General Discussion

General DiscussionRussians with english prefference...

Russians with english prefference... in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    Why do yo do this if u wont even try to speak english?

    Their first words are on cirillic font, after they asume they all are russians (except me), they speak russian to the end.

    I dont care about what they say but its annoying to just get russians talking to you in russian and blaming you in russian when you checked EU West english prefference.

    Giff me Wingman

      Are you mad because you downgraded your 4k account to 3k?


        When will people learn that this is just a PREFERENCE, nothing more, but a PREFERENCE.

        If you prefer apple over banna, DOESNT MEAN YOU'LL GET APPLE OVER BANANA EVER TIME, although you prefer apple.

        The blame on russians ruining your games "cause they don't speak english fluent" is such a fucking joke. I enjoy playing with average russians way more than e.g. swedes, but that doesn't mean they are problems in my climbs of mmr or whatever they're ruining for you.

        I don't understand. You don't need to communicate with your team to win a trashy pub game.

        Giff me Wingman

          Since when did DD get a brain? Did i miss something?


            Yeah, we, russians, are not that bad when we don't drink vodka, ride a bear and play balalaika... wait... it never happens...


              isnt ur english far from perfect as well btw?


                you're no different than russians so focus more on playing better.


                  I don't get the stigma against russians, most of the times I've played euw the russians have actually been quite decent, even if they don't comm in english, exceptions exist ofc.

                  Pinoys on the other hand...


                    you're no different than russians so focus more on playing better.