do your neighbours have wifi aswell? if so try to switch your WLan Channel from whatever it is to 1, 6 or 11.
it just may be your computer tbh.
Don't play dota on wireless. You don't notice spikes when downloading, but in dota you do.
You can try to use a better wireless router, but I'm not sure if you can get great results.
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My internet has been behaving strange lately, in a sense where it has some ups and downs. Browsing the internet and watching videos or twitch is okay.But whenever i decide to play dota it starts lagging like shit.
I am playing on a laptop and i am connected wireless to my router which is 3m away from the desk where i game and do most of my work.I tried moving closer but the lag spikes continiue.Also i currently dont have access to an ethernet cable
Anybody has any tips to optimize and improve my connection while gaming dota?
Down speed is 15 mb
Up is 1 mb
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