General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's was the lowest MMR you've ever played with?

What's was the lowest MMR you've ever played with? in General Discussion

    Simple question.

    Think of the lowest MMR you've seen in any of your games that you can recall

    Tonight I played with someone who actually had 1 MMR we lost..... Can confirm you don't get given minus points at that point (at least it didn't show it)

    Basically I had the game won until the trash players refused to team fight and pushed stupidly resulting in of course feeding .... The person in question basically just hit creeps the whole game

    Yes this topic has just been me venting my frustrations of playing with these teammates that can somehow take a game so easily in the bag and rip the bag open and shove the game into the other teams bag and proceed to take that bag and put it in Fort Knox........ And then proceed to flame their best player......

    Your turn to vent! *gets popcorn*

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        i think ~200

        bum farto

          I was boosting this guys account who was 850 MMR and convinced it was his teams fault he was there.


            I had a bunch of Syrian friends, two of which had 1k, and I played several games with them. Also I accidently found a guy on my friendlist who has 650 solo mmr, but I guess I never played with him.


              lowest must be one of my irl friends with about 1700 mmr.


                  indian friend of mine hovers around 50 mmr, lowest being 1 and I've seen his matches, we're buds irl so I asked him and ofc he says its his teams fault, asked him his fave hero, he said kotl and his build was, to paraphrase "i build my own stuff like aghs and shadowblade and only then I buy wards because my team is bad". Don't think I've quiet laughed that hard at someones face. On topic, he asked me to play 1 game on his acc to see how shit his teammates were, picked qop and went 38-1-18 with 950ish gpm even though im 2.6k, so yeah lowest mmr is 1




                      I have played several games with a friend that is 1.5k mmr Cuz he is room mates irl with another of my friends , these games are Rolf stomps unless I screw around alll game , even if I screw around at beginig I can win fights later and catch up to win.

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                        1.9k party, 1100 solo.


                          Party mmr lowest I've seen is 2.2kish

                          Solo - No clue, I rarely solo queue.


                            lowest i've seen: 700
                            lowest i've played with: 3000

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                              lowest I have ever played with - 479

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                @Spunkif0l @roadto6k
                                i KNOW

                                Look at me, Hector.

                                  i played yesterday, it was 3 am europe east

                                  average mmr was 3.9k in both teams, highest in dire was 6.1k and highest in radiant was 4.6k

                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                    queue was 5 minutes too


                                      Difference between highest mmr (storm, ~7.2) and lowest (weaver ~3.8) was 3400 points

                                      Somehow got 47 points from that game, also back then the highest and mean mmr wasn't shown during draft, so dire were flaming storm in all chat the whole game :D

                                      31:09 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: why i should.
                                      31:10 Timbersaw Timbersaw: look how nice his skill.
                                      31:11 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: lose this game.
                                      31:13 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: tell me any1 please.
                                      31:22 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: cause urnt good.
                                      31:23 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: ?.
                                      31:33S pirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: yes ur better than timber.
                                      31:35 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: but ur not good.
                                      31:36 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: :D.
                                      31:43 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: dota 2.
                                      31:45 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: nice game.
                                      31:49 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: so u re good cow breaker?.
                                      31:51 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: midas nice item.
                                      31:52 Weaver Weaver: just 1vs1.
                                      32:00 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: im awesome ogre.
                                      32:08 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: sure....
                                      32:14 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker: thx 4 ez lane btw.
                                      32:18 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: hehe.
                                      32:21 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: no problem.
                                      32:50 The Radiant have won the match.
                                      32:51 Silencer Silencer: gg.
                                      32:52 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: gg.
                                      32:52 Ancient Apparition Ancient Apparition: ppcz.
                                      33:08 Silencer Silencer: GG.
                                      33:09 Silencer Silencer: 7K.
                                      33:11 Drow Ranger Drow Ranger: 47 ? xD.
                                      33:12 Storm Spirit Storm Spirit: ))).
                                      33:16 Spirit Breaker Spirit Breaker disconnected.
                                      33:19 Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: 47 wtff.

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                                      Quick maffs

                                        LMAO so storm lost 47 points ?

                                        SO MUCH BALANCE


                                          @Dorkly, yes.

                                          Imagine how much more difficullt playing at high rating was (anything above 5.5 where you could get really imbalanced games) before Valve made avg + highest mmr known during draft.
                                          You could be 7k and get into a game where you forced into supporting 3-4k guys who picked cores, and you don't even know their rating. Must have been one hell of a nightmare.

                                          At least now you are almost always guaranteed to get a core position when your team sees that you are higher

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