General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do some 4k mmr players differ so much in terms of skill level?

Why do some 4k mmr players differ so much in terms of skill level? in General Discussion

    For example.. I was playing this game on storm. Everything mid and offlane was going very well.. but then I noticed that our bot lane wasnt doing so well - ok. So things went to mid game, and one thing that strikes me is that, bs and qop doesn't have much of a game sense at all - like none at all. Bs goes off and ruptures someone when they are surrounded by 5 and expects us to go in, he ends up charging in 1v5 and dies. He told me he is very drunk when playing at 5am, but as drunk as one is, one could never play this bad. And after a series of team fights later... I can only ponder and ask myself, how in the world did this guy make his way up to 4k mmr? Can anyone tell me? He only has a 39% winrate on his profile..

    Bad Intentions

      probably hes just not used to playing that hero effectively.

      i mean he might be the best zues out there but the noobest qop at the same time.

      the thing is we dont have hero mmrs yet, so our general mmr doesnt really reflect how well we can play a hero.


        also some heroes are bad vs others


          I hope that hero mmr stays in beta and never makes it to the real client..


            how will hero mmr work? Do you pick a hero then queue? Other wise it is pointless. If there was a hero queue where you picked a hero then queued then the matchmaking put you in a game with similarly skilled players that would be kind of ok, if the matchmaking could make balanced teams

            Mortimer Smith

              if you spamed lesh and you winned a lot of games with lesh your mmr on lesh will be biggar, then everybody willknow you were a lesh picker.

              the east wind

                because anyone can have 4k or 5k mmr by playing 20 games daily