General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions from noob playing support

Questions from noob playing support in General Discussion

    Hey, I'm pretty new at dota and would like to get some advice about my mid - late game.

    I usually play support. My GPM and EPM kind of drops off because I am warding quite a bit and trying to set up / help out with team fights. I think my biggest problem is because I can get indecisive about what I should be doing and get distracted by other things going on on the map. A few questions.

    1) When I am warding, whats the most efficient way of doing it?

    2) Should I be jungling a bit more to help improve my economy?

    3) Anything else I can do to improve my GPM and EPM?


    Ten temat był edytowany

      gpm improves with successful ganks, always

      im only 2.6 so take all of this with a grain of salt but

      Most efficient warding is warding the place you require the most vision, literally. If you're pushing dire bot t2, then ward the cliff and behind you to see enemy movements. If you're roshing, ward the respective jungle cliffs and especially that rosh spot that gives vision of everything, that spot is super imba. If the enemy has a pudge and you have an sf like me who's gonna get hooked, spare him the pain and ward mid early, if it's a TA put sents all the time or shes gonna be ungankable and will kill your mid at 6. It's something you develop a feel for as time goes.

      What to do as a support entirely depends on what you're playing. I see you love silencer a lot, if you're playing 2v2 lanes you can singlehandedly zone both the enemy heroes out. In general always check the lane equilibirium, if your carry is pushing then go and either stack pull or double pull for farm. This gives your carry solo exp and also gives extra gold, which the enemy heroes won't have. Abuse the jungle whenever possible because a farmed supports gonna be a huge advantage going in the midgame. If the enemy mid is pushing, try for a smoke gank if you have a hero who can kill from your setups(don't do on silencer pls).

      Always ALWAYS carry a tp, dedicate a slot to it, keep 2 if you're forgetful about buying them. Help your other lanes if they're getting ganked by the mid, which happens often in lower mmr. A qop who ganked at 6 and now has half hp and no mana with no rune for the next 2 mins just threw her advantage against your poor storm.

      On topic of runes, secure.the.damn.runes. If your mid gets 1 rune and you steal the other, you've already pretty much won the lane because low mmrs dont bottle crow. Even if they do, the other lanes won't have a cour to use and that creates fights between the enemy, which ofc wins games ;D

      TL;DR watch creeps carry tp abuse jungle


        1. Ward where you need, not just common spots. You need ward in the middle of a lane? - Ward the middle of the lane.
        2. You must farm when not doing anything else.
        3. GPM and EPM don't win games, it unimportant if you lose.
        And for the love of god play some more heroes.


          Thanks guys. Def need to be more aware of rune control and getting more useful wards up.

          @slow and painful - I get comfortable with a hero and like to play it a lot. I'm thinking about trying to play lich and SK... see how that goes.


            1) one trick is to plant sen3 before observer. so if your enemy had warded that spot they wont know if you warded there or not. warding is highly situational i can't really explain it in a few words.

            2) It's hard to jungle as a support. just learn to be a selfish support and farm some of the time (you still buy wards don't get me wrong).

            3) idk dont die in teamfights


              support = dont show yourself on the map unnecessarily = + 1000 mmr


                where's techies ? lol


                  You have very good GPM/XPM, trust me. =)

                  Silencer is situational pick (e.g. Enigma counter), try other heroes.


                    I would suggest trying lion and crystal maiden ...... Look up purge plays CM on YouTube it shows some decent things about CM

                    Also jug isn't a support so you don't "usually" play support Kappa

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      ^Juggernaut has good spells to bring to the table in teamfight, even if you play this hero as a support.

                      But I discovered Winter Wyvern for myself, and can recommend this hero for anyone who wants to play support in solo ranked.


                        when ur team decides to go 4 carry n fight among each other where to farm


                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                            ^If Jug has no items, Omnislash still deals 600-675/1200-1350/1800-2025 damage at level 6/11/16.

                            Oh, and don't forget Blade Fury 400 magic damage at lvl 1.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            casual gamer

                              1275 physical damage usually split between multiple people and heavily reduced by armor is not much


                                ^So? By your logic Skywrath Mage also a bad support, because damage from his ult split between victims and reduced by items with magic resistance.

                                Das Claw

                                  ^Nuker <> Support


                                    ^What is support? For me support is a hero who can remain useful for his team with little or no farm. Nukes are useful.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Dont play silencer as a pure support but play him like a multi role hero that can semi carry.

                                      casual gamer

                                        swms ult isnt why hes picked, unless hes with void/lc

                                        and if hes with lc/void the damage isnt split

                                        and mres doesnt scale up as hard as armor does

                                        laonnoy (PMA)

                                          my english is not so good.

                                          In your Question

                                          1. i think we have three or four way to ward .
                                          First way, Ward for protect your teammates form gank ex. ward in safelane that can see hero enemy go to gank ur teamamtes
                                          Second way, Ward for Aggrassive ex. ward behind the tw or ward for push to take down the tower
                                          Third way, Ward for Control the ruin.