to attitude. If u carry ur bitterness from one game to the next it, u will certainly lose and make stupid decisions ingame. Beginning at min -5:00 w picking a hero/lane/position, u r not comfortable with. But mostly because ur willing to give up early and lacking the game winning 5% optimism and confidence in ur performance in order to win hard games. Also, ur flames drag down the entire team leading to everyone underperforming. Even if its not flames but well meant advice w a hint of cynicism.


        i think tilting is just playing to the point where it's no longer enjoyable


          because of me mostly

          but it feels like that when i don't carry my teammates and have a bad day, we lose


            Tennis players have this problem, when they're skilled and they overcome THIS, they become pro.


              two main things happen:

              1. you don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt: that mid who died 3 times in 5mins might be crap and might be feeding or jsut maybe he is being ganked non-stop - maybe you could help out like defensive tp or pushing your lane - things you'd do if you were being positive and tryhard. when you are tilted you think "fuck them they are noob, i need to carry them"

              2. you're not willing to compromise: angry and want to play your stellar SF mid then a team mate last picks TA and won't budge? you'll probably go dual mid and throw or you could just sigh and take SF somewhere else and farm some stacks.

              basically, if you are more negative than the opposition you lose and once you are in a downward spiral playing more won't drag you out of it.

              having said that it does feel particularly toxic at the moment - is it the school holidays somewhere?


                I can't seem to win lately.. It doesn't feel like I am being negative and I am trying to stay positive but it just seems like I never win :/